
  • 网络ester
  1. LM-BP神经网络优化酶催化合成维生素C酯化物条件

    LM-BP ANN for optimization of conditions of lipase-catalyzed synthesis of vitamin C ester

  2. 研究目的:A112是他米巴罗汀的二甲氨基乙酯的酯化物,为治疗急性早幼粒细胞白血病和其他类型白血病的侯选化合物。

    Objective : A112 is a tamibarotene dimethylaminoethyl ester which is considered as the candidate compound for treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia ( APL ) and other types of leukemia .

  3. 通过优化方法筛选制备的LTP,其总多酚和总酯化物含量分别为50.52%和50.2%。

    Results We had combined LTP with optimal method , their content of the total polyphenols and total esters are 50.52 % and 50.2 % respectively .

  4. 二氢杨梅素酯化物在极性溶剂中清除DPPH自由基和H2O2的能力比二氢杨梅素低,酯化物的抗氧化活性随着酯化程度的增加呈下降趋势;

    The scavenging effects of DMYL on DPPH free radicals and H2O2 in polar solvents were both weaker than those of DMY , decreasing with the increase of esterification degree .

  5. 目的考察鲁米考昔及其酯化物抗结肠癌活性。

    Conclusion These compounds cannot inhibit colorectal cancer cell growthing efficiently .

  6. 妥尔脂肪酸与乙氧基化三乙醇胺的酯化物;

    Fatty acids , tall-oil , esters with triethanolamine , ethoxylated ;

  7. 聚酯酯化物非水溶液体系酸值的测定

    The Acid Value Determination of Ester of PET in Non-aqueous Solution System

  8. 马来酸酐/α-烯烃二元共聚物及其酯化物对生物柴油降凝效果的研究

    Study on the Effect of Maleic Anhydride - α - olefin Copolymers and Their Esters on Biodiesel Pour Point Depression

  9. 本论文还研究了不同反应条件下得到的产品的乳化稳定性,初步探讨了反应条件、酸值、皂化值、羟值、和产品酯化物分布与产品乳化基质稳定性之间的关系。

    The product emulsion stability of different reaction conditions was investigated . The relationship of reaction conditions , acid value , saponification value , hydroxyl value , production esterify distributing and production emulsify stability were discussed especially .

  10. 结果表明保持产量控制泵转速、出口压力、酯化物量比及酯化率的稳定有利于装置产量的稳定。

    It is pointed out that to keep the rotation rate of the output control pump , the pressure of the outlet , the quantity and rate of the esterification is good for the steady output of the plant .

  11. 染料木素酯化修饰物与牛血清白蛋白的相互作用

    Study on the Interactions of Genistein Esterified Derivatives with Bovine Serum Albumin

  12. 研究了纳米TiO2无磷催化剂用于聚羧酸酯化交联棉织物的服用性能,确认了它的有效性。

    The nano TiO_2 , as a phosphorus free catalyst , is used to improve the serviceability of polycarboxylic acid esterification crosslinking cotton fabric , the validity of nano TiO_2 is conformed .

  13. 柠檬酸酯化交联棉织物的基础研究

    The basic study on citric acid forming crosslink between cotton fabric

  14. 酯化液固形物用于后期上甑;

    Late - stage steaming of esterifying liquid solids ;

  15. 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯酯化过程组分物性及相平衡计算

    Calculations of Physical Properties and Phase Equilibrium in Polyethylene Glycol Terephthalate Esterification System