
zhuī dù
  • taper;conical degree
锥度 [zhuī dù]
  • [taper] 伸长的物体的厚度、直径或宽度的逐渐减少度

锥度[zhuī dù]
  1. 机械CAD中有关锥度和斜度标注功能的开发

    The development of labeling function on taper and pitch in mechanical CAD system

  2. 高速切割时会形成“V”形锥度。

    High speed cutting will shape up " V " taper .

  3. 建立了0.02锥度20不锈钢K型根管锉三维有限元模型;

    A finite element model of a 0.02 taper SSK20 # file was established .

  4. API螺纹锥度偏差对套管柱使用性能的影响

    Effect of API Thread Taper Tolerance on Functional Performance of Casing Pole

  5. 应用CCD成像技术测量直升机旋翼共锥度

    Application of Planar CCD to the Measurement of Helicopter Rotor Common Taper

  6. QoS约束的协方差矩阵锥度波束成形算法分析

    Covariance Matrix Taper Beam-forming Algorithm Analysis Based on QoS Constraints

  7. 外倒锥齿的锥度量棒设计原理与MATLAB程序开发

    The Designing Principle of Tapered Pins for Outer Reverse Tapered Teeth and Development of MATLAB Programming

  8. 基于CCD技术的旋翼共锥度测量系统设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Helicopter Airscrew Pyramid Angle Measurement System Based on CCD Technology

  9. 倒角和锥度自动标注在UG中的研究和实现

    The Study and Realization of Auto Marking Chamfer and Taper in UG

  10. API圆螺纹的锥度和中径是两个重要的参数。

    The taper and pitch diameter of API round thread casing are two of the most important parameters .

  11. 基于MODBUS通讯协议的共锥度监控系统

    Monitoring System for Helicopter Blade Taper Measurement Base on Modbus Protocol

  12. 因此,本文采用化学腐蚀的方法,利用组分、浓度不同的腐蚀液对光纤Bragg光栅进行腐蚀,制作出不同锥度的锥形光纤Bragg光栅,并对这种光栅的传感特性进行了深入的分析。

    The different cone-shaped fiber Bragg gratings is fabricated by chemical methods with different concentration of corrosion solution .

  13. AutoCAD锥度、斜度国标标注的ARX二次开发

    Development of AutoCAD on labeling taper and pitch according with chinese national standard used ARX

  14. 设计了共锥度测量的两种技术方法:一是激光切割直升机旋翼共锥度固定测试台测量法,二是采用CCD成像技术方案完成旋翼共锥度的测量的方法。

    Two methods were designed for measuring pyramidal angle , one is the laser incision for the fixed flat root , the other is CCD imaging .

  15. 收卷传动采用矢量变频电机、浮动辊系统组成,并通过PLC自动计算卷径实现收卷张力锥度控制;

    The rolling transmission is driven by a vector frequency motor and floating roller system and PLC can automatically calculate the reel diameter , achieving the reeling tension conical control .

  16. 在阐述锥面活塞环锥度方向识别仪的基本测量原理及其整个系统设计思路的基础上,进一步确定了该仪器的数据采集及控制系统为PC仪器。

    Based on the study the author expounded the basic measuring principle and structures of the taper piston ring conic degree measuring instrument , this instrument is confirmed to be a PC based instrument .

  17. MODBUS通讯协议在PC机与PLC之间以及PLC与变频器之间通信的运用,实现了共锥度测量各个系统的通讯,并体现出很好的实时性和可靠性。

    MODBUS communication protocol used between the PLC and the PC or transducer achieves the communication for the sys - tem , and incarnates the high real time and dependability .

  18. WAV文件处理、.02锥度为常规规格。

    WAV , . 02 files .

  19. 应用Galerkin法计算了各种截锥比壳体在全锥度的临界特征值、屈曲荷载和临界应力。

    By application of Galerkin variational method , the critical eigenvalues , buckling loads and critical stresses are computed for shells with various truncated ratios in full concinnity .

  20. 标准ITI种植体和TM种植体依照实物尺寸构建,螺纹、锥度形态逼真。

    Standard ITI implant and TM implants have been constructed according to real entity . The shape of thread and taper are realistic . 3 .

  21. 指出了现场使用的标准API钻具螺纹所存在的缺点,并针对这些缺点提出了相应的改进措施,即改进螺纹牙底形状和改变螺纹锥度配合。

    The author explores the weak points of the API standard threads on drilling tools used in the field , and presents accordingly some measures for improvement that is , to modify the root form and the taper fit of the threads .

  22. 连续波充填技术配合不同锥度牙胶尖充填根管的微渗漏研究银汞材料与MTA材料作为根尖倒充填材料的临床效果评价

    Microleakage of continuous wave of condensation with different tapered gutta-percha in vitro A retrospective clinical study of amalgam and mineral trioxide aggregate as root-end filling materials

  23. 用X、Y、U、V四轴联动控制的方法,实现低速走丝线切割机床的上下异型面切割,是国内首创的通用锥度切割新工艺。

    It is the first time to cut specially shaped tops and bottoms by the new technique of simultaneously controlling four axes of X , Y , U , V on WEDM-LS . This technique can be used to cut any kind of complicated workpiece with taper angle .

  24. 旋翼共锥度测量是直升机生产、维护中的重要的检查项目,目前对旋翼共锥度的测量有CCD技术方法和激光技术方法,激光技术测量方法简单、快速且精度高。

    The measurement of helicopter rotor common taper is an important inspect item in producing and maintaining helicopter . The CCD technique way and laser technique way have been used in measuring rotor common taper . The laser measuring way is simple , fast and high accurate .

  25. 利用Pro/Engineerwildfire4.0软件和Workbench软件建立根管锥度为0.02、0.06及0.1的牙齿模型,并模拟充填,构建了不同根管锥度并完成充填的牙齿三维有限元模型。

    Using Pro / Engineer Wildfire 4.0 software and the Workbench software , established the 3-D finite element model of teeth with different root canal taper and filling . The taper are 0.02 , 0.06 , and 0.1 in the models . 3 .

  26. 介绍了四轴WEDM机床的结构和坐标系统,在分析了四轴WEDM机床运动的基础上,提出了一种在等锥度和变锥度情况下均适用的四轴运动控制方法。

    The configuration and the reference frame of the four-axis wire-electric discharge machining ( WEDM ) machine tool are introduced . Based on the motion analysis of the four-axis WEDM machine tool , an algorithm for controlling the four-axis motion is proposed .

  27. 结论:GT手用锉预备弯曲根管安全有效,预备后根管形态具有良好锥度和流畅度,GT器械预备技术可作为临床上预备弯曲根管的有效方法。

    Good obturation was obtained in almost all cases . Conclusion : Under the clinical conditions , GT hand file can prepare curved root canals effectively and safely , and the GT instrumentation technique is an efficient root canal preparation method for curved canals .

  28. 介绍了120mm方坯拉速提高后,通过优化配水工艺、振动参数、结晶器倒锥度等措施,保证了产量、质量的稳定提高。

    The improvement of the average drawing speed for 120 mm billet is introduced . By optimizing the water distribution technique , vibration parameter and inverted angle of mould , the yield and the quality are improved steadily .

  29. CDL测井仪打捞工具结构简单,主要由锥度套、压盖短节和卡箍组成,工具下螺纹与铣筒连接,上与打捞钻具连接。

    The CDL tool is simple in structure , consisting of tapered housing , gland sub , and clamp collar . The lower threads of the tool connect with the milling tool , while the upper threads connect with fishing tool .

  30. 利用I-DEAS和MARC软件计算了拧接过程螺纹齿面的接触应力,定量分析了管体(公螺纹)和管接箍(母螺纹)的锥度变化对齿面接触应力的影响。

    Software I DEAS and MARC were used to calculate the thread face contact stress during the make up process , and to analyze the effect of taper mutation of pipe ( pin thread ) and coupling ( box thread ) on the thread face contact stress quantitatively .