
  • 网络Proton electrostatic accelerator
  1. V2质子静电加速器的改进与现状

    Improvements and Status of the Proton Electrostatic Accelerator , V2

  2. 本文介绍了中国科学院的一架高气压型质子静电加速器。

    A proton electrostatic accelerator of the high pressure type is described .

  3. 用化学方法测量J-2.5MV质子静电加速器电子的吸收剂量

    Measurement of electron absorbed dose for J 2 5 mV proton accelerator using chemical method

  4. 描述了2.5MeV质子静电加速器改出电子束的一种改进方法。

    An improved method of accelerating electron in 2.5 MeV VAN DE GRAAFF is described .

  5. 2.5MV质子静电加速器加速管的研制与实验

    Manufacture and test of the acceleration tube

  6. 质子静电加速器

    A proton electrostatic accelerator

  7. 本文介绍了质子静电加速器毫微秒脉冲束流时间宽度的一种快速监测方法和一套监测装置的设计、制作和性能指标测试。

    A method and a system quickly monitoring and measuring the width of beam bursts in us from proton electrostatic accelerator are described .

  8. 本工作是在2.5MV脉冲化质子静电加速器上,使用大液体闪烁探测器和飞行时间法,相对于金的俘获截面测量了钨和钆六个能量点的中子俘获截面。

    Neutron capture cross sections of W and Gd were measured relative to that of Au at six neutron energy values by using a large liquid scintillator tank and time-of-flight technique . The accelerator used was a 2.5 MV pulsed van de Graff .