
  • 网络a border conflict;the border clashes
  1. 中央情报局对1962年中印边界冲突的评估与美国政府的应策

    CIA Estimate of and USA Reaction to 1962 Sino-Indian Border Conflict

  2. 美国对1969年中苏边界冲突的反应

    Reactions from the US to Sino - Soviet Border Conflict in 1969

  3. 边界冲突导致全面战争。

    A series of border clashes culminated in full-scale war .

  4. 1969年中苏边界冲突与中美关系缓和

    Sino-American Relation D é tente and Sino-Soviet Border Conflict in 1969

  5. 社会冲突的新视角:边界冲突

    The Conflict on Boundary : A New Perspective of Social Conflict

  6. 边界冲突已导致两国间的更大摩擦。

    Border clashes have led to increased friction between the two countries .

  7. 肯尼迪政府与1962年的中印边界冲突

    The Kennedy Administration and Sino-Indian Border Conflict in 1962

  8. 国外学术界对1969年中苏边界冲突的最新研究

    The Latest Research on the Sino-Soviet Border Conflict in 1969 by Academic Circles Abroad

  9. 人们为经济利益、宗教信仰、边界冲突等而发动战争。

    People fight for shares of economic benefits , religious beliefs , boundary disputes , etc.

  10. 这时常发生边界冲突。

    Border incidents usually occurred here .

  11. 最近边界冲突事件使两国和谈的前途暗淡。

    The recent border clashes cast a shadow over the peace talks between the two nations .

  12. 峰会是在安全问题的疑云下开始的,例如泰国和柬埔寨的边界冲突。

    The meeting started under the cloud of security issues such as the Thai-Cambodia border conflict .

  13. 中印边界冲突与苏联的反应和政策

    Response and accuracy conflict with limited computational resource . The Sino-Indian Conflict and the Soviet Response and Policy

  14. 中印边界冲突时期美国南亚安全政策失败原因探究

    An analysis of failure of the South Asian security policy of the United States during the Sino-Indian border conflict

  15. 美国对1962年中印边界冲突反应与它的南亚政策息息相关。

    The U.S. reaction on the Sino-Indian Border Conflict in 1962 had close ties with its policy in South Asia .

  16. 1962年中印边界冲突是一个在国际冷战史中占据突出地位的事件,对中苏分裂的进程产生了深远影响。

    The Sino Indian conflict in 1962 , a salient event in Cold War history , profoundly shaped the Sino Soviet split .

  17. 在网格划分过程中实现了边界冲突检测、网格顶点优化处理、网格边界处理和网格综合优化。

    Collision detecting , optimization of vertex , edge processing , and integrated optimization of meshes were realized in the mesh partition .

  18. 1969年的中苏边界冲突客观上为美国提供了一个绝好的机会,尼克松政府也抓住了这个机会。

    The border conflict in 1969 objectively provided an excellent opportunity for the US , which the Nixon administration seized to its advantage .

  19. 过去两个月内,两国军队发生了几次小规模的边界冲突,据报道双方都有人员伤亡。

    Within the past two months , there have been several border skirmishes between their armies with some casualties reported on either side .

  20. 文中提出边界冲突这个核心概念,并建构了关于边界冲突的动态分析模式,作为该事件研究的理论工具。

    In this dissertation the core concept of the boundary conflict has been brought forward ; some modes of the dynamic analysis of the boundary conflict have been presented .

  21. 但在1962年印中边界冲突中羞辱地失败后,印度才意识到保住东北部的最佳方法是通过发展,虽然这有些晚了。

    But after a humiliating defeat to China in border conflicts in 1962 , India has belatedly realised that the best way of securing the north-east is through its development .

  22. 1949~1962年苏中苏印关系比较研究&兼论中印边界冲突期间苏联政策取向及实质

    A Comparative Study of the Sino-India and Sino-Russia Relations from 1949 to 1962 & An Analysis on the Inclination and Essence of Russian Policy during the Sino ~ India Boundary Conflictions

  23. 墨西哥之行是以色列进军新兴市场战略计划的一部分。它希望这些国家能更关心自己的技术,而不是边界冲突。

    The Mexican trip was part of a broad strategic push by Israel into emerging markets , where it hopes there will be more interest in its technology than the conflict over its borders .

  24. 在这次边界武装冲突中双方都遭到了重大伤亡。

    Both sides suffered heavy casualties in the border armed conflict .

  25. 边界老冲突的再度发生。

    A revival of old border disputes .

  26. 而1969年3月中苏边界武装冲突则为美提供了一个契机。

    The armed clash on the Sino-Soviet border in March 1969 provided an opportunity for the American side .

  27. 与日本就东海有争议岛屿、与越南及其它国家就南海边界发生激烈冲突之际,中国海军正迅速壮大。

    Angry clashes with Japan over disputed islands in the East China Sea , and with Vietnam and others over boundaries in the South China Sea have coincided with the rapid build-up of the navy .

  28. 基于球形边界的ATC飞行冲突概率预测

    Algorithm of the Conflict Probability in ATC Based on Spherical Boundary

  29. 跨边界区域水资源冲突与协调模型与应用(Ⅰ)模型体系

    Mathematical model for water conflict and coordination in transboundary regions

  30. 两军在边界附近发生了冲突。

    The two armies clashed near the Border .