
  1. 世界主要资本金制度比较分析

    Comparative analyses of different capital systems in the world

  2. 比如,一,资本金制度。

    For example , first the capital system .

  3. 由于各种因素的影响,我国目前仍有必要施行法定资本金制度。

    Now our country should put in force legal capital system because of different risk factors .

  4. 世界各国资本金制度大致有三种:法定资本金制度、授权资本金制度与折衷资本金制度。

    There are three capital systems in the world : legal capital system , accredit capital system , compromise capital system .

  5. 其中主要包括一人公司最低资本金制度、名称警示制度、相关事务公开制度、财务公开制度、内部监督制度、法人格否认制度等一系列制度。

    The main ones are minimum capital , name alarming , relevant information and financial disclosure , internal supervision and denial of corporate personality .

  6. 本文拟从公司资本金制度、发行主体制度、监管体制三个方面进行阐述,指出我国现行制度的不足,并提出相关的建议。

    The text try to expatiate the company capital system 、 the issuing body system and the supervise system , and point out the shortage of the system that playing in our country now .

  7. 规制一人公司需要运用公司法人资格否认理论,实行严格的登记、公示和必要的书面记载制度,实行最低资本金制度等。

    In order to regulate the one-member company , we need to apply the theory of legal personality denial , implement the strict systems of registration , announcement , necessary written recording and minimum capital fund .

  8. 包括,建立财政借款制度、财政贴息制度、贷款损失准备金制度以及资本金补充制度等。

    Such as , set up the fiscal loan system , fiscal interest deduction system , loan loss provisions system and capital increasing system .

  9. 国有企业和集体企业资本金统计报告制度

    A system for reporting statistics on the capital funds of state-owned and collectively-owned enterprises

  10. 我们最有可能在金融领域看到这种做法,制定银行资本金要求、会计制度和信用评级方面的标准,将促进全球经济复苏。

    We are most likely to see this in the financial realm , where setting standards for the capital requirements of banks , accounting systems and credit ratings would facilitate global economic growth .

  11. 为了维持资本充实原则,商法上建立了资本金全额缴纳制度。

    In order to maintain the capital adequacy principle , a system of fully paid capital has been established under the Commercial Law .

  12. 面对我国国有资本金管理中存在的问题,完善国有资本金预算管理制度,加快配套改革的步伐,已经成为目前国有资产改革的当务之急。

    Perfecting budget system for state-owned capital and speeding up the pace of reform has become an urgent problem in state assets reform .

  13. 本金的,资本的属于或关于本金的或财政周转中的资金的世界各国资本金制度大致有三种:法定资本金制度、授权资本金制度与折衷资本金制度。

    Of , relating to , or being financial principal , or a principal in a financial transaction . There are three capital systems in the world : legal capital system , accredit capital system , compromise capital system .