
zú jì fǎ
  • footprinting;footprint method
  1. 结论:进化足迹法可以有效地降低转录因子结合部位预测结果中的假阳性率。

    CONCLUSION : Phylogenetic footprinting can effectively decrease the false positive rate in predicting transcription factor binding sites .

  2. 利用现代分子生物学实验技术,例如凝胶阻滞实验、足迹法等,可以逐一鉴别出与特定转录因子结合的DNA序列片段。

    The modern molecular biology experimental techniques to determine whether a given transcription factor which binds any given DNA sequence are well established , such as gel shift analysis and footprinting .

  3. 固相DNaseⅠ足迹法研究DNA-蛋白质相互作用

    A Method for the Study of DNA-Protein Interaction : Solid-Phase DNase ⅰ Footprinting

  4. 然而其所处的地理位置正面临开发压覆煤炭资源和建设生态商务区(EBD)的矛盾。本文在借鉴了Fuzzy-AHP和生态足迹法相关理论。

    However , its geographical location is facing the contradictions of mining coal resources which are under the earth and building an Ecological Business District ( EBD ) . This paper draws on the related theory of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy process ( AHP ) and Ecological Footprint method .

  5. 基于生态足迹法的常山县可持续发展研究

    Ecological footprint based sustainable development in Changshan County , Zhejiang Province

  6. 基于生态足迹法的城市能源系统分析

    Urban energy system analysis based on ecological footprint theory

  7. 生态足迹法在郑州市城市可持续发展中的应用

    The application of ecological footprints to the urban sustainable development of Zhengzhou City

  8. 生态足迹法在可持续发展度量及趋势预测中的应用

    The Application of Ecological Footprint to the Measurement of Sustainable Development And Trend Forecast

  9. 运用生态足迹法分析了平朔矿区2005年生态承载力状况;

    Ecological capacity of Pingshuo mining area in2005 was calculated through the ecological footprint analysis .

  10. 基于生态足迹法的喀斯特地区水资源承载能力综合评价研究

    Comprehensive Assessment of Water Resource Carrying Capacity in Karst Area Based on Ecological Footprint Analysis

  11. 生态足迹法在贵州喀斯特地区生态经济协调发展定量评价中的应用

    Ecological Footprint Analysis on Balanced Ecological and Economic Development in the Karst Area of Guizhou Province

  12. 基于生态足迹法的陕北地区水资源可持续利用评价

    Evaluation on Sustainable Utilization of Water Resource in North Shaanxi Province Based on Ecological Footprint Model

  13. 基于生态足迹法的区域水资源生态承载力计算与评价&以珠海市为例

    The calculations and analysis of regional ecological water resources carrying capacity cabased on Ecological Footprint Analysis Method

  14. 生态足迹法在循环经济定量研究中的应用&以温州市2002年生态足迹计算与分析为例

    Application of Ecological Footprint Method to Studying Circular Economic Quantification & A Case Study of Wenzhou in 2002

  15. 阐述了盐城海滨湿地社区参与生态旅游开发的资源和环境基础,应用生态足迹法对盐城海滨湿地生态旅游进行了可持续性评价;

    Then the dissertation analyzes resource and environment conditions of Yangcheng coastal and marine wetland to develop community-based ecotourism .

  16. 应用体内足迹法研究小鼠β-珠蛋白基因簇重要调控元件上的DNA-蛋白质间的相互作用

    Study of Protein-DNA Interactions of Important Regulatory Elements of Mouse β - globin Gene Cluster by in Vivo Footprinting

  17. 生态足迹法是近年来出现的一种直观而综合评价可持续发展的新方法。

    The Ecological Footprint theory ( EF theory ) is a newly occurred and synthesize method of assessing the sustainable development .

  18. 基于生态足迹法的区域生态环境效应分析&以三峡库区丰都县为例

    Analysis of regional eco-environmental effects based on ecological footprint & a case study in Fengdu County in the Three-Gorges Reservoir Area

  19. 生态承载力理论及生态足迹法应用到水工程等大型项目的的生态环境影响评价,将扩大生态承载力理论及生态足迹法的应用范畴。

    Ecological carrying capacity and ecological footprint method applied to the ecological impact assessment of water conservancy projects and other large-scale projects .

  20. 基于生态足迹法的移民安置区生态承载力研究&以丹江口水库工程淅川库区为例

    Study on ecological carrying capacity in resettlement areas based on ecological footprint method & taking Xichuan reservoir area of Danjiangkou Reservoir as example

  21. 在生态足迹法中引入技术资源的生态足迹计算,全面评估在技术资源的影响下区域发展的可持续性。

    Introducing the eco-footprint calculation of technical resource to the eco-footprint method , the sustainability of the region was fully assessed under the effect of technical resource .

  22. 首先,本论文在可持续发展研究方法上运用生态足迹法,从生物物理量的角度来研究自然资本,进而判断该区域的发展是否处于生态承载力所能承受的范围内,是否具有可持续性。

    Ecological footprint method analyzes the natural capital consumption from the angle of the biophysical parameters , compares the ecological capacity and judges whether it is sustainability .

  23. 阐述了土地利用总体规划环境影响评价中存在的问题,提出将生态足迹法中的生态承载力模型运用到规划环境影响评价。

    Problems existing in Chongqing land utility and environmental assessment were discussed . A method named ecology foot printing for land planning and environmental assessment was proposed .

  24. 可持续发展自提出以来便受到广泛关注,二十世纪产生了两种影响较大和应用较广的可持续发展评价方法:生态足迹法和能值分析法。

    Sustainable development has received extensive attention since it was advanced . Two widely used evaluation methods have been proposed in the twentieth century : ecological footprint method and emergy analysis method .

  25. 在城镇发展对耕地保护的负效应定性分析的基础上,运用生态足迹法对负效应进行定量评价。

    Based on the qualitative analysis of the negative effects urban development on the arable land protection , it uses the ecological footprint method carrying on a quantitative evaluation to negative effect .

  26. 然后,对当前四川省人口、资源、环境和经济发展问题进行了分析,运用生态足迹法对四川省1997年至2001年连续5年的生态足迹进行了计算。

    Secondly , the writer analyzes the problems on population , resource , environment and economics of Sichuan province , and calculates ecological footprints of Sichuan province in the period from 1997 to 2001 .

  27. 基于此,本文选用综合指数法、生态足迹法、物元分析法对无锡市的土地生态安全从多角度、选用多方法进行评价。

    Based on this , selection comprehensive Index method , ecological footprint method , material analysis method to evaluate land ecological security of Wuxi City from multiple perspectives , use multiple methods of evaluation .

  28. 生态足迹法是一种通过测量人类对自然的利用程度,从而来确定区域的发展是否仍处于生态承载力范围之内的新的可持续发展评估方法。

    The ecological footprint is a new method that can confirm whether the development of the area is still in the range of the ecological capacity by measuring the degree of human 's using nature .

  29. 利用生态足迹法对贵州喀斯特地区生态经济状态进行定量测算。物流系统规划是现代物流理论盒实践中的难题。

    However , using quantitative analysis to evaluate the balanced degree of ecology and economy together is a difficult point in ecological economy field . The logistics system planning is the difficult point in both logistics theory and practice .

  30. 南水北调对襄樊生态赤字影响的实例说明,采用综合生态足迹法的计算结果更全面更合理。

    According to the example of Water Transportation from South to North Project influence on the ecological deficit of Xiangfan , the calculated result of total ecological footprint proves that the method of ecological footprint is more complete and reasonable .