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zhuì yóu
  • excrescence;wart;anything superfluous or useless
赘疣 [zhuì yóu]
  • (1) [wart]∶疣。皮肤上长的肉瘤

  • 反离群而赘疣。--《楚辞.九章.惜诵》

  • (2) [anything superfluous or useless]∶比喻多余无用的东西

  • 能保其增益成文者,悉如作者之意,毫无赘疣、蛇足与其间乎?--清. 李渔《曲话.宾白》

赘疣[zhuì yóu]
  1. 无症状组:19只眼的角膜内皮层均见到滴状赘疣,数目较有症状组者少,直径15-40μm;

    In the asymptomatic groups , less number of guttae could be seen in the endothelial layer . The diameter of the guttae was 15-40 μ m.

  2. 这是书面语的赘疣,不利于人们的学习和记忆,我们迫切需要对它进行整理。

    Because they are an excrescence of written language , unfavorable to the study and memory of people , it is an urge task of us to sort them out .

  3. 然而斯拉法封闭在该价格体系内部,通过建立标准体系的标准合成商品,并将其还原为所购买的劳动量,以确定价格单位,构成了斯拉法理论的赘疣与困境。

    But it fails when the price unit of the relative price system is determined by means of a bundle of commodities called standard commodity in standard system , and it also fails when the standard commodity is turned into the purchased labor .
