
  • 网络Handling Technology
  1. 探讨上海港集装箱装卸工艺

    An Investigation and Discussion on Container Handling Technology of Shanghai Port

  2. 我国散粮码头装卸工艺研究

    Study on Handling Technology of Bulk Grain Terminal of Our Country

  3. 装卸工艺布置CAD系统的开发思想

    Development Ideas of Stevedoring Technology CAD System

  4. 小型LNG装置的模块化撬装工艺技术锦州港集装箱码头装卸工艺方案探讨

    Natural gas purification and liquefaction process of small-scale LNG project in skid-mounted package Study on Handling Technology for Jinzhou Port Container Terminals

  5. 结合集装箱运输和码头装卸工艺发展的现状,对新型双小车岸桥和共轨式集装箱轨道龙门起重机(RMG)作简要的介绍

    This paper describes development and current situation of container transportation and container terminal handling technologies and gives a brief presentation of the new twin trolley quayside container crane and RMG

  6. 山区型河流集装箱多用途码头装卸工艺设计

    Design of Loading-Unloading Technology for Multi-Purpose Container Wharf by Mountain river

  7. 韩国集装箱码头装卸工艺模式及特点

    Handling Technology Mode & Characteristics of Container Terminal of South Korea

  8. 港口装卸工艺的灰色关联度评判

    Evaluating A Port Stevedoring Technique with Grey Relation & Ship Method

  9. 冷冻液化石油气码头装卸工艺

    Technology of Loading / Unloading Cryogenic Liquefied Petroleum Gas in Wharf

  10. 集装箱码头装卸工艺设计仿真通用平台的构建

    Construction of Common Simulation Platform for Design of Container Terminal Stevedoring Technology

  11. 大型出口煤炭码头装卸工艺

    The Handling Technology Applied to Large Scale Export Coal Terminals

  12. 定量分析在港口装卸工艺方案评价中的应用

    The Application of Quantitative Analysis in the Appraisal of Port Handling Technology

  13. 天津港集装箱码头装卸工艺研究和展望

    Research and Prospect of Tianjin Port Container Terminal Handling Technology

  14. 中国首个集装箱无人堆场装卸工艺方案研究

    Handling Technology of the First Automatic Yard With No Operator in China

  15. 煤炭进口装卸工艺计算机辅助设计

    Tbe Cargo-handling Technology CAD System of the Coal Import Terminal

  16. 港口集装箱装卸工艺与天津港实践

    Port Container Handling Technology and its Practice in Tianjin Port

  17. 基于立体自动化仓储技术的港口集装箱装卸工艺系统研究

    The Port Container Handling System Research Based on the Automatic 3-dimension Storage Technique

  18. 散装水泥码头装卸工艺设计

    Loading and Un loading Technique for Bulk Cement Dock

  19. 散粮过驳装卸工艺改革的实践

    Practice of Handling Technology Reform for Bulk Food Barge

  20. 关于改革港口装卸工艺设计方法的探讨

    On Reforming the Design Method for Port Cargo-Handling Technology

  21. 我国大型集装箱码头装卸工艺模式选择的探讨

    A Study on Selection of Large Container Terminal Handling Technology Pattern in China

  22. 港口装卸工艺方案的模糊综合评价与应用

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation and Application for Port Handling Technology

  23. 自动化堆场集装箱先进装卸工艺的探讨驼峰溜放自动化系统仿真的研究

    Research On the Handling Technology of the Automatic Yard

  24. 港口装卸工艺标准化探讨

    The Discussion to Standardization of Port Handling Technology

  25. 优化码头型式及装卸工艺提高港口通过能力

    Optimizing the Structural Pattern of Wharf and Handling Technology to Improve the Throughput Capacity

  26. 港口集装箱装卸工艺系统的计算机仿真

    Simulation of Container Terminal Handling Process System

  27. 某港口专用粮食泊位装卸工艺设计及设备选型介绍

    Introduction to Handling Technology Design and Equipment Selection for a Harbor Bulk Cereals Handling Berth

  28. 锦州港集装箱码头装卸工艺方案探讨降低中小码头翻箱率的流程优化方案

    Process optimum proposal of reducing container yard shift rate of medium and small sized port

  29. 大型集装箱码头堆场装卸工艺研究

    Yard Handling Technology in Large-scale Container Terminals

  30. 港口装卸工艺是港口生产的基础,是港口技术进步的标志。

    Handling technology is the foundation of harbor production and marks the advancement of harbor technology .