
zī běn xínɡ chénɡ
  • capital formation;forms of value
  1. 而FDI与吉林省资本形成的关系显著,并且相互促进。

    And FDI and capital formation of jilin province , and promote each other significant relationship .

  2. 外国直接投资(FDI)除了能够从资本形成、技术扩散和促进竞争等角度刺激发展中国家的经济增长,还会对一国的国际收支产生影响。

    FDI can stimulate the economic development of developing countries from the channel of capital formation , technology progress and competition promotion .

  3. 从中国工业产出、利税增长、资本形成等方面对FDI的贡献进行了分析,认为FDI促进了中国工业的增长。

    It is believed that the FDI has promoted the growth of the Chinese industry .

  4. FDI进入对东道国资本形成,提高就业率,国际收支调整和促进国际竞争,提高引资国的国民经济综合实力和国际竞争力,都具有重要作用和积极贡献。

    FDI into the host country is good for its capital formation , raising the employment rate , adjust the balance of payments and promote international competition .

  5. OFDI影响国内资本形成的地区差异及其门槛效应

    Regional Difference of OFDI ′ s Impact on Domestic Capital Formation and Its Threshold Effect

  6. 通过分析有如下结论:FDI流量占全社会固定资产投资的比重指标表明FDI的流入促进了中国的资本形成,极大地改善了中国的资产质量;

    The conclusions are as follows : The FDI volume in proportion to the social capital assets indicates that it accelerates the formation of Chinese capital and improves the quality of Chinese assets .

  7. 本文通过计量模型定量说明了FDI与我国国内投资,资本形成之间的关系,主要研究了FDI对我国国内投资挤出效应的机制、成因和负面影响。

    With an econometrics model , this paper tried to disclose the relations among FDI , domestic investment and capital formation . This paper also explained the cause and the procedure of the crowd-out effect .

  8. 其次指出在全国范围内FDI的区位分布形成了东高西低的经济空间结构,东高西低的原因在于资本形成率和全要素生产率。

    Secondly it points out the economic spatial structure of High East and Low West reduced by the FDI location in China , the reasons for which lie in the ratio of capital formation and TFP .

  9. 实证上采用VAR模型分析,结果发现公共支出降低了地区经济基尼系数,公共投资支出是西部地区资本形成的重要力量。

    Empirical analysis using VAR model found that public spending reduced the Gini coefficient of regional economy , and public investment spending is a major force in capital formation in the western regions .

  10. 因此,从资本形成角度看,FDI对东道国经济增长的影响是不确定的,其取决于FDI最终挤入还是挤出了国内资本。

    Therefore the effect of FDI on economic growth is not definite from the capital formation perspective . It depends on whether it " crowds out " or " crowds in " domestic investment as a whole .

  11. 实践证明:FDI在中国的资本形成、就业、出口与产业结构升级等方面做出了重要贡献,但国内自主创新能力的提高却进展缓慢,甚至在一些产业内形成了严重的技术依赖。

    FDI made contributions in capitalization , employment , export and industrial structure upgrading of China greatly in past years , on the contrary , the promotion of Chinese self-innovation ability is so slow that there is serious tech-depending in some industry .

  12. 国际直接投资(FDI)作为生产要素在区域间的重新分配与组合,对世界各国的资本形成、技术进步、产业升级以及贸易发展等方面产生了重要影响。

    As an interregional act of redistribution and combination of production factors , foreign direct investment ( FDI ) has a great impact on the capital formation , the progress of technology , the industrial upgrading and the trade development around the world .

  13. 为研究正规教育对人力资本形成的贡献,在人口预测模型的基础上,加入教育入学率信息,建立了中国人口教育状态演化模型(P-E模型);

    In order to investigate the effect of formal education on human capital formation , a P-E model is established based on the forecasting model of population .

  14. 因此可以说,资本形成制度是整个公司制度的基石。

    Therefore , it is a cornerstone of the corporate systems .

  15. 农业资本形成的障碍及对策分析

    Analysis on Obstacles and Countermeasures in the Form of Farm Capital

  16. 基于资本形成机制的林业金融体系构建路径

    Building the Financial System of Forestry Based on Capital Formation Mechanism

  17. 第一部分,分析资本形成的一般理论。

    Part one analyses the general theories of the capital-form .

  18. 西部地区资本形成与制度创新

    Capital Formation and the Institutional Reform in the Western Regions

  19. 单位制度对我国社会资本形成的制约

    The Constrains of Unit System to the Formation of Our Social Capital

  20. 影响农村青年人力资本形成的多因素分析

    Research on Factors That Effect Human Capital of Rural Youth

  21. 而区域性因素是将资本形成与劳动力转移联系起来的纽带。

    The regional factors are ligaments of capital formation and labor migration .

  22. 印度政府在资本形成中的作用与启示

    Role of Indian Government in Capital Formation and Its Implications

  23. 论体育在人力资本形成中的作用

    Discussion on Function of Sports in Human Capital Formation

  24. 人力资本形成及其对经济增长的影响&一个包含教育和健康投入的内生增长模型及其检验

    Human Capital Formation land its Effects on Economic Growth

  25. 人才资本形成中教育投资的成本收益分析

    On Educational Investment Cost and Profit in Human Capital

  26. 资本形成在经济增长过程中起着重要作用,我国的经济增长也充分证明了这一点。

    Capital formation plays an important role in the process of economic growth .

  27. 税收对资本形成的影响分析

    On the Influence of Government Taxation upon Capital Formation

  28. 资本形成总额,按货物类别和所有人分列

    Gross capital formation by type of good and owner

  29. 另一方面,这种市场实质上为资本形成提供了补贴。

    On the other hand , such a market essentially subsidises capital formation .

  30. 资本形成是经济发展的关键吗?

    Is capital formation the key to economic development ?