
  • Dia
  1. 这些馒头在全市范围内销售,包括大型超市如华联,联华和迪亚天天。

    These were then sold across the city , including large supermarkets such as Hualian , Lianhua and Dia .

  2. 丽齐在念一封信,凯蒂荷莉迪亚也在场。

    Lizzie reads a letter . Kitty and Lydia are also present .

  3. 即便在这儿,兰博基尼的红色迪亚博罗跑车也会招来垂涎的目光。

    Even here a red Lamborghini Diablo sports car attracts covetous stares .

  4. 不过,最近DNA证据显示罗马帝国的祖先—伊楚利亚人和古利迪亚人拥有相同的基因。

    But recently , DNA evidence has shown that the Etruscans , who then led to the Roman Empire , actually share the same DNA as the ancient Lydians .

  5. 乔布斯家的房子位于迪亚布洛大道286号,和他们周围的房子一样,都是由房地产开发商约瑟夫·埃奇勒(JosephEichler)建造的,他的公司于1950-1974年间,在加州的各个地区兴建了超过11000座房屋。

    The Jobses " house and the others in their neighborhood were built by the real estate developer Joseph Eichler , whose company spawned more than eleven thousand homes in various California subdivisions between 1950 and 1974 .

  6. 2012年1月,科斯塔·康科迪亚号搁浅。

    in January of 2012 , the Costa Concordia ran aground .

  7. 再转搭往安格诺方向的列车,然后在盖伊康科迪亚下车。

    Take the train bound for angrignon and get off at guy-concordio .

  8. 这就是现在康科迪亚的样子。

    This is what the Coast Concordia looks like now .

  9. 康科迪亚号有952英里长,重达十一万四千吨。

    The Concordia is 952 feet long , it weighs 114000 tons .

  10. 和古利迪亚人拥有相同的基�

    actually share the same DNA as the ancient Lydians .

  11. 要知道迪亚波罗最深处的圣殿隐藏在五个封印之后。

    Know that Diablo 's innermost sanctum is hidden by five seals .

  12. 康科迪亚甲板上有3200名乘客。

    There were 3200 passengers on board the Coast Concordia .

  13. 扶正科斯塔康科迪亚游轮的行动正在进行中。

    An operation to pull the crippled Costa Concordia upright is under way .

  14. 他明显比莉迪亚过得好

    Obviously , his heart is faring a little bit better than Lydia 's.

  15. 西索迪亚是拉比妻子瑞夫卡的朋友。

    Reema Sisodia was a friend of Rivkah , the rabbi 's wife .

  16. 我们是否从文迪亚中学到了一课?

    Did we learn a lesson from avandia ?

  17. 迪亚的研究结果显示节育能显著改变狐猴释放气味的方式。

    Dreas study showed that birth control dramatically altered the way the lemurs smell .

  18. 看看他们的反应就使得像迪亚这样的教育者认为投身到这次科学列车之旅是值得的。

    Seeing their reaction makes riding the rails worth it for educators like Pandya .

  19. 他是阿约迪亚的王子,被他的继母流放到森林。

    He is the Prince of Ayodhya and is banished to a forest by his stepmother .

  20. 文迪亚群山北部的全部地区,就是一个经常发生杀人掳掠事件的地方。

    The whole district north of the Vindhias is the theatre of incessant murders and pillage .

  21. 这是沉没的游轮“科斯塔康科迪亚”的第一个周年纪念日。

    This is the first anniversary of the sinking of the cruise ship the " Costa Concordia . "

  22. 这次由于取消航班而遭受巨大损失的机场有达拉斯-沃思堡国际机场,芝加哥的奥黑尔机场和拉厄尔迪亚机场。

    Airports hit hardest by the canceled flights were Dallas-Fort Worth International , O'Hare in Chicago and La Guardia .

  23. 康科迪亚号下沉并且从那以后它就一直在水底。

    The Concordia flipped on to its side and it 's set there , in the water , ever since .

  24. 周一,意大利当局最终批准了将科斯塔康科迪亚游轮扶正的大胆举措。

    Authorities have given the final go-ahead for a daring attempt Monday to pull upright the crippled Costa Concordia cruise ship .

  25. 但是,当埃玛·简·科比来到布温迪亚这个小镇时,她发现一个生态灾难正在形成。

    But when Emma Jane Kirby visited the small town of Buendia , she found an ecological disaster area in the making .

  26. 尽管联合地球帝国已经与睦神迪亚签署了和平协议,这两个国家之间的关系非常紧张。

    While The United Earth Empire has signed peace with Konkordia there was always tension in the relations between the two states .

  27. 玩家将会与太空军事学院的毕业生一道见证这场联合地球帝国与睦神迪亚之间的冲突的不同阶段。

    Along with the graduates of the military-space academy players will witness different stages of the conflict between United Earth Empire and Konkordia .

  28. 现居美国新墨西哥州阿布奎基,是山迪亚国家实验室的科学记者。他很喜欢自己的眼镜。

    Neal Singer , based in Albuquerque , writes about science for Sandia National Laboratories . He is quite fond of his glasses .

  29. 在波多尔炎热和多灰尘的迪亚巴村,疟疾是一个经常存在的问题,尤其在雨季。

    In the hot , dusty village of Diaba in Podor , malaria is an ever-present problem , especially during the rainy season .

  30. 工程师们表示他们只有一次机会,任何错误都导致康科迪亚分裂或只是完全沉在水底。

    Engineers say they only have one shot to get it right , any error could cause the Concordia to break apart or just sink completely .