  • calyx
  • 在花瓣下部的一圈叶状绿色小片:花~。~片。~跗(a.花萼和子房;b.喻兄弟)。~绿君(茉莉花的别称)。


{植} (花萼) calyx:

  • 副萼

    accessory calyx;

  • 下位萼

    inferior calyx;

  • 贮水萼

    water calyx

  1. 结果表明:F2分离群体果萼色级值呈单峰偏态分布,说明茄子果萼色为多基因控制的数量性状;

    The results showed that calyx color grade value of F2 is single peak and partial distribution , it is proved that the fruit calyx color is quantitative trait controlled by multiple genes .

  2. 萼齿突出,合生和宿存。

    Calyx teeth prominent , connate and persistent .

  3. GC/MS法测定超临界流体CO2萃取萼果香薷精油的化学成分

    GC / MS Analysis of Essential Oil of Elsholtzia densa Benth Extracted by Supercritical CO_2 Fluid

  4. HPLC法测定毛萼香茶菜不同药用部位中熊果酸和齐墩果酸的含量

    HPLC determination of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid in different parts of Rabdosia eriocalyx ( Dunn ) Hara

  5. 该方法还可用于紫萼藓等藓类植物RNA的提取。

    The method was found to be also suitable for extracting RNA from bryophytes such as Grimmia pilifera etc.

  6. 大萼香茶菜甲素通过线粒体途径诱导HL-60白血病细胞凋亡

    Macrocalyxin A induces apoptosis by mitochondrial signaling pathway in HL-60 leukemia cells

  7. 粉萼鼠尾草(Salviafarinacea)生有直立茎,花朵呈暗蓝色,与开放着浅灰蓝色花朵的牡荆是完美搭配。

    And Salvia farinacea , an upright plant with dusky blue flowers , was the perfect companion for a vitex covered in powder-blue flowers .

  8. 应用短萼海桐提取液的含药血清及MΦ的TB感染模型评价短萼海桐的抗结核杆菌活性,设阳性(异烟肼)及阴性(空白、血清)对照组;

    Firstly , the activity of PB of anti-mycobacterium tuberculosis was valued by using the containing medicine serum and infected macrophages model , and positive and negative contrasts were set up .

  9. 用GARP生态位模型预测刺萼龙葵在中国的潜在分布区

    Potential distribution areas of Solanum rostratum in China : A prediction with GARP niche model

  10. 当花瓣长与花蕾萼裂基部之差在0~2mm时,花药内小孢子多数处于单核期,适于茄子游离小孢子的培养。

    When the length of petal is 0 ~ 2mm longer or shorter than the base of the sepal split , most microspores were at uninucleate stage . It 's suitable for isolated microspore culture of eggplant .

  11. 在阔叶紫萼藓(Grimmialaevigata(Brid)Brid)茎的中轴部,厚角组织发达,数层皮部厚壁组织也很发达。

    The collenchyma ( corner-thickeneded cells ) in the central axis of stem and sclerenchyma in cortex of stem have well developed in Grimmia laevigata ( Brid ) Brid .

  12. 毛萼香茶菜的新二萜化合物,毛萼晶甲-戊的结构

    The structures of new diterpenoids , maoecrystal A-E from Rabdosia eriocalyx

  13. 目的研究毛萼梅根部的化学成分。

    AIM To investigate the chemical constituents of Rubus chroosepalus Focke .

  14. 单宁酸能较好地保存细胞的糖萼。

    Tanin acid is suitable for the preservation of glycocalyx of cell .

  15. 大萼香茶菜总二萜对小鼠免疫功能的调节作用

    Effect of Total Diterpene of Rabdosia macrocalyx on Mice of Normal and Immunosuppression

  16. 毛萼香茶菜新二萜化合物&毛萼结晶甲、乙、丙、丁、戊的结构

    Structures of Maoecrystals , New Diterpenoids from Rabdosia eriocalyx

  17. 水分和氧气对毛萼田菁茎瘤固氮作用的影响

    Effects of water and o_2 on nitrogen fixation of Sesbania rostrata stem nodule

  18. 石榴表果皮提取物的抑菌活性高于锥形横膜和萼筒的提取物。

    The antibacterial activity of pomegranate external tissue was higher than velamen and calyx .

  19. 一苞一萼,祂却完全知道;

    Bud and blossom are known to Him ;

  20. 高胆固醇、高血压对大鼠脑动脉内皮糖萼的作用

    Effect of High Cholesterol and Hypertension on Endothelial Glycocalyx of Cerebral Vessels in Rats

  21. 主要研究结果如下:(1)紫萼三个种群中花序内的性分配模式都不同。

    The patterns of sex allocation within-inflorescences differed in three populations of Hosta ventricosa .

  22. 对峨嵋野连、线萼黄连和洪雅野连形态组织学特征进行了比较研究。

    Investigated and compared the tissue characters of C.

  23. 研究了栽培和野外生长睫毛萼凤的形态和生长表型可塑性。

    The phenotypic plasticity of growth and morphology in cultivation and in wild Impatiens blepharosepala Pritz .

  24. 梨果萼脱落宿存过程中果萼幼果内源激素的变化动态

    Dynamic changes of phytohormone content in pear calyx and young fruit during calyx growth and development

  25. 上皮表面及微绒毛间可见糖萼,偶见纤毛细胞。

    Glycocalyx covering the free surface of epithelium was distinctly visible . Ciliated cells were occasionally seen .

  26. 萼筒外有长柔毛,萼片内外两面无毛或内面顶端有毛。

    Calyx tube outside have pilose ; sepals inside and outside glabrous or reversing the top hairy .

  27. 蒴果球形,直径6厘米,有宿萼包裹,5爿裂开。

    Capsule globose , 6cm in diam . , wrapped with persistent calyx , dehiscent in5 valves .

  28. 蒴果近球形,直径1-1.2厘米,萼筒长达蒴果的2/3。

    Capsule subglobose , 1-1.2 cm in diameter , calyx-tube as long as 2 / 3 of capsule .

  29. 研究了芳香植物唇萼薄荷组织培养中污染的控制方法,结果表明,不加吐温80的唇萼薄荷在25℃培养,污染率分别为38.4%和53.2%;

    The methods of preventing bacteria pollution from the process of tissue culture of Pennyroyal Mint were studied .

  30. 本文报道反萼银莲花的染色体数目及核型。

    This paper reports chromosome number and karyotype analysis of Anemone reflex for the first time in China .