
jiàn chuán
  • ships and warships;ship
舰船 [jiàn chuán]
  • [ship] 军用和民用船只

舰船[jiàn chuán]
  1. 在舰船上,级别最低的副舰长也位列级别最高的轮机官之上。

    The most junior executive officer outranked the senior engineer officer aboard ship .

  2. 我们的舰船已与敌人交战。

    Our ships have engaged with the enemy .

  3. 奥林匹克级邮轮长达269。13米,是舰船技术的奇迹,每个人都认为在很长时间内,这些轮船都会保持这个桂冠。

    Stretching 269.13 meters , the Olympic class ships were wonders of naval technology , and everyone thought that they would continue to be so for quite some time .

  4. 舰船研制中基于STEP的数据模型集成系统设计

    Integrated data model system design based on STEP in the warship development

  5. 舰船V型高压空压机平衡减振研究

    Equilibrium and vibration control research on marine high-pressure V-type air compressor

  6. 基于Rough集理论的海军舰船招标工程评价

    Evaluation of the Sea Warship Bid Engineering Based on Rough Set Theory

  7. 用于舰船推进装置方案设计的CAD系统

    A CAD System for Marine Propulsion Plants

  8. 基于特征矢量匹配的SAR海洋图像舰船目标检测

    Detection of Ship Targets from SAR Imagery Based on Feature Vector Matching

  9. 舰船GPS导航系统定位误差仿真

    Marine GPS Navigational Systems Positioning Error Simulation

  10. 舰船纵摇运动函数变换型GM(1,1)模型研究

    Functional transformation GM ( 1,1 ) model constructed for ship pitching

  11. 嵌入Petri网的舰船可靠性仿真模型研究

    Research on Ship Reliability Simulation Model Embedded with Petri-net

  12. 在构建舰船辅机协同设计多智能体(Multi-agentSystem,简写为MAS)过程中,各Agent之间存在某种内在的冲突、联系和规律。

    In the process of the ship auxiliary mechanism design multi-agent system , certain interrelations exit among the each agent .

  13. 分析了水面舰船的SAR成像能力和探测优势。

    The imaging abilities and detective advantages of synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) are analyzed .

  14. 基于RBF神经网络的厂修舰船柴油机状态判断技术

    Research on Diesel Engine State Evaluation Technology for Repairing Ship Based on RBF Neural Network

  15. 基于递归修正Hough变换域的舰船多尾迹检测方法

    Multi-ship wakes detection method based on recursive modified Hough transform field

  16. 由于舰船辐射噪声具有正的最大Lyapunov指数及正的h2熵,说明舰船辐射噪声中确实有混沌成分存在。

    There are positive maximum Lyapunov exponents and h_2 entropy , this indicated that ship radiated noise signals are chaotic .

  17. 舰船总体RMS指标分解技术研究

    Research of decomposition technique for total ship RMS index

  18. 浅淡EDA技术在舰船动力监控产品开发中的应用

    The application of EDA technique in product development of ship propulsion power plant monitor system

  19. 概括的介绍了舰船阴极保护系统的实现。较详细的阐述了PID控制原理和PID控制参数的选择办法。

    It also offers general introduction on how to realize this system and detailed description of PID control principle and technique of controls parameter .

  20. 基于现代信号处理技术的舰船噪声信号DEMON分析

    DEMON analysis of underwater target radiation noise based on modern signal processing

  21. 舰船系统是一个复杂的社会技术系统(STS)。

    The naval vessel system is a complicated socio-technical system ( STS ) .

  22. 所以在舰船自动化、信息化和智能化的进一步发展的过程中,开展基于PLC控制器的网络监控系统在舰船机舱监控上的应用与研究势在必行。

    With the development of automatization information and intelligence , it is very necessary to develop the research of ship engine room based on PLC NCS .

  23. ANFIS网络在舰船维修费用预测中的应用

    Application of ANFIS network in cost forecast of warship maintenance

  24. 根据舰船成像的特点,选择有效的ISAR运动补偿方法对舰船的SAR成像结果进行进一步的处理。

    According to the characteristics of ship imaging , selecting the effective methods of ISAR motion compensation for further processing after SAR imaging .

  25. 通过对仿真出来的信号进行功率谱分析与DEMON谱分析,该仿真能较好地体现舰船辐射噪声的基本声学特征。

    The Simula lion can reflect typical acoustic characteristics of ship-radiated noise by processing and analyzing the simulated signal .

  26. 本文基于舰船目标成像的特点,研究如何实现ISAR对舰船目标的高分辨率成像。

    This thesis studies on how to achieve the high-resolution ISAR images of ship targets , based on the characteristics of ship imaging .

  27. 结果表明,不同类别的舰船信号具有不同的空间轨迹,且对应不同的最大Lyapunov指数。

    The results as given in Fig. 3 and Tab . 2 show that there exist different portraits and different maximum Lyapunov exponents for different types of ship signals .

  28. 为了检测舰船辐射噪声中的非线性特征,本文采用混沌、分形理论从信号产生的机理、相空间轨迹、分形维数和Lyapunov指数等4个方面着重研究了舰船辐射噪声的混沌现象。

    Applying the theory of chaos and fractal to ship radiated noise , this paper analyzes signal generation and phase space portraits , calculates correlation dimension and estimates Lyapunov exponent .

  29. 根据舰船水压信号与海浪噪声的特点,用慢跟踪LMS算法对波浪噪声进行白化处理。

    According to the characteristic difference between ship hydraulic pressure signal and wave noise signal , this paper presents a slow trace LMS algorithm to whiten wave noise signal .

  30. 随着GPS的发展以及实际系统的需要,利用GPS测量舰船或飞机等系统的横倾角、纵倾角以及方位角已成为GPS应用的一个主要方向。

    With the development of GPS and the need of the real systems , it is important to measure the roll , pitch and azimuth of the system , such as ships or planes and so on , with GPS .