
  • 网络radiation curable;radiation curing;RadTech;radcure
  1. 辐射固化技术在LCD产业中的应用

    Radiation Curing Technology Applications in LCD Industry

  2. 紫外(UV)固化技术是一种应用最为广泛的辐射固化封装技术,然而由于紫外固化光源的发展相对缓慢,导致固化效果得不到应有的提高。

    UV curing technology is a most widely used radiation curing packaging technology . However , the slow speed of UV curing light sources development leads to the curing effect not improved as expected .

  3. UV辐射固化胶粘剂综述

    Review of UV-Curing Adhesives

  4. 伴随着环保呼声和辐射固化技术的日趋成熟,UV固化皮革涂饰剂技术也应运而生。

    UV curable leather finishing was emerged with the request of environmental protection and the growing of UV curable technologies .

  5. 用热重法(TG)分析了紫外光辐射固化漆膜在空气气氛下热失重的过程。

    The thermal degradation process of the Varnish film cured by UV radiation was analyzed with TG method in air atmosphere .

  6. 通过光学功能薄膜、粘合剂、光刻胶和偏光片等的制作和在LCD显示面板制造中的用途,介绍了辐射固化技术在液晶显示器制作中的应用。

    Through optical film , adhesive , photoresist and Polaroid making and applies for LCD screen making , UV-applications in LCD making is introduced .

  7. 结果表明,对电子束辐射固化的环氧树脂进行热处理,可以提高样品的固化程度和玻璃化温度(Tg),热处理后样品的模量随着温度的升高而下降的幅度减少。

    The glass transition temperature ( Tg ) is shifted to a higher temperature and the E ' keep at a high level with the increasing of temperature in the heat-treated samples .

  8. 本义简述了辐射固化技术的发展历史,回顾了我国辐射固化涂料的发展状况,介绍了户外用UV涂料的特点、制备及国外最新进展。

    This paper describes the history of UV curing technology , the development of UV curing coatings in China , and introduces the properties , preparation and latest global trends of UV curing coatings for outdoors .

  9. 介绍了辐射固化的原理,UV/EB固化涂料的配方构成、光源选择及原材料选择,并列举了各种用途的配方实例

    This article has described the principles of radiation curing process , formulation of UV / EB curing coatings , selection of light sources and raw materials Several practical formulations for various applications were listed

  10. UV固化是辐射固化技术的一种,是快速发展的绿色新技术,广泛应用于光固化涂料、光刻胶、光固化油墨、电子封装材料等领域。

    UV curing as a kind of radiation curing technology is the rapid development of " green " new technology , widely used in photocurable coatings , photoresist , photocurable ink , electronic packaging materials , and other fields .

  11. 对全球高速发展的辐射固化企业进行了概述,包括美国、欧洲和日本的原材料生产企业,涂料、油墨和胶粘剂生产企业,以及UV和EB的设备制造企业。

    And the global rapidly developed enterprises of radiation curing were briefed , including the companies producing raw material , coatings , printing ink and adhesive , and manufacturers of UV equipment and EB equipment in America , Europe and Japan .

  12. 本文介绍了TB-3051型紫外光辐射固化粘合剂主成分的分离和鉴定。

    The reparation and identification of the main ingredients of TB-3051 type UVcurable adhesive were introduced .

  13. 介绍了我国树脂基复合材料成型工艺已陈旧过时、必须更新换代的原因;RTM和辐射固化(主要有EB、UV固化)的优越性;

    This paper discusses the reason for new process for resin matrix composites to replace the old processes , it also introduces the advantages of RTM and radiation curing processes ( EB and UV ), which have been concluded as the most optimal processes for resin matrix composites .

  14. 通过对液态低聚物辐射固化条件和SDS-II型曝光机的加速电压、曝光剂量等曝光参数的分析研究,得出SDS-II型曝光机可以用于液态低聚物辐射固化的结论。

    Based on the studies of oligomer curing conditions and accelerating voltage , exposure dose of SDS-II electron beam exposure system , a conclusion is achieved that SDS-II is suitable for curing oligomer .

  15. 辐射固化面向&21世纪的绿色工业的新技术

    Radiation Curing & New Technology of Green Industries Facing 21st Century

  16. 面向21世纪的酸增殖辐射固化与成像技术

    Acid Proliferation of Radiation Curing and Imaging Technology for 21st Century

  17. 用于辐射固化的特种丙烯酸酯单体及其发展动向

    Special Acrylic Monomers and Trends of Thier Developments for Radiation Curing

  18. 紫外/电子束辐射固化材料的市场发展趋势

    The Market Tendency of UV / EB Radiation Curing Coating Materials

  19. 辐射固化过程中抗氧抑制效应研究进展

    Recent advances in resisting oxygen inhibition effect on the radiation curing

  20. 北美辐射固化市场和技术发展的总体现状

    OVERVIEW Update on the Radiation Curing Market Technology Development in North America

  21. 21世纪的绿色技术&涂料辐射固化

    Green technology in 21 ~ ( th ) CENTURY-RADIATION curing of coating

  22. 热处理对电子束辐射固化环氧树脂的作用效果

    Effect of heat treatment on epoxy resins cured by electron beam radiation

  23. 辐射固化涂料包括电子束固化涂料和紫外光固化涂料。

    Radiation curing coatings includes UV-curingand electron beam curing coatings .

  24. 环氧树脂辐射固化反应速率及速率常数的研究

    Study on reaction rate and kinetic constant in radiation curing of epoxy resins

  25. 复合材料辐射固化技术与传统工艺的结合

    Combination of Radiation Curing with Traditional Processing of Composites

  26. 全球辐射固化市场动向(一)

    Trend of Global Radiation Curing Market ( I )

  27. 辐射固化材料在电子信息产业中的应用

    Application of Radiation Curing Materials in Electronic Information Industry

  28. 介绍辐射固化的产业基本结构和产业价值链。

    The industrial structure and industrial value chain of radiation curing were introduced .

  29. 辐射固化的全球产业化与市场动态(一)

    Global Industrialization and Market Trends of Radiation Curing (ⅰ)

  30. 辐射固化粘接性材料的开发应用

    Development and application of adhesive materials for radiation curing