
fù duān
  • negative terminal
负端[fù duān]
  1. 将寄生电容非灵敏有源开关电容网络(SCN)划分成若干个子网络,对每个子网络定义了运放负端组元割集;

    The parasitic-insensitive active switched capacitor network ( SCN ) is partitioned into several sub-networks . Each subnetwork is defined as the op. amp .

  2. 为了使单相电源下PMOS和NMOS功率管功耗同时得到优化,信号处理部分设计了正端增益加倍,负端增益压缩的增益变化电路。

    To optimize the power dissipation of both PMOS and NMOS power transistors with positive adaptive power supply , variable gain signal processing circuit is designed .

  3. 按照惯例,电路中的电流被认为是从正端流向负端,上电子足以反方向流动的。

    By convention , current in a circuit is considered to flow from a more positive point to a more negative point , even though the actual electron flow is in the opposite direction .

  4. 带有负顾客的双端排队系统

    Double - ended Queue System with Negative Customers