
  • 网络esters
  1. 酞酸酯类化合物(PAES)研究新进展

    Advances in the Research of Phthalate Esters

  2. 亚粘土地基的性状及其不均匀沉降之分析土壤对酞酸酯类化合物(PAES)的吸附作用

    The Behaviour of Loam and Its Differential Settlement Adsorption of Phthalic Esters by Loam Clay

  3. 硫代磷酸酯类化合物的~(31)P化学位移加和规则

    Additivity Rule of ~ ( 31 ) P Chemical Shifts for Thiophosphates

  4. 有机磷酸酯类化合物对大鼠GABA受体影响的体内研究

    Effects of organophosphates acute poisoning on GABA receptors in rat brain in vivo

  5. α-呋喃酯类化合物在EI电离条件下的质谱特征

    MS Characteristics of α _ Furan Esters under Electron ImpactIonization Conditions

  6. 硫代磷酸酯类化合物对斑马鱼的急性毒性及QSAR分析

    Acute Toxicity of Thiophosphates to Zebra Fish and QSAR Analysis

  7. 根据所得QSAR模型对苯砜基羧酸酯类化合物的的活性机理进行探讨。

    In addition , the activity mechanism of phenylsulfonyl cycloalkane carboxylates was also investigated based on the relevant QSAR models .

  8. 在邻接矩阵基础上,提出一种新的原子生物活性特征值αi,由αi建构结构信息指数G,将其用于苯砜基乙酸酯类化合物对大型蚤急性毒性的研究。

    On the basis of α I , a novel characteristic value of bioactivity for atom I , a structure information index has been developed for research on acute toxicity of phenylsulfonyl acetates to daphnia magna .

  9. 同时我们将该方法扩展到铜催化8-羟基喹啉与芳香醛通过自由基C-O偶联反应合成芳香酸-8-喹啉酯类化合物。

    Furthermore , we expanded this method to the composition of aromatic esters by radical C-O coupling reaction .

  10. 将反向传播人工神经网络(BP-ANN)用于邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物的光化学降解的预测中。

    Back propagating artificial neutral net ( BP-ANN ) was applied to the forecasting of photochemical degradation of phthalates .

  11. 酞酸酯类化合物(Phthalateesters)目前被广泛用于工业原料,因其在环境中易扩散、分布广、难降解以及具有潜在的雌激素活性而普遍受到人们的关注。

    Phthalate esters are widely used industrial raw materials that are receiving more and more attention because of their wide distributions in the environment , resistance to degradation and potential estrogenic activities .

  12. 采用碳酰胺催化醇解新方法合成氨基甲酸酯类化合物,用Sn ̄(2+)或Cu ̄+作催化剂,在选定的最佳条件下,反应产率50%~70%。

    Carbamate ester has been prepared by the new method of alcoholizing carbamide . Sn  ̄( 2 + ) orCu  ̄ + is used as catalyst . The yield is 50 % ~ 70 % at the selected conditions .

  13. 绿色化学品碳酸甲乙酯(EthylMethylCarbonate,简称EMC)分子结构独特(CH3OCOOC2H5),是一种分子结构不对称的有机碳酸酯类化合物。

    Methyl Ethyl Carbonate ( Abbreviation : MEC ) is a kind of green chemicals , with unique molecular structure . MEC is one of organic carbonate ester compounds which has asymmetric molecular structure .

  14. 研究了不饱和羧酸炔丙酯类化合物的Ireland-Claisen重排反应。

    We studied Ireland-Claisen rearrangement of propargylic esters of unsaturated acids .

  15. 邻苯二甲酸二异辛酯(DEHP)是最重要且用量最大的一种酞酸酯类化合物,为此选择普通小球藻,研究它对DEHP的富集和降解动力学。

    However , little is known about the biodegradation and accumulation of di ( 2-ethylhexyl ) phthalate ( DEHP ), one of the most important and abundant phthalate esters , by algae .

  16. 综述了20世纪90年代以来以杂环物质衍生物、β酮酯类化合物及其他化合物为原料合成5-氨基乙酰丙酸(ALA)的研究进展。

    Different procedures for the synthesis of 5-aminolevulinic acid ( ALA ) since nineties , 20th century are reviewed , which were divided into three aspects containing heterocyclic compounds ,β - keto esters and other reactants .

  17. 由于增塑剂的广泛使用,酞酸酯类化合物(PAEs)已成为全球最普遍存在的环境污染物之一,我国水环境也受到了严重的污染。

    Because of extensive use , phthalate esters ( PAEs ) have become the most general environmental pollutants in the world , and the water environment in our country has been severely polluted .

  18. 小白菊内酯(panhenolide,PTL)是从中草药艾菊中提取的,属于倍半萜稀内酯类化合物,在一些西方国家,早年间已被提纯并用于消炎镇痛之用。

    Parthenolide ( PTL ) is a sesquiterpene dilute lactones , extracted from Chinese herbs tansy early years in some Western countries , has been purified and used for the anti-inflammatory analgesic .

  19. 设计合成了六种新的双(二硫代二烃基氨基甲酸)酯类化合物L1~L6,并将它们作为PVC膜银离子选择电极的活性物质,研究了电极膜的组成、响应性能及应用。

    In this part , we design and synthesize six new bis ( dialkyldithiocarbamates ) ligands ( L1 ~ L6 ) used as the neutral ionophores into the plasticized PVC membranes . The construction , response characteristic and application of silver ISEs are investigated .

  20. 邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物(PAEs)是世界卫生组织(WHO)于1995年公布的、必须加强控制的、一类扰乱内分泌的化学物质,并且已造成全球性的环境污染。

    In 1995 , World Health Organization ( WHO ) declared that phthalic acid esters ( PAEs ) could disrupt the functions of the endocrine system and their hazards must be controlled . Now , it has been suggested that PAEs is one of the global environmental pollutants .

  21. 化合物的碳原子数从C14~C40,大部分为偶数个,特别是碳链长度在C30~C40的酯类化合物种类多,比例大。

    Their carbon atom numbers mostly are even number and range from C_ ( 14 ) to C_ ( 40 ) . The proportion of ester compound is greater especially than those with carbon atoms C_ ( 30 ) to C_ ( 40 ) .

  22. 结论:甘肃猫儿眼甲基酯类化合物对人LGC-7910细胞具有明显的细胞毒作用,其机制与抑制分裂,破坏细胞形态和线粒体结构,诱导细胞凋亡有关。

    CONCLUSION : Methyl ester from mao er yan of Gansu origin has significant cytotoxic effects on human LGC-7910 strain cells and the mechanism may relate to inhibiting cell division , destroying the structure of cell membrane and mitochondria , and inducing cell apoptosis .

  23. 目的:观察甘肃猫儿眼甲基酯类化合物对人LGC-7910细胞毒性作用及其对细胞增殖的影响,为甘肃猫儿眼甲基酯类化合物的应用和开发提供实验依据。

    AIM : To observe the cytotoxic effects and mechanism of methyl ester from mao er yan of Gansu origin on human LGC-7910 strain cells , so as to provide experimental evidence for the application and development of methyl ester from mao er yan of Gansu origin .

  24. β-萘甲酸酯类化合物荧光光谱的研究

    A study on the fluorescence spectra of β - naphthoate compounds

  25. 两种色谱法对塑料食品包装袋中邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物的分析

    Analysis of phthalates in food-packaging bags by two kinds of chromatography

  26. 邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物对男性生殖健康影响的研究进展

    Research Progress on Effects of Phthalate Esters on Male Reproduction Health

  27. 目的:通过化舍得到酯类化合物;

    Objective : By means of compounding to get ester chemical compound .

  28. O-乙基-s-丙基硫代磷酸酯类化合物的杀虫活性研究初报

    Preliminary studies on insecticidal activities of some esters of o-ethyl-s-propyl phosphorothioic acids

  29. 在色谱极限条件下菊酯类化合物的手性分离

    Enantiomers separation of pyrethroid insecticides under the limiting chromatographic condition

  30. 全乙酰化环丙烷甲酸糖酯类化合物的合成及结构确证

    Synthesis and characterization of glycosyl esters of cyclopropane carboxylic acid