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  • Amy;Amie;Aimee
  1. 艾米总是聚会上的中心人物。

    Amy is always the centre of attraction at parties .

  2. 当尼克和艾米为了获取你的信任而争辩时,紧张和焦虑蔓延了整个过程。

    There 's tension and anxiety from the beginning as Nick and Amy battle for your trust .

  3. C:哦,艾米,你去哪儿了?我一整天都在打你电话。

    C : Oh , Amy.Where have you been ? I ' ve been trying to call you on your mobile phone all day .

  4. 陈先生的女儿艾米在香港Afimor与他会面。

    Mr Chan , s daughter , Amy , met him at Hong Kong Afimor .

  5. 他把它们交给了艾米,艾米觉得舒服了一些。

    He handed them to Amy . Amy felt more comfortable .

  6. 当艾米到达时,托尼的家人正在准备晚餐。

    Tony 's family was preparing dinner when Amy arrived .

  7. 艾米对用筷子吃饭有点紧张。

    Amy was a little nervous about eating with chopsticks .

  8. "刀叉在哪里?"艾米问。

    " Where are the forks and knives ? " Amy asked .

  9. 艾米太小了,不懂这样的事。

    Amy was too young to understand such a thing .

  10. 上周托尼邀请了他的朋友艾米来参加。

    Last week Tony invited his friend Amy for it .

  11. 艾米和她妈妈拿着茶壶走出卧室。

    Amy and her mother came out of the bedroom with the teapot .

  12. 艾米在上高中。她有时在咖啡馆工作。

    Amy is in high school . She sometimes works in caf é .

  13. 艾米说道森先生不会伤害任何人。

    Amy said that Mr.Dawson wouldn 't hurt anyone .

  14. 休息时,艾米在走廊遇见了肯

    At break , Amy meets Ken in the hallway

  15. 艾米:当然不会。我可存了零花钱。

    Amy : Of course not . I 've already saved my pocket money .

  16. 上面写着:"亲爱的艾米,马上报警。"

    It said , " Dear Amy , Call the police right now . "

  17. 艾米终于拿住了筷子。

    Amy finally managed to hold the chopsticks .

  18. M:嗨,艾米!我是约翰。你现在在干什么?

    M : Hi , Amy ! This is John.What are you doing now ?

  19. 饭后,艾米得到了一块幸运饼干。

    At the end of the meal , Amy was given a fortune cookie .

  20. 托尼的妈妈把艾米不熟悉的各种食物放进了大盘子里。

    Tony 's mother put different foods which were unfamiliar to Amy onto big plates .

  21. 艾米在家里打开了盒子。

    Amy opened the box at home .

  22. 艾米:听起来不错。我想她收到一定会很开心的。

    Amy : Sounds good . I think she 'll be happy to get them .

  23. “这个礼物不太让人感兴趣啊,”艾米有点失望地说。

    This is not a very interesting gift , said Amy , a bit disappointed .

  24. 在去艾米家的路上,他们不得不经过道森家。

    They had to walk by Dawson 's house on the way to Amy 's house .

  25. 艾米:没错。我也用它来帮助有需要的人。

    Amy : That 's true . I also use it to help others in need .

  26. 一个星期五,12岁的珍妮特要和她的朋友艾米一起过夜。

    One Friday , 12-year-old Janet was going to stay all night with her friend Amy .

  27. 艾米端着烤鸭。

    Amy carried roast duck .

  28. (艾米和辛迪正在打电话。A=艾米C=辛迪)

    ( Amy and Cindy are talking on the phone . A = Amy C = Cindy )

  29. 艾米:嗨,肯。简的生日快到了。你收到她的邀请了吗?

    Amy : Hi , Ken . Jane 's birthday is coming . Have you received her invitation ?

  30. "我们也打算用它喝茶,"艾米笑着说。

    " We were going to drink tea from it , too , " said Amy , laughing .