
  1. 至于该疫苗对变异毒株的有效性,陈薇表示,他们团队在密切关注相关情况,且早已启动针对变异株的疫苗研发,这个疫苗不一定用得上,但宁愿备而不用,不能用而不备。

    In regards to the vaccine 's efficacy against mutated strains of SARS-CoV-2 , the virus responsible for COVID-19 , Chen said they are keeping a close eye on the situation and have begun developing vaccines for these new variants . " We may not need these vaccines , but we cannot be caught unprepared . "

  2. 张伯礼、张定宇、陈薇被授予国家荣誉称号。

    Zhang Boli , Zhang Dingyu and Chen Wei were awarded national honorary titles .

  3. 陈薇,军事医学研究所研究员,在基础研究、疫苗、防护药物研发方面取得重大成果。

    Chen Wei is a researcher with the Institute of Military Medicine . She has earned major achievements in basic research and development of vaccines and drugs against COVID-19 .