
è tǒng
  • calyx tube
萼筒[è tǒng]
  1. 萼筒外有长柔毛,萼片内外两面无毛或内面顶端有毛。

    Calyx tube outside have pilose ; sepals inside and outside glabrous or reversing the top hairy .

  2. 本变种与原变种不同在于侧脉较多,达11对,萼筒非肉质,花药黄色,子房棒状,无毛。

    This variety is different from the typical one by having more leaf nerves , up to 11 pairs , calyx tube not fleshy , anther yellow , and ovary clavate and glabrous .

  3. 石榴表果皮提取物的抑菌活性高于锥形横膜和萼筒的提取物。

    The antibacterial activity of pomegranate external tissue was higher than velamen and calyx .

  4. 蒴果近球形,直径1-1.2厘米,萼筒长达蒴果的2/3。

    Capsule subglobose , 1-1.2 cm in diameter , calyx-tube as long as 2 / 3 of capsule .

  5. 耐寒的落叶藤蔓植物,有大叶子,有弯曲的萼筒。

    Hardy deciduous vine having large leaves and flowers with the calyx tube curved like the bowl of a pipe .

  6. 果实解剖结果表明:沙棘果实由萼筒、果皮、种皮、胚4部分组成;

    In the anatomy of the fruit , the results indicated that calyx , pericarp , seed coat and embryo make up the fruit of Seabuckthorn .

  7. 结果显示:绿原酸主要分布于萼筒和花冠筒的内、外表皮细胞及外表皮下的几层细胞中;

    The results showed that chlorogenic acid mainly distributed in the epidermis cells and the next layers cells of outer epidermis in calyx tube and corolla tube ;

  8. 退化的花盘及花部残迹则位于凹陷萼筒的上部边缘,形成了一圈褐色的残余结构,使枣果形成独特的形态。

    The degenerated disk and floral-part residue were then located at the rim of the concaved calyx-tube forming a ring of brownish vestigial structure which was characteristic to jujube fruit .

  9. 在雌花发育接近成熟时,萼片部分愈合,形成萼筒,萼片上部未合生的部分则发育成萼齿,此时在雌蕊的周围可见一轮退化雄蕊。

    When the female flower become maturity , part of the sepals syncretize and form a calyx tube and the remains of sepals become calyx tooth . At this time , a cycle of staminodes could be seen around the base of gynoecia .

  10. 结果绿原酸在花中主要分布于萼筒-子房壁外表皮细胞及其下3~5层细胞、花冠外表皮细胞及其下1~2层细胞和花冠内表皮纤毛细胞;

    Results In flower , chlorogenic acid is mostly distributed in outer epidermal cells of calyx tube-ovary wall and the next 3 5 layer cells , outer epidermal cells of corolla and the next 1 2 layer cells , and inner epidermal cilium cells of corolla ;
