
jīn diàn
  • Golden Palace;magnificent palace
金殿 [jīn diàn]
  • [palace] 金饰的殿堂,指帝王的宫殿

  • 金殿玉楼

  1. 最后他选定了美高梅金殿酒店(MGMGrand),主要的考虑是这家酒店同意他们随意进出厨房。

    He settled on the MGM Grand , mostly because it was willing to give the group unfettered access to its kitchen .

  2. 自9月份以来,只有一只垃圾债券得以发行,即美高梅金殿梦幻(MGMMirage)发行的7.5亿美元债券。

    Just one junk-bond issue has made it out since September , a $ 750 million issue for MGM Mirage .

  3. 武当山明铸金殿散论

    On Golden Hall of Wudang Mountains Made in the Ming Dynasty

  4. 武当金殿是中华民族的国之瑰宝。

    Wudang Golden Hall is the gem of Chinese nation .

  5. 爱情能使陋室变为金殿。

    Love can turn the cottage into a golden palace .

  6. 美高梅金殿巡逻保安系统设计及工程。

    MGM Grand Security Patrol system engineering & design .

  7. 登上我的金殿王位。

    Take up my seat in the golden hall .

  8. 浅谈金殿高天流云别墅工程的结构设计

    Preliminary Discussion on Structural Design of " Golden Temple High Sky and Flowing Clouds " Villa Project

  9. 森林生态旅游环境解译服务游客态度调查&以金殿国家森林公园为例实施生态旅游环境教育的意义及对策

    Tourists Attitude toward Environmental Interpretation Service in Forest Eco-tourism & Taking Golden Temple National Forest Park as an example

  10. 昆明金殿林区云南松次生林健康状况与土壤相关性分析

    Correlation between Health Conditions of Pinus yunnanensis Secondary Forest and Soil Properties in Golden Temple Forest Region of Kunming

  11. 当在阿姆利的时候,出于世界最神圣的锡克神庙的原因,斯奈特就住在金殿的旁边。

    While in Amritsar , Snatam lived next door to the Golden Temple , considered the world 's holiest Sikh temple .

  12. 一年后,刚刚即位的皇帝段思英就在这座金殿上,迎来了自己执政生涯的最后一天。

    One year later , Duan Siying who succeeded to the throne just now , met the last day of his ruling .

  13. 建筑全貌颇为考究,传说是聘请四川名匠仿效当年刘备金殿建造的。

    Building the whole picture is known , is a legendary master of Sichuan hired to follow Liu Bei was built Mirage .

  14. 1997~2001年引种云南野生兜兰13种,存苗2万余株,在昆明园林植物园(金殿)兰圃栽培。

    From 1997 to 2001 , 13 kinds of wild Paphiopedilum were introduced in Kunming Golden Temple Botanic Garden of Yunnan , with more than 20 000 plants surviving in the nursery .