
yè máo
  • armpit hair;hircus;glandebalae
腋毛 [yè máo]
  • [armpit hair] 腋窝处生长的汗毛

腋毛[yè máo]
  1. 腋毛分布区边缘切口治疗腋臭

    Miniature operation on the edge of armpit hair for the treatment of osmidrosis

  2. 那时我已经开始长腋毛了。

    Also had armpit hair in that times .

  3. 但是我却忘了刮腋毛。

    However , I had forgotten to shave my armpits .

  4. 小切口腋毛区皮瓣修剪搔刮术治疗腋臭

    Treatment of axillary osmidrosis by curettage of axillary skin flap through small incision

  5. 我不得不给自己除腋毛。

    I had a growth removed from my armpit .

  6. 硬质合金45°弯头外圆车刀妇女剃腋毛之弯形保安剃刀

    Carbide 45 cranked external turning tool women 's curve fit underarm safety razor

  7. 你终于决定要刮腋毛了?

    You 're filnally gonna shave those armpits ?

  8. 尤其在夏天,过多的腋毛常造成女性的困扰。

    Axillary hair is especially unsightly for women in certain cultures during the summer time .

  9. 我忘记了刮腋毛。

    I forgot to shave my armpits .

  10. 妇女剃腋毛之弯形保安剃刀

    Women 's curve fit underarm safety razor

  11. 上蜡去除腋毛是有问题的头发,从而在这一领域,应该避免。

    Waxing is problematic for removing underarm hair and thus should be avoided in this area .

  12. 但是我猜大多数的中国女性是不需要刮腋毛的。

    But it seems that , in general , Chinese women don 't really shave their armpits .

  13. 她违背外婆的意愿,借了朋友的一把剃刀,把自己的腋毛刮掉了。

    She went against her mom 's wishes and borrowed her friend 's razor and shaved her armpits .

  14. 目的介绍电凝法去除腋毛区域大汗腺治疗腋臭的手术方法。

    Objective To elucidate the treatment of axillary bromhidrosis by means of subcutaneous tissue removal combined with electric coagulation .

  15. 但现在我得刮我的腋毛,我,我妈妈有鬓角

    But I do have to shave my armpits now . - Well , my mum 's got sideburns .

  16. 她在毛发部所发表的性别平等的倡议在西方人清理腋毛的压力不断增加下提出。

    Her advocacy for gender equality in the hair department , stems in part from increasing Western pressures to groom .

  17. 双侧眉毛、腋毛和阴毛大部分缺失,局部可见散在毛囊角化性丘疹。

    Most of the eyebrows , pubic and armpit hairs were absent , keratosis papules could be seen on some sites .

  18. 结果治疗后所有患者体力改善,体质增强;42例患者出现胡须、阴毛和(或)腋毛。

    Results After treatment , all patients felt stronger physically and 42 / 64 patients developed beard , pubes or armpit hair .

  19. 比如,当着对方的面放屁、挖鼻子,或不刮腋毛。

    These can include unsavoury bodily functions such as breaking windin front of an other half , nose picking or letting armpits go unshaven .

  20. 美国妇女剃腿毛和腋毛,她们认为腿上多毛的妇女都是要破坏美国生活方式的女同性恋。

    American women shave their legs and armpits and assume that any hairy-legged woman is a lesbian out to destroy the American Way of Life .

  21. 使具羽状用剪、剃、刮或磨损的方式使变薄、减少或加穗于边缘妇女剃腋毛之弯形保安剃刀

    To thin , reduce , or fringe the edge of by cutting , shaving , or wearing away . women 's curve fit underarm safety razor

  22. 女人们应该有权决定怎么对待她们的身体,包括腋毛这种小地方。

    It 's about agency . Women should have the right to decide how to deal with their bodies , including small details like armpit hair .

  23. H&M成为第一家不去美化模特的生长纹、疤痕,甚至腋毛的重要高街零售商。

    H & M has become the first of the big high street retailers not to airbrush out models ' stretch marks , as well as scars and even hairy arms .

  24. 显然如果是腋毛的话,问题就更复杂了。但问题仍是为什么我们在一开始就和体毛较劲?

    Clearly , when it comes to underarm hair , this relationship is even hairier , but the question still remains , why are we so obsessed with hair in the first place ?

  25. 将近一半的情侣表示他们会在另一半面前打嗝,1/4的受调查女性称她们一旦在恋情中稳定下来,刮腿毛和腋毛的频率就会降低。

    Just under half of couples said they burp in front of their partner while a quarter of women polled said they shave their legs and armpits less once they feel settled in a relationship .

  26. 最近一些中国女性会在比赛中露出腋毛,这让我们不禁好奇中国人对女性有什么要求,特别是腋毛。

    So some women in China , recently flashed their armpit hair for a competition , which got me thinking , what is expected of women in China when it comes to having hair under there ?

  27. 中国传统对这方面没什么讲究。腋毛和腿毛是身体的一部分,没什么难为情的。这是一位中国女性对于20世纪早期的经历所发出的言论。

    Chinese tradition had no demands in this respect , armpit or leg hair was just part of your body and nothing to be ashamed about , " says one Chinese woman of her experience in the early 2000s .

  28. 记者有机化学家乔治•普瑞迪在他费城的梅奈尔化学品感觉研究中心的实验室里搜集并研究各种腋下的气味,在美国,设法说服18位女性留腋毛可以说是一件非常困难的事。

    CORRESPONDENT Organic chemist George Preddy collects and studies all kinds of underarm odor at his lab at the Menell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia . Getting 18 women to grow underarm hair in the U.S. was part of the challenge .

  29. 极泉,原穴沿经下移1寸,避开腋毛,直刺1.0~1.5寸,用提插泻法,以患侧上肢抽动3次为度;

    The acupoint of Jiquan was acupunctured at 1 cun below the source point along the channel in avoidance of axillary hairs , the needle was inserted perpendicularly for 1.0-1.5 cun , and the reducing manipulation by lifting and thrusting was applied till the ipsilateral upper limb had three tics ;