
  • 网络abu dhabi investment authority;ADIA
  1. 我们必须学会像阿布扎比投资局那样敏捷行事。

    We must learn to move as quickly as Adia .

  2. 然而,它们也得以从阿布扎比投资局的交易中吸取教训。

    However , they were also able to learn from the Adia deal .

  3. 阿布扎比投资局(abudhabiinvestmentauthority)的工作人员也一直与中投方面进行密切联系。

    Staffers at the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority have also been in close consultation with CIC .

  4. 预计百仕通集团(Blackstone)也将与西蒙联手,并可能向阿布扎比投资局(AbuDhabiInvestmentAuthority)等投资者求助,以获得更大的财务实力。

    Blackstone is also expected to join forces with Simon and may turn to investors such as the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority for additional financial firepower .

  5. 据估计,科威特主权基金的规模为2000亿美元,卡塔尔为600亿美元,而阿布扎比投资局(AbuDhabiInvestmentAuthority)则在5000亿美元至8500亿美元之间。

    Kuwait 's sovereign fund is estimated at $ 200bn , Qatar 's $ 60bn , and the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority at $ 500bn to $ 850bn .

  6. 阿布扎比投资局(abudhabiinvestmentauthority)可用的基金据估计达到8750亿美元,如果该局决定放松对重要位置的控制但对原因讳莫如深,恐慌便可能爆发。

    If the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority , with an estimated $ 875 billion under management , decided to unwind a big position and nobody knew why , it could start a panic .

  7. 在此次金融危机的初期阶段,当美国众银行在全球寻找援助资金时,阿布扎比投资局(abudhabiinvestmentauthority)是第一个提供援助的重要主权财富基金。

    When US banks searched the world for rescue capital during the early stages of the financial crisis , the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority was the first leading sovereign wealth fund to provide assistance .

  8. 随后,包括未来基金和全球最大主权财富基金阿布扎比投资局(AbuDhabiInvestmentAuthority)在内一些机构,开始制定一套被称为《圣地亚哥原则》(SantiagoPrinciples)的行业准则,以改善透明度和基金治理。

    A number of SWFs , including the Future Fund and the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority , the world 's biggest , then worked on a set of industry guidelines , known as the Santiago Principles , to improve transparency and governance .

  9. 比如阿布扎比投资局(adia)业界公认的全球最大主权财富基金,就设立于上世纪70年代中期,数十年来一直是股权和固定收益市场上的一支重要力量。

    The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority ( adia ) - widely thought to be the largest sovereign wealth fund - was set up in the mid-1970s , and has been a powerful force in the equity and fixed-income markets for decades .

  10. 花旗银行则从阿布扎比投资局获得了75亿美元。

    Citigroup took $ 7.5 billion of Abu dhabi 's money .

  11. 但阿布扎比投资局在花旗集团的此笔投资,却标志着这种发展进入了一个新阶段。

    But the Citigroup investment marks a new stage in this development .

  12. 其中规模最大的是1976年成立的阿布扎比投资局。

    The largest is the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority , established in nineteen seventy-six .

  13. 作为反应敏捷和成熟的投资者,科威特投资局与阿布扎比投资局等基金可谓历史悠久。

    Funds such as adia and Kia have a long history as responsive and sophisticated investors .

  14. 该人补充称,从这一角度来看,阿布扎比投资局是将国内观念应用到了国际事务中。

    In this sense , Adia was applying local notions to international affairs , the person added .

  15. 阿布扎比投资局3月份发布了首份年度回顾报告,是这家高度神秘的机构的一大进步。

    Abu Dhabi Investment Authority published its first annual review in March , a step forward for the highly-secretive organisation .

  16. 至少,没人能够指责阿布扎比投资局在市场顶峰时“入场”。

    At the very least , there is no way adia can be accused of piling in at the top of the market .

  17. 据熟悉阿布扎比投资局想法的人称,该基金认为,美国政府对这笔交易持支持态度。

    According to one person familiar with Adia 's thinking , the fund was under the impression that the US government was supportive of the deal .

  18. 阿布扎比投资局从未披露过自身的资产总额或是发表过报告,而且直到2008年5月,其网站都很简陋,只列有基金名称、地址和总机号码。

    Adia has never disclosed its overall size or issued reports , and until May 2008 its website was rudimentary , listing only its name , address and switchboard number .

  19. 很多最大主权财富基金的所有权和投资目标都很不透明。阿布扎比投资局甚至未曾披露旗下控制的资产数额,更不用说如何运作的了。

    Many of the largest funds are far from transparent in ownership and investment objectives : ADIA does not even disclose the amount of assets it controls , let alone how it is run .

  20. 在这种背景下,阿布扎比投资局针对这家美国银行提出仲裁请求的决定就更为不同寻常。该基金指称,自己在这笔投资上是欺诈性虚假陈述的受害者。

    In this context , Adia 's decision to file an arbitration claim against the US bank alleging that it was the victim of fraudulent misrepresentations over the investment was all the more unusual .

  21. 阿布扎比投资局拥有30年的投资记录,以保守和长线投资闻名,该基金很少寻求董事会席位或投票权,同时希望远离公众关注。

    With a three-decade track record , Adia had a reputation for conservatism and staying in for the long term rarely seeking board positions or voting rights , while harbouring desires to stay out of the public glare .

  22. 阿布扎比投资局已提交针对花旗的仲裁请求,表示,它在2年前对该行进行75亿美元的投资时受到了误导。阿布扎比投资局是全球最大的主权财富基金之一。

    The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority , one of the world 's largest sovereign wealth funds , filed an arbitration claim against Citi , saying it had been misled when it invested $ 7.5bn in the bank two years ago .

  23. 数月前,科威特投资局和阿布扎比投资局都再度转向美国,美国是多数海湾国家资金的传统接受国。它们认为,此次信贷危机是百年不遇的良机,(在此时)能以低价进行大笔投资。

    A few months ago , both KIA and ADIA turned once more to the US , the traditional recipient of most Gulf money , regarding the credit crisis as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to put a lot of money to work at bargain prices .

  24. 阿联酋超过90%的碳氢化合物资源位于阿布扎比,这里还拥有全球最大财富基金之一阿布扎比投资局(AbuDhabiInvestmentAuthority)。2007年11月,该机构曾向花旗集团(Citigroup)注资75亿美元。

    More than 90 per cent of the UAE 's hydrocarbons resources are in Abu Dhabi , which also boasts one of the world 's largest sovereign wealth funds , the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority , which invested $ 7.5bn in Citigroup in November 2007 .