
fú shè jiā ɡōnɡ
  • radiation processing
  1. 辐射加工(Co-60γ射线)吸收剂量测量体系研究

    Studies on the Measurement of Absorbed Doses in Radiation Processing with Co-60 γ - ray

  2. 自从四十年前Bradshaw等人将丙氨酸作为固体剂量计测量辐射加工水平的吸收剂量以来,丙氨酸/ESR剂量学研究得到了很大的发展。

    Alanine / ESR dosimetry system has been greatly developed since Bradshaw firstly used alanine as a solid dosimeter to measure the absorbed dose for radiation processing forty years ago .

  3. 客户关系管理(CRM)在辐射加工企业中的应用探讨

    Discussion on CRM applications in irradiation processing enterprise

  4. 聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)超细粉的辐射加工

    Production of superfine PTFE powder by radiation process

  5. 本文报告了一种用于常规辐射加工的商用玻璃剂量计,并研究了不同的剂量、剂量率、温度、湿度以及厚度和光照对~(60)Coγ辐射吸收剂量响应的影响。

    Commercially available glass was tested as a routine dosimeter in terms of the response to ~ ( 60 ) Co - γ radiation at various doses , dose rates , temperatures , relative humidities and thicknesses , light , as might be encountered in typical radiation processing environments .

  6. 本文简要介绍了电子辐射加工技术的主要特点以及中周科学院高能物理研究所10MeV/15kW辐照加速器的主要性能。

    This paper discussed the main specialties for electron beam processing technologies and described the main characteristics of the electron accelerator of 10 MeV / 15 kW .

  7. 积放式悬挂输送机在核辐射加工中的应用

    The Application of Free Parking Suspension Transporter In the Radical Processing

  8. 辐射加工技术在壳聚糖降解中的应用研究

    Application of Irradiation Processing Technology in the Degradation of Chitosan

  9. 影响食品辐射加工商品化发展的原因分析

    The analysis of the causes influencing the development of food irradiation commercialization

  10. GB/T16510-1996辐射加工剂量学校准实验室的能力要求

    The requirements for the competence of a radiation processing dosimetry calibration laboratory

  11. GB/T16509-1996辐射加工剂量测量不确定度评估导则

    Standard guide for estimating uncertainties in dosimetry for radiation processing

  12. 辐射加工剂量学中摩尔吸光系数测定的若干问题初探

    Some problems on the determination of molar absorptivity in dosimetry for radiation processing

  13. 湖南省辐射加工技术应用现状

    The Current Situation of Application on The Radiation Processing Technology in Hunan Province

  14. 中国原子能科学研究院辐射加工技术开发和应用

    Development Technologies of Radiation Processing and Their Applications in China Institute of Atomic Energy

  15. 中国辐射加工新发展

    The New Development of Radiation Processing in China

  16. 电子加速器辐射加工建设项目的职业病危害

    Analysis on occupational disease hazard in the construction project for radiation processing of electron accelerator

  17. 电子束辐射加工研究进展

    Progress on Radiation Processing by Electron Beam

  18. 辐射加工级电子束吸收剂量量热计的研制

    The Development and Application of Calorimeter for Electron Beam Absorbed Dose at Radiation Processing Level

  19. 辐射加工工艺发展趋势及发展我国辐射加工工艺的几点建议

    The recent advances in radiation processing and some comments for developing radiation technology in China

  20. 我国电线电缆辐射加工应用现状及发展趋势

    Status-quo and tendency of development of the irradiation process of wire and cable in China

  21. 辐射加工过程中错步辐照的判别及影响程度估算

    Identification of misstep irradiation and evaluation of effect on absorbed doses in the irradiation process

  22. 在此装置上对适用于辐射加工的谷氨酰胺晶溶发光剂量计的剂量学特性进行了研究。

    The glutamine lyoluminescence dosimetric characteristics for radiation processing has been studied on the model BPLLreadout equipment .

  23. 对辐射加工技术在壳聚糖降解中的应用及其机理进行了简单综述。

    In this article , the application of radiation processing technology in chitosan degradation was particularly introduced .

  24. 综述我国八十年代以来,辐射加工技术在生物医学中应用的研究进展:(1)生物医学材料或制品γ辐射消毒研究的进展;(2)利用辐射技术制备生物材料的进展。

    This paper reviewed the progress of research on biomedical products and synthesis of biomaterials by radiation technology .

  25. 本文以大豆蛋白系列产品为例,研究了辐射加工技术在食品生产中的具体应用。

    Application of radiation processing technology on food production was studied with a series of soybean protein products .

  26. 利用衬底材料的背散射抬高接近衬底界面处的剂量,较大地改善了辐射加工的均匀性。

    By using a substrate and its backscattering effect , irradiation uniformity in electron processing can be improved greatly .

  27. 辐射加工技术是一种高新加工技术,广泛应用于农业、工业、医疗卫生、环境保护等各个领域。

    As a high-tech processing technology , the radiation processing has been widely used in agriculture , industry , medicine and environmental protection .

  28. 综述了食品辐射加工的原理及其作用效果,以及该技术在欧美的应用现状及存在的发展障碍。

    This article summarized the principium of food irradiation processing , and also described the marketing status with the technology in Europe and America .

  29. 两种聚乙烯材料中的电子束辐照剂量分布测定-优化辐射加工工艺的一种实验方法

    The dose distribution determination in two kinds of polyethylene materials irradiated by electron beams - an experimental method for optimizing technology of radiation processing

  30. 目前该剂量体系已成功地应用于辐射加工水平(10~2~10~5Gy)的剂量测量,希望进一步应用到辐射治疗水平(1~10~2Gy)、质子等带电粒子剂量的测量。

    Currently it has been successful applied on the measurement of absorbed dose for radiation processing level ( 10 ~ 2 - 10 ~ 5Gy ) .