
  • 网络Cabin equipment;BDE
  1. 舱内有通信设备,这样矿工可以与地面上的人通话。

    There 's communication equipment in there so the miners can talk to the people on the surface .

  2. 这款新车型确确实实在几个方面都与过去的车型截然不同,按重要性从高到低排序,它们分别是主动安全性、驾驶舱的用材与构造、驾驶舱内的电子设备与方便设施。

    This new car represents a genuine break with the past on several fronts , and they are , in descending order of importance : active safety ; cabin materials and construction ; in-cabin electronic functions and amenities .

  3. 航天器密封舱主要以通风换热的方式排出舱内人员及设备的散热,从而控制舱内的温度水平。

    In pressured cabin of manned spacecraft , human body and equipment heat dissipation is realized by convection heat transfer .

  4. 由于生活舱设备外形和结构相当复杂,难以建模,因此按照速度梯度、湿度梯度较大的优先原则,合理选择简化舱体结构及舱内设备。

    Because of the apparatus shape and structure 's complexity it is difficulty to make analyse model , so the apparatus within the cabin are reasonably chosen and simplified by using the principle of velocity gradient and humidity gradient magnitude .