
  • 网络western culture
  1. 全球化视野下的西部文化建设

    The Construction of the Western Culture in View of Globalization

  2. 刍议西部文化的现状及其创新之路

    On Present State of Western Culture and Its Renovation

  3. 湖北西部文化之旅的定位思考

    The Fix Thinking of Culture Tourism in the West of Hubei

  4. 西部文化在西部大开发中的创造性转化

    Creative Changes in West China Culture During the West Development

  5. 中国西部文化的世界意义

    The World Significance of the Culture of Chinese Western Region

  6. 文化全球化与西部文化创新

    Globalization of Culture & Innovation of West Chinese Culture

  7. 为加快西部文化产业发展,提出一些有效的对策建议。

    To accelerate Western culture industrial development , some effective countermeasures are provided .

  8. 西部文化反映着西部人的历史,反映着西部人的生产和生活;

    The West China culture reflects the history production and live of the west .

  9. 西部文化开发与重庆文学

    West Culture Development and Chongqing Literature

  10. 陈列肯亚西部文化、史前史和自然史。

    Exhibit the culture of the people of Western Kenya , prehistory , and natural history .

  11. 西部文化的后现代主义意蕴

    Implication of Postmodernism in Western Culture

  12. 他与他的头脑的右和左大脑比较中国和西部文化。

    He compares the Chinese and Western cultures to the right and left cerebra of his minds .

  13. 是一个专门介绍美洲印第安人文化,包括西部文化的博物馆。

    And it 's devoted to exhibits of Native American cultures , including those of the west .

  14. 美国老西部文化在世界的很多地方都非常的受欢迎。

    The culture of the old American West is extremely popular in many parts of the world .

  15. 抗日战争时期,由于特殊的地理位置,成都成为西部文化中心之一。

    During Second Sino-Japanese War , Chengdu becomes western culture center of China because of its special geographical location .

  16. 但由于全球化和中国现代化进程的影响,西部文化已是一种正在从传统走向现代的文化。

    Under the influence of economy globalization and modernization of China , western culture is going out of tradition .

  17. 突出圣地特色,开发保护并举,努力把延安建成适宜人居的美丽山城和独具魅力的西部文化旅游名城。

    As a revolutionary shrine of the Chinese revolution , Yan'an should balance its development with its cultural preservation .

  18. 近年来的建设现状已经反映出了社会对丰富的西部文化缺乏足够的认知。

    The construction current situation in recent years has already reflected the society lacks enough cognition to abundant western culture .

  19. 少数民族文学在西部文化建设中,在西部旅游开发中,在保留西部传统文化中都起着重要作用。

    Ethnic literature takes great effects in building western culture , developing western tourism as well as preserving western traditional culture .

  20. 虽然西部文化中平等主义要强于东部文化,但是这种价值观对于创业却产生负影响。

    Although egalitarianism in western culture is stronger than that in eastern culture , this cultural value has a negative influence on self-employment .

  21. 在述评湖南西部文化旅游资源开发和保护特色以及特殊作用基础上,分析了其存在的问题,并提出了战略构思和对策。

    The cultural tourism is developing rapidly at present , the existence and development of which depend on the development and protection of cultural tourism resources .

  22. 实证表明西部文化中知性自主要弱于东部文化,然而这种价值观对于创业却是重要的。

    Empirical research results show intellectual autonomy in western culture is weaker than that in eastern culture . However , this cultural value is important for self-employment .

  23. 建构西部文化弘扬西部精神&“西部审美精神与文化建设”学术研讨会综述

    Constructing the culture of Western China and disseminating Western China spirit & a comprehensive review of the seminar on " aesthetical spirit of Western China and cultural construction "

  24. 陕西省省委、省政府也确定了要将陕西建设成为“西部文化强省”的目标。

    So the provincial party committee and the provincial government of Shaanxi Province set up an objective which identified Shaanxi Province to " strong cultural province in western part " .

  25. 而人是生活于一定文化中的人,新人要从西部文化的改革与创新开始。

    Since man is a creature living in a certain culture , to train people of new type for the west should begin with the cultural reform and with its innovation .

  26. 本文通过对西部文化思潮的反顾以及对长(?)文化的巡礼,进而建构起当代西部建筑文化的基本框架。

    In this paper , the author constructs the basic Irame ol west architecture culture on the base of the review to west cultural thoughts and the birds ' - eye view to Changan culture .

  27. 作为新时期的媒体行业,曲江影视在未来的发展中不断对自身进行扩充与发展,力求更快更好地传播西部文化。

    As the media industry in the new era , Qujiang constantly on television in the future development of its expansion and development , strive to achieve a faster and better dissemination of Western culture .

  28. 在市场化方面,加强文化管理体制的创新,建立文化产业的现代企业制度,做好西部文化资源知识产权专属化保护工作。

    In the marketing aspect , efforts should be made to strengthen innovation of culture management system , set up modern enterprise regulations of culture industry , and protect intellectual property right of west culture resources .

  29. (事实上,该行还有官方通知,让客户进门之前把枪放到一边,以突显那种西部文化传统&它是我见过的唯一这样做的西部联储银行。)

    ( Indeed , as a sign of this Wild West heritage , it is the only western central bank I have ever seen where an official notice tells customers to put their guns aside before entering . )

  30. 在经济基础比较薄弱的条件下,如何打破西部文化的封闭性、保守性,发挥和保持西部地域文化的本土性、民族性,成为促进西部文化建设迫切需要解决的大问题。

    Under poor economic conditions , it is an important problem for the construction of the western culture of how to break down the closed or conservative western culture , and give play to the west local and national culture .