
fú shè yí
  • radiometer
  1. 先进星载热发射和反射辐射仪(ASTER)&地质学家的最佳选择

    Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer ( ASTER ) - The best choice for geologists

  2. FD-71型闪烁辐射仪测量天然环境辐射的主要技术性能

    Characteristics of FD-71 scintillation radiometer for measurement of natural environmental radiation

  3. 模型Ur定值和伽玛辐射仪的标定

    Ur determination in models and the calibration for gamma spectrometer

  4. 关于用FD-71型闪烁辐射仪测量环境γ照射量率的讨沦

    Discussion on measurement of environmental γ exposure rate by type FD-71 scintillation radiometer

  5. 云在大气辐射中起重要作用,因此有许多应用高分辨辐射仪(AVHRR)数据反演云复盖的算法。

    Owing to the important role clouds play in atmospheric radiation , many algorithms have been developed to retrieve cloud cover from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer ( AVHRR ) data .

  6. FD-3025型γ定向辐射仪误差分析

    Error Analysis of FD-3025 Type Gamma Directional Radiometer

  7. 方法用FD-3013数字式γ辐射仪测定温泉周边环境γ辐射剂量率;

    Methods Gamma dose rate in the circumstances of thermal spring was determined with FD-3013 gamma instrument .

  8. 介绍了一种最新遥感器&载于将在1998年发射的EOSAM-1空间飞行器的高级星载热发射反射辐射仪,并提出遥感找油气的基本原理。

    A new sensor : Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission Reflection Radiometer ( ASTER ) carried on EOS AM 1 which will be launched in 1998 was introduced , and the basic principles of remote sensing detecting petroleum were also proposed by the author .

  9. 给出被动式傅里叶变换红外辐射仪FTIR远距离遥测烟雾微弱光谱.分析了化学烟雾DMMP光谱特征,以及用于屏蔽DMMP烟雾的多种干扰物光谱和屏蔽效果。

    Weak spectral information of chemical smoke was remotely observed by passive Fourier Transform Infrared ( FTIR ) Spectrometer . DMMP spectral information on chemical simulator and possible field interference were presented . Spectral features were analyzed and the results of the screened DMMP with field interference were given .

  10. “九五”期间研制的“EMAOS”电磁辐射仪,其接收原理是按大地电磁测深的原理改进而研制的。

    The electromagnetic radiation instrument " EMAOS " was developed in the period of " Ninth-five Years " Plan . The instrument " EMAOS " is improved from the theory of the telluric electromagnetic sounding .

  11. 用RSS-111型高压电离室和FD-71型闪烁辐射仪,在我国不同海面和湖面上测量了宇宙射线电离强度。

    Using the combination of a RSS-111 high pressure ionization chamber and a FD 71 NaI ( T1 ) scintillation radiometer , cosmic-ray ionization was measured on sea levels and lakes with different altitude and latitude .

  12. γ射线辐射仪刻度系数计算方法的探讨

    A research on the calculational method of gamma-radiation instrument calibration factor

  13. 瞬态分光辐射仪在烟火药剂燃烧性能参数测量中的应用

    Application of transient spectroradiometer in determination of combustion parameters of pyrotechnics

  14. 便携式离子注入型半导体核辐射仪的研制

    Development of the portable ion implanted semiconductor nuclear radiation meter

  15. 表面成分图象辐射仪直接成象质量分析仪

    SCMR ( Surface Composition Mapping Radiometer ) direct-imaging mass analyser

  16. 燃气红外线辐射供暖技术应用研究进展临边辐射红外辐射仪

    Research Progress in Application of Gas-fired Infrared Radiant Heating Technology

  17. 电磁辐射仪在预测预报断层构造型冲击地压中的应用

    Application of Electromagnetic Radiation Instrument in Forecasting Fault-Structure Pressure Bump

  18. 表面成分图象辐射仪自由空间辐射方向图

    SCMR ( Surface Composition Mapping Radiometer ) free-space radiation patter

  19. FD42定向辐射仪的电路改造探讨

    Discussion on electrocircuit reformation of FD-42 directed radiation instrument

  20. 低频电磁辐射仪地震前的观测资料分析

    Analysis of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation Data Before Earthquake

  21. 后向散射紫外线辐射仪卡塞格伦天线馈源横向大偏焦时辐射特性研究

    Backscatter ultraviolet radiometer The Radiation Properties for the Large Lateral-Feed Displacement in Cassegrain Antennas

  22. 遇见红灯,就见他的脚及时地轻轻打起拍子。光纤可见红外自旋扫描辐射仪

    At red lights , I 'd notice his foot tapping in time . fibre-optic visible-infrared spinscan radiometer

  23. 先进微波扫描辐射仪

    Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer

  24. 本文介绍了遥测辐射仪的结构特点、工作原理、技术指标及误差分析。

    This , paper introduces the principles , structures , distinguishing features and specification of the telemetering radiometer .

  25. 术前、术中、术后分别在一定位置使用γ数字辐射仪对植入粒子工作人员和病人进行照射量率的监测。

    Before , in and after operation exposure rate was measured by Y digital actinograph for patients and missionary .

  26. 临边辐射红外辐射仪红外线固化:红外线固化用强烈的红外线辐射能,照射油墨,使之快速干燥。是加速干燥法之一。

    Infra-red curing : A method of accelerating the drying of printing ink by intensive exposure to infra-red radiation .

  27. 气象辐射仪检定用多维自动检测平台是构成气象辐射仪(太阳总辐射表)检测系统的主要设备之一。

    Multi-dimensional auto-detection platform form is the main equipment of meteorological radiometer ( Solar Radiation Table ) detection system .

  28. 多道伽马能谱仪是测定伽马射线能量分布和照射剂量的辐射仪。

    Multi-channel Gamma Spectrometer is a radiometer which is used to measure energy distribution and radiation dose of gamma rays .

  29. 双螺杆压缩机转子圆弧及圆弧包络线型线的几何构造电磁辐射仪在预测预报断层构造型冲击地压中的应用

    Geometry of Arcs and Their Evolution Profile of Twin Screw Compressors ; Application of Electromagnetic Radiation Instrument in Forecasting Fault-Structure Pressure Bump

  30. 辐射仪一种测定电磁辐射的仪器适用范围:各种型号、寸的电脑、视及有辐射的仪表显示屏。

    An instrument that detects electromagnetic radiation . Applicable scope : all kinds of computers , televisions and equipments with display monitors .