
zhì xīn
  • centroid;center of mass;centre of mass;barycenter;barycentre
质心 [zhì xīn]
  • [barycenter;centre of mass] 质量中心,物体作用力(合力)的中点位置,该点受力时物体只作平动而不发生转动

  • 研究较小物体时,把质心看作与重心重合

质心[zhì xīn]
  1. 液类货物运输中质心位置的计算分析

    Calculating analysis on the barycenter location in transporting of liquid goods

  2. 质心测量平台的研究与设计

    Study and Design on the Platform of Barycenter Gauging

  3. 要避免含糊,这些定律所指的应当是质心的速度和加速度。

    To remove the ambiguity , these laws should refer to the velocity and the acceleration of the center of mass .

  4. 推导了载体非质心处的比力方程,并给出了无陀螺捷联惯导系统的解算流程,为编制DSP应用程序奠定了基础。

    The specific force equation at the noncentraled of the body is deduced .

  5. 星载SAR多普勒质心估记的新方法&幅度相关法

    A new method to estimate Doppler centroid for Spaceborne sar-amplitude correlation method

  6. 用于Anger型γ照相机探头的基于质心引导的三维最大似然定位算法

    Centroid Guided 3D Maximum Likelihood Positioning Algorithm for Scintillation Gamma Camera

  7. 用噪声模型估计星载SAR的多普勒质心

    Doppler centroid estimation of spaceborne SAR with noise model

  8. Paul阱中被囚禁离子质心运动k分量相干态的压缩效应

    K component Coherent States of Ion in the Paul Trap and their Squeezing Properties

  9. 影响发光二极管(LED)颜色的光谱参数有:峰值波长、带宽、主波长和质心波长。

    Peak wavelength , bandwith , domain wavelength , and centroid wavelength are factors affecting on light color of LED .

  10. 由质心的定义可知,它就是x的平均值。

    If I look at the definition of the center of mass , it 's the average value of x.

  11. 利用AutoCAD快速确定装备质心位置的方法

    The method of determining the centroid position of equipment by means of AutoCAD

  12. 基于时频滤波的SAS解多普勒质心模糊改进算法

    Improved Doppler Centroid Ambiguity Resolving Algorithm of SAS Based on Time-frequency Filtering

  13. 在静止质心系上它与MIT袋模型等价;

    In the rest CM-system , the model is equivalent to the MIT bag model ;

  14. 本论文依据衰减理论建立了层状地层纵波、转换波的衰减模型,利用谱比法、叠前CMP道集法、质心频移法对纵波和转换波的Q值进行反演。

    The attenuation models for P-wave and converted wave are based on attenuation theories of media in the paper .

  15. 所编制的程序能自动生成包含主要结构件和内部布置的飞翼CAD模型,并能计算出飞翼无人机质量特性计算和质心位置。

    The programs were developed to automatically generate the CAD model of the structural and internal layout of fly-wing UAV , and predict the mass and the centroid .

  16. 介绍一种精确的方法,在质心坐标系中,把量子N体系统的整体转动自由度和内部运动自由度完全地分离开来。

    A method without any approximation to separate the global rotational degrees of freedom in the Schrdinger equation for an N - body system completely from the internal ones is presented .

  17. 若随机初始化质心,则采用取相对表达水平的预处理方式,以欧几里德距离(EuclideanDistance)作为相似性测量准则,可以获得最佳的聚类结果;

    However , if the centroids are initialized randomly , clustering on the relative expression ratio under Euclidean distance metrics can obtain the best results .

  18. JC模型下原子质心运动对原子动力学行为的影响

    The Effect of Atom Mass Center Motion to the Behavior of Atom in Cavity

  19. 采用重心算法、hough变换算法、以及通过质心计算螺牙间距的方法实现了对三个几何参数的检测。

    Mass center algorithm , hough transform algorithm and screw pitch calculation method are applied to measure the geometry parameters .

  20. 针对某型反舰导弹自动驾驶仪航向控制通道的不足,提出一种利用GPS实现的侧向质心控制方案。

    It is quite expensive to use INS ( Inertial Navigation System ) method to make corrections for lateral deviations of midcourse trajectory of antiship missile due to gust and gyro drift .

  21. 论文成功地解决了ADAMS与SOLIDWORKS等软件的接口问题,正确提取和传递了构件实体模型和各种信息(如质心、质量及转动惯量等);

    The interface problems between ADAMS and SOLIDWORKS were solved and necessary information about all components in the machine were collected and transferred .

  22. 采用了一种基于HSV模型,应用H参数特征值来识别特征物体并获得其质心点坐标的方法。

    A HSV model based method which has been used for discerning feature objects and capturing the coordinate of their center using H-parameter Eigen value has been achieved .

  23. CTM型综合测试仪在汽车质心高度测试中的应用研究

    Experimental Research on Application of CTM Testing Instrument for Measuring Height of An Automobile 's Mass Center

  24. 首先,根据系统结构的几何关系并结合系统对总质心的动量矩守恒关系,导出了其末端抓手运动速度与关节铰速度之间的广义Jacobian关系;

    First , combining system geometry and momentum conservation equation , the generalized Jacobian matrix for the space manipulator is derived ;

  25. k-Means(以及模糊k-Means):根据项目与之前迭代的质心(或中心)之间的距离将项目添加到k集群中。

    K-Means ( and fuzzy k-Means ): Clusters items into k clusters based on the distance the items are from the centroid , or center , of the previous iteration .

  26. 由于方位多普勒质心和多普勒带宽与不同的几何布局有关,侧重分析了双站SAR平飞模式等距离不同方位点目标的多普勒信息。

    Since the Doppler center-frequency and Doppler bandwidth are related with different geometric models , this paper gives particular emphasis on analyzing Doppler information of different targets at the same range under parallel model .

  27. 将此图像数据运用Legendre矩找出图像的质心和主轴,进而完成图像的平移、缩放和旋转,以实现CT和MR图像的融合。

    These image data were input into computer the center and main axis of image were located by Legendre moment then the CT and MR images were registered by translation , scaling and rotation .

  28. 在对激光光斑质心坐标的提取过程中,对比研究了质心法、加权质心法、Hough变换法与圆拟合法。

    In the center extraction process of the laser spot , the centroid , weighted centroid , Hough transform and circular fitting methods were studied comparatively .

  29. 本文介绍了CTM型综合测试仪用于汽车质心高度测试的研究结果。

    This paper deals with the application of CTM instrument for measuring the hight of mass center of an automobile .

  30. 将衬垫抽象为某一质量m、质心O(a,b)的准自由落体,其运动为自由落体基本运动和绕固定点回转的牵连运动。

    The lining is abstracted to be a quasi freely falling body with mass m and centroid O ( a , b ) ; and its motion , to be basic motion of freely falling body and involving motion revolving around fixed point .