
  • 网络capital appreciation;capital gain
  1. 派息率越高、送红股越多,就会使普通的股票股的股价越高,带来客观的资本增值。

    Higher payout ratio and more bonus stocks will make the price of the shares higher and will bring considerable capital gain .

  2. 希尔斯总结称,在这些情况下,实现资本增值和不断增长的收入的机会是不可错过的。

    In these conditions , opportunities to achieve a capital gain and a rising income have to be taken , Hills concludes .

  3. 你必须将该处房产的资本增值考虑在内。

    You have to take capital appreciation of the property into account .

  4. 技术创新是资本增值的直接动力。

    Technical innovation is the direct motive force of capital appreciation .

  5. 我国人力资本增值状态与对策

    State and Countermeasures of Value Adding on Human Capital in China

  6. 资本增值计算与评价理论及方法

    Calculation of Value-Added Capital and Its Evaluating Theory and Technique

  7. 人力资本增值管理研究

    Study on the Management of the Manpower Capital Value Increase

  8. 他通过短期交易逃避资本增值税。

    He avoided the capital gains tax by short selling .

  9. 终身教育:人力资本增值的不竭源泉

    Lifetime Education : Unexhausted Resources Of the Manpower-Capital Proliferation

  10. 论图书馆继续教育与人力资本增值

    Discussion on the Continuous Education and the Appreciation of Human Resource of the Library

  11. 资本增值是货币资本和人力资本共同作用的结果,货币资本具有外生增值性,人力资本具有内生增值性。

    Capital raise in value is result of money-capital and human-capital make joint role .

  12. 基金旨在取得资本增值。

    The fund aims to achieve capital growth .

  13. 以员工职业生涯开发为导向的企业人力资本增值问题研究

    Research on Issues of Human Resource Appreciation-Based on the Orientation of Employee Career Development

  14. 下注的数目逐渐增加。有人注重资本增值。

    They increased the amounts of the bets .

  15. 这就造成了不会给消费带来任何财富效应的巨大资本增值。此外,国企积累的资本更多地被投向本以产能过剩的领域,投资效率极低。

    In addition , the high-savings of SOEs are often invested in overcapacity sectors .

  16. 主要投资于环球股票以寻求长线资本增值。

    Seeks long-term capital growth mainly by investing in the shares of companies globally .

  17. 主播现在,投资者们正试图寻找让他们的资本增值的新方法。

    ANCHOR Now investors are trying to find new ways to grow their funds .

  18. 外国投资者将可免交资本增值税。

    Foreign investors will be exempt from paying taxes on capital gains ( CGT ) .

  19. 有效的知识管理是实现知识资本增值的根本保证。

    An effective knowledge management is the fundamental indemnity to realize multiplication of knowledge capital .

  20. 算上资本增值,该数量到2015年可能膨胀到12万亿美元。

    Including capital appreciation , the amount could swell to $ 12 trillion by 2015 .

  21. 这种投资债券旨在实现资本增值,同时创造收入来支付护理费用。

    The investment bonds were designed to grow capital while generating income to cover care costs .

  22. 基金透过主要投资于欧洲之小型企业,以提供长期资本增值。

    The fund aims to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in European smaller companies .

  23. 你希望资本增值?

    Do you need capital growth ?

  24. 现代医院人才素质要求与人力资本增值途径

    The Qualitative Requirements for the Talented Persons of a Hospital and the Value-added Ways of Human Capital

  25. 协同效应的获得是企业实现资本增值最大化的有效途径。

    The effective way to realize the maximized capital of enterprise is to achieve the synergy effects .

  26. 投资性房地产是以赚取租金或资本增值为目的而持有的房地产。

    Investing real estate is real estates owing for the purpose of earning rental or capital accrual .

  27. 现在,投资者们正试图寻找让他们的资本增值的新方法。

    Investment in Art ANCHOR Now investors are trying to find new ways to grow their funds .

  28. 首先,国有商业银行必须以资本增值为目标,做好资本的有效配置;

    Firstly , government-owned commercial bank should aim to capital appreciation and improve the efficiency of capital allocation .

  29. 尽管如此,日本国内外的投资者还是踊跃购买股票,并获得了资本增值的回报。

    Domestic and foreign investors nonetheless bought shares enthusiastically and were rewarded in the form of capital growth .

  30. 如果资本增值潜力大,即便是投资收益股票也可以接受。

    An investment in shares with a low income may be acceptable if the chances of capital growth look good .