
jiàn tǐng
  • warship;naval vessels;naval ships and boats;naval craft;naval vesels
舰艇 [jiàn tǐng]
  • [warship;naval ships and boats;naval vesels] 指各种军用船只

舰艇[jiàn tǐng]
  1. INMARSAT-C电传业务在舰艇远航通信中的应用

    Correspondence Applications of INMARSAT-C Telex Service in Naval Vessels Long Voyage

  2. 该系统是应用了DMA技术的专用数据采集系统,它不仅可应用于舰艇发动机燃油系统的故障诊断,而且还可推广应用于各种柴油机燃油系统的故障诊断。

    This systam is a data acquisition system using the DMA technology . It can be applied to fault diagnosis in the naval vessels en gines fuel system as well as in various diesel engine fuel system .

  3. 危机加重时舰艇便奉命来到现场。

    Warships were sent in as the crisis deepened .

  4. 作为削减国防开支的一部分,英国皇家海军舰艇“厌战”号宣布退役。

    HMS Warspite was decommissioned as part of defence cuts .

  5. 你被任命为皇家海军舰艇“鞑靼人”号的皇家海军志愿后备队中尉。

    You are hereby appointed Sub-Lieutenant RNVR of HMS Tartar

  6. 皇家海军损失最大舰艇一事震惊了英国海军部。

    The loss of the biggest ship in the Royal Navy shocked the Admiralty .

  7. 法国舰艇遥遥领先。

    The French vessel has a commanding lead .

  8. 那艘海军舰艇不日即可抵港。

    The naval vessel will arrive at the port within the next few days .

  9. 结果:全封闭舰艇人员的心理健康水平比中国常模差(P<0.001);

    Results : The psychologic health level of closed warship personnel was significantly lower than that in Chinese norm ( P0 001 ) .

  10. 利用改进的GM(1,1,λ)模型预测舰艇批量生产成本

    An Improved GM ( 1,1 ,λ) Model in Cost-forecasting of Warship Batch Production

  11. 基于UML的舰艇综合通信监控系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of a Warship Integrated Communication Monitoring System Based on UML

  12. 基于多Agent和多线程技术的舰艇CGF系统设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the CGF of Naval Ships Based on Multi-agent and Multithreading Technology

  13. 潜艇打击水面舰艇的作战方案效能评估ADC法

    Effectiveness Evaluation Method of QADC for Operational Project of which Submarine Attack Naval Ship

  14. HLA框架下舰艇CGF的总体方案及其实现

    Scheme and Implementation of Naval Ship CGFs in HLA-based Submarine Simulation

  15. 舰艇EMC的智能分析和设计

    Intelligent EMC Analysis and Design of Ship

  16. 通过舰艇编队突击方案图转换成突击方案XML文本的实例进行了说明。

    This thesis illuminates the method by an example , which transforms the graph of the shock scheme of ship formation to the XML document of shock scheme .

  17. 以可用度为中心的舰艇单部件系统备件配置的Monte-Carlo仿真方法

    Monte-Carlo Simulating Method for the Spare Parts Allocation Model Centered Availability of the Single Part System on Naval Ship

  18. 基于CGF的水面舰艇编队模型仿真

    The Simulation of Surface Warship Formation based on CGF

  19. 水面舰艇CGF的构造与建模

    Methodology for modeling in CGF of surface vessel

  20. 面向海军舰艇C3I的分布交互仿真技术研究

    Research on the Distributed Interactive C3I Simulation System

  21. 建立了基于HLA仿真的舰艇编队训练模拟系统的模型,为系统建模和软件设计提出有效的方法。

    The model of naval fleet training simulation system was established based on HLA , and offer a good method to system modeling and software design .

  22. 通过在舰艇作战仿真训练系统的应用,表明CGF对提高水面舰艇编队兵力生成和仿真的智能化程度是非常有效的。

    An application of warship simulation training system proves CGF is good for improving the intelligence of SWF .

  23. 舰艇环球远航国际报务员应掌握的GMDSS通信业务

    Naval Vessel Global Oceangoing Voyage International GMDSS Communication Service that Radio Operator Should Master

  24. 舰艇CGF具有自主性、智能化等特征,并具备感知、通信以及协调能力。

    The CGF of naval ships is an intelligent autonomous entity , which has the ability of sensing , communicating , and collaborating .

  25. 用Runge-Kutta法对鱼雷初期弹道进行仿真,并根据仿真结果分析了舰艇摇摆对鱼雷初期弹道的影响。

    The programme achieves the simulation of the torpedo incipient trajectory by the way of Runge-Kutta , and analyses the affection to incipient trajectory basing on the simulation result .

  26. 结合海军舰艇仿真方面的应用,文章最后提出了一个符合HLA接口规范的ACGF角色结构模型。

    Combining with application of naval fleet tactics simulation , a HLA-based ACGF role structure model is also introduced in the paper .

  27. 由于舰艇电磁环境极其复杂,合理分配、布局舰艇通信系统资源,使舰艇通信系统各设备协调工作,满足电磁兼容(EMC)要求是保障通信畅通的必要条件。

    Due to the complex electromagnetic environment of ship , it is necessary to appropriately distribute and layout resources of the communication system of ship , to make them work coordinately and to satisfy requirements of EMC .

  28. 舰艇通用仿真及性能分析平台NMMS

    General Purpose Simulation and Performance Analysis Platform NMMS

  29. 该系统能在WINDOWSnt/XP平台上运行,可产生舰艇对空作战的战场态势,给出敌方目标威胁等级报告,给出规避机动及武器分配的辅助决策方案,供指挥员进行最终决策。

    The system , running on Windows NT / XP platform , provides the dynamic field situation in warship antiaircraft combats , evaluates the threat levels of hostile targets , and gives an auxiliary decision scheme of the risk-avoiding maneuver and weapon disposition , for commanders making their final decision .

  30. 针对CGF实体在有限战场信息感知条件下如何进行战斗舰艇编队队形识别问题,基于可变形模板匹配技术研究建立了战斗舰艇编队模板的数学模型。

    Based on the deformable template of combat warship formation , this article brings forward a mathematical model aimed at how to identify the warship formation under the condition of finite war field information .