
  • 网络Norman Chan
  1. 香港金管局(hkma)总裁陈德霖(normanchan)昨日发表公开演说时表示,他的“愿景”是使香港成为“亚洲最具竞争力和活力的私人银行中心”。

    Norman Chan , chief executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority , told bankers in a speech that was made public yesterday that his " vision " was for Hong Kong to become " the most competitive and dynamic private banking hub in the region " .

  2. “我们必须认识到,不存在放之四海而皆准的汇率制度,”陈德霖说。

    " We must recognise that there is no one-size-fits-all exchange rate regime , " Mr Chan said .

  3. 陈德霖说,有资格开展跨境贸易结算的内地企业最近已经增长到6.7万家。

    Mr Chan said the number of mainland enterprises eligible for cross-border trade settlement had recently been increased to 67,000 .

  4. 香港特区财政司司长陈德霖表示,新发布的前海规划为该地区的长期发展描绘了蓝图。

    Hong Kong financial secretary Paul Chan says the newly-released Qianhai plan a blueprint for the region 's long-term development .

  5. 陈德霖宣布了关键的规则变化,并在发给私人银行首席执行官们的信中承诺将使相关规则“更加人性化”。

    Mr Chan announced key rule changes and in a separate letter sent to chief executives pledged to make the rules " more user friendly " .

  6. 陈德霖指出,银行的贷存比已从2010年初的71%,增至一年后的82%。

    Mr Chan pointed out that the banks ' loan-to-deposit ratio had risen from 71 per cent at the start of 2010 to 82 per cent a year later .

  7. 奥斯本和陈德霖将设立一个论坛,探讨英国与香港之间的协同效应,包括清算及结算体系、市场流动性和发展以人民币计价的新产品。

    The two men will set up a forum looking at synergies between the UK and Hong Kong , including looking at clearing and settlement systems , market liquidity and development of new rnb-denominated products .

  8. 陈德霖表示,如果客户经理不会说普通话,很难想象他们能向不懂英语或粤语的内地客户提供优质服务。

    It is hard to imagine that quality service can be provided to a mainland customer who does not speak English or Cantonese if the account manager cannot communicate in Putonghua [ Mandarin ] , Mr Chan said .

  9. 陈德霖表示,香港的支柱行业将从该计划中受益,因为香港将进一步扩大对服务业的开放,并加强金融、科技和创新等领域的合作。

    Paul Chan says Hong Kong 's pillar sectors will benefit from the plan as there will be wider opening up to Hong Kong 's service industries and better connectivity for the cooperation in finance , technology and innovation among other areas .