
  1. 在对理论总结后笔者明确指出,企业收缩的实质是资本收缩,其最终目的是为了实现资本的最大增值。

    This thesis point out that the essence of the enterprises ' contracting capital-operations is capital contraction , and the purpose is to get the most added value .

  2. 过去五年里美欧信贷和资本收缩的原因在于,以有利可图的方式识别和组合不同部件所需的那种知识,已在不经意间遭到破坏。

    The reason credit and capital have contracted for the past five years in the US and Europe is that the knowledge required to identify and join parts profitably has been unwittingly destroyed .

  3. 而企业紧缩则是资本的收缩行为,它通过同一企业内部生产要素分化和重新组合进而提高企业经济资源的配置效率。

    While company 's contraction is an action of capital contraction which is to raise efficiency of economy resources allocation through product factors breaking up and reorganizing .

  4. 应采用扩张型资本运营和收缩型资本运营模式,加强人力资本运营,努力实现资本运营形式的多样化。

    Should adopt the expansion pattern and contraction pattern of the capital operation , strengthen the manpower capital operation , diligently realizes the capital operation pattern diversification .

  5. 资产重组是市场经条件下企业进行资本扩张与收缩、协调与选择、控制与反控制的重要途径与手段,也是进行产业结构调整,优化资源配置,提高企业竞争力的常见方式。

    Asset restructure is an important method for enterprises to expand or constriction , to harmonize or choose , and to control or anti-control in the market economy . It is also a common manner to adjust industry structure , optimise resource collocation , and improve the competitive .

  6. 对欧洲大陆的许多银行来说,是增加资本金,还是收缩资产负债表,依然是它们面临的一个重要选择。

    The essential choice of raising capital or shrinking their balance sheets remains for many continental European banks .

  7. 第12步将是亏损、资本减少、信贷收缩、被迫清算和以低于基本面价格廉价出售资产的恶性循环。

    Step 12 would be a vicious circle of losses , capital reduction , credit contraction , forced liquidation and fire sales of assets at below fundamental prices .

  8. 世界经济强国和地区经济的衰退,造成国际资本流动性短缺,国际产业资本转移意愿和能力下降,全球范围内资本投资收缩,将导致国际投资大幅下降。

    The economic of the developed countries and regional is recessing , resulting in a shortage of international capital fluidity ; the ability of the international transfer of industrial capital decreasing in a global contraction of capital investment will lead to a substantial decline in international investment .

  9. 对于资本运作方式,大家比较熟悉的是收购、兼并、增发新股等资本扩张型的运作,股份回购等资本收缩型运作并不常见。

    We are familiar with capital-widening operations such as acquisition , merger and issuing new shares , but not with stock repurchase .