
diāo shì
  • carving;carve and decorate;gingerbread
雕饰 [diāo shì]
  • (1) [carve and decorate]∶用雕刻或雕塑进行装饰

  • (2) [carving]∶用来装饰的雕刻的图案

雕饰[diāo shì]
  1. 那些雕饰精美的门制于17世纪。

    The ornately carved doors were made in the seventeenth century .

  2. 这面墙上有着条纹状的雕饰。

    There are striated engravings on this wall .

  3. Setai酒店的地板用现在已拆除的上海新天地弄堂中的狭长黑砖铺成;门把手裹以鲨革;房间内摆放着大量优雅的漆器和有雕饰的几何屏风。

    The floors are paved in narrow black bricks from the now dismantled hutongs in Xintiandi ; the door handles are shagreen ; and there 's an abundance of elegant lacquer and carved geometric screens .

  4. 老教堂的门是用雕饰美化的。

    The door of the old church was embellished with decorations .

  5. 饮食美范畴之天然与雕饰

    The Category of Dietetic Beauty and Its Natural Character and Artificial Decoration

  6. 我们去逛雕饰衣柜的把手。

    We shopped for Deco cabinet handles for his armoire .

  7. 农舍有陡峭的屋顶,百叶窗雕饰着各种鲜明的花卉图案。

    Houses have steep roofs with shutters decorated in bright floral designs .

  8. 有高的摇轴椅背和装饰了的顶盘。在扇形园顶屋顶的雕饰。

    Has high spindle back and decorative top panel .

  9. 在雕饰最后设计之际,回顾其细节。

    As the final design became more refined , its details were reviewed .

  10. 为护腕附上雕饰将使它变成灵魂绑定。

    Embossing your bracers causes them to become soulbound .

  11. 林肯夸张地拥有未经雕饰的美德。

    Lincoln did boast virtues that required little embellishment .

  12. 没有雕饰或人工;简单的。

    Meaning : Not elaborate or artificial ; plain .

  13. 给人留下深刻印象的没有经过雕饰的美。

    Beauty that is stark and powerfully impressive .

  14. 天然去雕饰&江南大学蓬莱学院校园规划设计

    Nature without carving & planning and design of Penglai School of Southern Yangtze University

  15. 美女如美酒,天然去雕饰。

    Good women , likes good wine , need no bush of false hair .

  16. 有很多曲线和僋旋的雕饰

    Ornate carving with lots of curves and convolutions

  17. 雕饰通过仔细雕刻和塑造来装饰。

    To decorate by cutting and shaping carefully .

  18. 《镂空雕花的窗户》古朴大气的雕饰,显现当年主人所拥有的荣华富贵。

    Carved windows with wooden sole Ancient and simple caring shows the owner 's wealth .

  19. 这把木槌上有一个青蛙头雕饰,因为在日本文化中青蛙象征着改变。

    The gavel has a frog 's head as frogs symbolize change in Japanese culture .

  20. 绩溪三雕&浅谈徽派古建筑中的雕饰艺术

    Three Sculpture in Jixi - Art of Sculpture in Ancient Architecture of Hui faction Patern

  21. 在你的护腕刻上龙纹雕饰,永久性地提高力量130点。

    Draconic Embossment-Strength-Emboss the pattern of dragons onto your bracers , permanently increasing Strength by130 .

  22. 论湘南(永州)地区门窗雕饰艺术的趣味变迁

    By Hunan South ( Yongzhou ) Local Windows and Doors Decorative Carving Art Interest Vicissitude

  23. 龙凤纹样的审美价值在明清家具雕饰中的视觉表达

    Visual Expression of Aesthetic Value of Dragon and Phoenix Patterns in Ming and Qing Furniture Decoration

  24. 花生果仁、油画、雕饰板、邮票、印花税票等。

    Peanut kernels , canvas , decorative carved boards , postage stamps , duty stamps , etc.

  25. 她在博客上说在学校她是一个天然无雕饰的快乐女孩儿。

    She wrote in her sapce that she is an artless and happy girl at school .

  26. 秘室雕饰历史

    Sanctum , Carving and History

  27. 当地源于天然,未经人工雕饰的景物,给我留下了深刻的印象。

    The result of natural , without artificial carve scenery , left a deep impression on me .

  28. 精致的雕饰,古典的家具,瑰丽宫廷色彩与时尚设计得以完美诠释。

    Delicate carving-and-engraving decoration and classic furniture show the perfect interpretation of the magnificent lordliness and fashionable design .

  29. 龙门石窟是我国重点文物保护单位,以雕像众多、龛窟雕饰细腻逼真闻名于世。

    The Longmen Grottoes is one of the major historical and cultural sites under state protection in China .

  30. 赣西邓家大屋的布局结构、花纹雕饰及历史文化蕴含

    The layout structure , decorative carvings and their historical cultural connotations of Deng 's house in west Jiangxi