
  • 网络Tom DeLay;V.E.DELURE
  1. 一个是坦诚格斯,国会议员的加利福尼亚州和其他人作出的汤姆迪莱众议员的德克萨斯州。

    One is made of Frank Riggs , congressman of California and the other one is made of Tom DeLay , congressman of Texas .

  2. 星期三法庭宣读判决书时,汤姆.迪莱默默地站立,不过有目击者说,他脸色发红,看来努力忍住眼泪。

    As the verdict was read in court Wednesday , Tom DeLay stood quietly , although some witnesses say his face reddened and he appeared to be suppressing tears .

  3. 宣判结束后,迪莱在法庭外对当地记者发表谈话。

    Afterwards , he spoke to local reporters outside the courtroom .

  4. 迪莱对宝马公司依靠氢运行的新型轿车印象深刻。

    Delay has been impressed by BMW 's new car which runs on hydrogen .

  5. 迪莱的律师德盖尔林对记者表示,他要就这一判决提起上诉,上诉肯定会否决这个判决。

    DeLay 's attorney , Dick DeGuerin , told reporters he would appeal the decision and that the verdict would never stand up on appeal .