
  1. 为了提高你的写作水平,试着去找适当的字眼表达每一个想法,避免陈辞滥调。

    To improve your writing , try to find the mot juste for each idea and avoid clich é s.

  2. 他的书充斥着陈辞滥调,怪不得纽科的书堕入了质量最低的极限。

    His books are so riddled with cliches it 's no surprise Newcomb sinks to the bottom of the quality barrel .

  3. 因此,在本文中,我想告诉读者,花点时间努力成为一个会讲故事的人,具有令人信服的理由。但愿更多的经理人和领导者能够学会讲故事,而不是干巴巴地摆数据、定方向、说一些陈辞滥调。

    So in this article I want to remind readers of the compelling reasons why it is worth your time to become an effective storyteller , in the hopes that more managers and leaders will just get busy learning to tell stories instead of just spewing out information , directives and platitudes .