
zhuānɡ huò dān
  • shipping order
  1. 请在装货单上加“甲板货由发货人负责”的批注。

    Please put down the remarks " Deck cargo at shipper 's risk " in the Shipping Order .

  2. 处理出入口货物表及出口装货单;

    Handles import and export manifest and export load list .

  3. 建立程序要求在运输单或装货单上报告适当的标识,数量,重量(如果必要)

    Establish procedures which require proper marking , counting , weighing ( if necessary ) for reporting on the transport document or manifest .

  4. 我们发现计数单与装货单上的数字之间有出入,尤其计数单上有一些涂改之处。

    For instance , we find some discrepancies between the figures on the tally sheets and those on the Shipping Orders , particularly there are some obliteration on the tally sheets .