
  1. 从人力资本增量形成的角度考虑,河南省农村人力资本投资观念有待加强;

    At angle of human capital investment , the idea about human capital investment should be strengthened .

  2. 资本增量经营主要研究在企业资本扩张过程中的资本运作及其效果。

    Capital incremental operation is mainly on the operation and effect in the process of capital expansion for enterprises .

  3. 这说明在目前,初中水平的农村人口仍是农村人力资本增量的主体。

    This shows that in the current junior high school level of the rural population is still the main body of the rural human capital increment .

  4. 资本增量经营的根本目标是资本增值;具体目标是提高规模经济效益、技术进步经济效益和潜在经济效益。

    The basic goal of capital incremental operation is the value increase for capitals , and its concrete goal is to raise efficiency of scale of economy , and to raise potential economic efficiency .

  5. 人力资源投资中,员工的资本存量增量越大,员工离开企业的概率就越大。

    In human resources investment , the more the peronnal 's capital increment is , the greater the probability that the peronnal leave enterprises is .

  6. 知识经济已经来临,世界经济正从物质经济向知识经济转变,它一改过去那种依靠资源、资本总量和增量决定管理模式,更加依赖于知识的积累和应用。

    It has been agreed that the knowledge-based economy will prevail , the world economy has corrected the mistake that depends on the resources , increasing and total capital , and it is changing from material economy to knowledge economy now .

  7. 从区域体育产业的资本存量和增量、区域人口与劳动力资源、技术的进步、区内外体育产业发展软环境和区域体育产品生产规模等方面论证了区域体育产业发展的要素问题。

    This paper discussed the elements of sports industry development from the quantity and increasing quantity of regional sports industry resource , regional population and labor resource , progress of technical , internal and external conditions of sports industry and the scale of regional sports production .

  8. 作为投融资重点研究的资本运动,是资本形成增量的主要途径,这方面的研究在投资经济学中已相对成熟,而在区域经济学中对此问题却鲜见系统的论述。

    It is also the core problem of the Regional Economics . The capital flow which is the main object of the investment & financing research is the main path of the capital formation .

  9. 内部资本市场融资规模与权益资本成本增量和总资本成本增量均负相关。

    Internal financing are both negatively correlated with equity capital cost increment and total capital cost increment .

  10. 对于延边地区来说,劳动力是比较充足的投入要素,一般不会成为经济增长的约束条件,而资本存量的多少,特别是资本增量形成的快慢,往往成为促进或阻碍地区经济增长的基本要素。

    For Yanbian area , labor force is relatively abundant and it will not become a restriction for economic growth , while the capital accumulation , especially , the pace of capital formation will be the basic factor that promotes or hinders the development of the regional economic growth .

  11. 第三部分,分析了我国人力资本的增值状态,主要包括人力资本存量状态、增量状态、流失状态三个方面。

    The third part analyses the present state of human capital in China , including storage , addition and loss .

  12. 着重分析人力资本产权在中国现阶段对于企业改造,增强企业活力,共同分享企业的剩余索取权,使人力资本成为公司产生增量利益的一个极重要因素;

    Most important of all , human capital property right has made great contributions to enterprise transformation , enhancement of enterprise productivity , and the right to share surplus indemnity of the businesses .