
fú shè jì
  • radiometer;microwave radiometer;radiometer-type receiver
辐射计[fú shè jì]
  1. 探测结果表明了RA-2高度计和AMSR-E辐射计在提取大范围海冰密集度方面具有优势。

    The final results exhibit a promising advantage of large areas of Antarctic ice detection by RA-2 altimeter and AMSR-E microwave radiometer .

  2. W波段微波辐射计

    W - band Microwave Radiometer

  3. 风云二号B星星载扫描辐射计水汽通道定标方法

    Calibration method for water vapor channel of scanning-radiometer carried by FY-2B satellite

  4. X波段雷达和微波辐射计联合系统反演云中雨水含量分布的数值试验

    Numerical Experiments of Rainwater Content Remote Sensing with a Combined X-band Radar-Radiometer System

  5. 机载W波段毫米波辐射计扫描成像研究

    Study on Imaging with Airborne Scanning W-band Millimeter Wave Radiometer

  6. 基于FPGA的微波辐射计数控系统设计与实现

    Design and implementation of data processing and control system in microwave radiometer based on FPGA

  7. 星载W波段毫米波辐射计研究

    Study of Spaceborne W-band Millimeter Wave Radiometer

  8. 基于FPGA的多通道微波辐射计数据采集与系统控制单元的设计与研制

    Design and Develop of Data Acquisition and System Control Unit Based on FPGA for Multi-channel Microwave Radiometer

  9. 扫描辐射计内光路反射镜中SiO2/Ag薄膜系统的失效分析

    Failure analysis of sio_2 / Ag mirror system in the scanning radiometer

  10. Ka波段双极化直接检波式全功率辐射计研究

    Research on Ka-band Dual-polarization Direct Detection Total Power Radiometer

  11. 数控电路集成了多路辐射计开关驱动、多路模拟采集、SD卡存储等功能。

    The numerical control circuit has integrated multi-channel radiometer switch driver , multi-channel analog acquisition , SD card and so on .

  12. 利用BG算法提高微波辐射计空间分辨率

    Spatial Resolution Enhancement of Microwave Radiometer Using BG Algorithm

  13. 适用于绝缘子污秽检测的8mm波辐射计设计

    Design of an 8mm Radiometer Suitable for Insulator Contaminant Detection

  14. 一种用于UV-A、UV-B波段地基观测的光谱辐射计

    A Spectral Radiometer for Ground-Based Measurements of UV-A , UV-B Ultraviolet Radiation

  15. 8mm测量辐射计定标方法的研究

    Study on the calibration method of 8mm measuring radiometer

  16. 8mm微波辐射计在绝缘子污秽检测中的应用

    Application of 8mm Microwave Radiometer on Insulator Contamination Detection

  17. 第一,基于双频毫米波辐射计的扫描要求,设计了基于PC计算机和嵌入式系统道的两维伺服驱动电路,完成了扫描控制、通信协议和伺服驱动控制的软件设计。

    Firstly , a two-dimensional servo-control driver circuit , which consists of PC and an embedded system , is designed based on the scanning requirement of the dual frequency millimeter wave radiometer .

  18. Marr方法在多波段遥感影像边缘信息分析中的应用多波段水下光谱辐射计

    The Marr Approach in Edge Information Analysis for Multispectral Remote Sensed Imagery

  19. FY-2C星多通道扫描辐射计及其在轨运行

    Multichannel Scanning Radiometer of FY-2C Meteorological Satellite and Its On-Orbit Operation

  20. 本文主要包括以下几点研究内容:1.利用微波辐射计观测数据,使用多元线性统计回归方法和BP神经网络方法分别对大气温度和水汽密度廓线进行了反演。

    This paper uses the microwave radiometer observation data to retrieval the atmospheric temperature profiles and the water vapor density profiles with the multiple linear regression method and the BP neural network method .

  21. 负压射孔完井技术与产能的关系评价DBF技术在综合孔径辐射计中的应用

    Appraisal of Underbalanced Perforation Technology and Deliverability ; Application of Digital Beam Forming Technology in Synthetic Aperture Radiometer

  22. 针对毫米波辐射计的增益漂移和本底噪声的变化,本文提出采用PC计算机实现增益自动控制和本底噪声自动补偿技术。

    In view of gain shift and background noise change of millimeter wave radiometer , this paper presents a method to automatically control its gain and compensation voltage of background noise with PC computer .

  23. FY-2卫星星载扫描辐射计午夜杂散光的分析

    Analysis on stray radiation in the FY-2 imager during midnight

  24. 其速度(距离变化率)误差是利用与距离误差△R之间的关系得到,而△R由微波辐射计在电波传播路径上直接测量大气辐射亮度温度得到。

    The error of missile speed was deduced by the distance error . The distance error was obtained by a microwave radiometer directly detecting the atmospheric radiation brightness temperature on the path of radio wave propagation .

  25. FY-2多通道扫描辐射计的可见光外场定标

    Visible outfield calibration for FY-2 multi-channel scan radiometer

  26. 3mm波段Dicke式辐射计的测量研究

    Measurement Study of 3 mm Band Dicke Radiometer

  27. 利用AMSR-E微波辐射计对地表粗糙度参数的一种新标定方法

    New Calibration Method for Soil Roughness Parameters with AMSR-E Observations

  28. 基于标准探测器的FY-2(05)星扫描辐射计可见通道外场定标

    Detector Based Field Radiometric Calibration for the Visible Band of Multi-channel Scanning Radiometer of Satellite FY-2-05

  29. MODIS和被动微波辐射计AMSR-E提供了识别积雪的不同方法。

    MODIS and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer - Earth Observing System ( AMSR-E ) supplies different methods of snow detection .

  30. 并以NIST(美国国家标准技术研究院)紫外标准探测器为核心元件,构建了一套高精度紫外辐射计。

    The High Accuracy UV Radiometer ( HAUR ) whose core element using NIST standard detector has been established .