
  • 网络brain science;neuroscience;Brain Research
  1. 本文研究了独立分量分析的部分理论,并在医学信号方面对ICA进行了部分应用研究,这在临床医学和脑科学认知领域具有一定的意义。

    It mainly focuses on the application of ICA in the filed of biomedical signal processing . The results of this study can contribute to the clinical application and the cognitive sciences and brain science .

  2. 深刻揭示了协同思维发生的现实基础、脑科学基础和非线性基础;

    Announcing realistic foundation , brain science foundation and nonlinear foundation ;

  3. 职场友谊总体利大于弊新罕布什尔州汉诺威市达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)的心理学和脑科学副教授塔利亚•惠特利(ThaliaWheatley)对职场友谊进行了研究。他说,研究表明,发生这种情况时,你的大脑有一种应对方式。

    Thalia Wheatley , associate professor of psychological and brain sciences at Dartmouth College in Hanover , New Hampshire , who has done research on work friendships , says that studies suggest your brain has a way of coping when this happens .

  4. fMRI以其无创性、较高的空间、时间分辨率和良好的可重复性等优势,已成为目前进行脑科学研究的重要技术手段。

    FMRI has become an important technical means for brain connectivity research because of its non-invasive , high spatial and temporal resolution and good repeatedly .

  5. 麻省理工学院(MIT)麦戈文脑科学研究所(McGovernInstituteforBrainResearch)所长罗伯特•德西蒙(RobertDesimone)表示,几乎没什么研究结果可以证明,听音乐有助于提高注意力。

    Research offers little support for the idea that listening to music improves concentration , says Robert Desimone , director of the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT .

  6. 脑科学研究与学生素质培养

    Scientific Research on the Brain and Cultivation of Students ' Competence

  7. 用脑科学的研究成果用于教育中如何改善学生们的记忆问题;

    How should we utilize the research results to improve students'memory ?

  8. 正是由于脑科学研究成果的引入,使教学论的研究逐步建立在脑科学的基础上。

    The achievement of brain science research is applied to teaching .

  9. 心、脑科学与医学人道主义价值观

    Science of Mind-Brain with Values View of Medicine Humanism in Clinic Practice

  10. 脑科学进展的跨世纪回顾与展望

    Century Review and Perspective on the Advancements of Brain Science

  11. 脑科学的发展与差生的再评价

    The Development of Brain Science and Reassessment of Slow Students

  12. 脑科学研究对教育的启示

    The Revelation for the Study of Brain Science to Education

  13. 从脑科学研究的角度看婚姻暴力的成因

    Analysis of Reasons for Marriage Violence in Accordance with Studies on Brain

  14. 脑科学研究与学校心理教育

    Scientific Research on the Brain and Psychological Education in School

  15. 关于大力加强我国脑科学研究的建议

    Suggestions Regarding Strengthening Energetically Studies on Science of Brain in the Country

  16. 脑科学视野中的儿童早期教育

    Early Childhood Education : From the Perspective of Brain Science

  17. 脑科学与外语学习策略

    The Brain Science and the Foreign Language Learning Strategy

  18. 研究脑科学中关于“敏感化”用于培养学生们创造性的“直觉”思维问题;

    How should we use the research on sensitivity to train students'intuitive thinking ?

  19. 山西大同大学脑科学研究所。

    SETTING Institute of Brain Science Shanxi Datong University .

  20. 第一部分回顾了脑科学正式诞生前,有关大脑的研究。

    The first part reviews the researches before the birth of brain science .

  21. 脑科学的基本发现与幼儿园课程

    Basic Discoveries in Brain Science and Curriculum in Kindergarten

  22. 第二部分,介绍脑科学对学习的研究;

    The second section focuses on the research of brain science about learning ;

  23. 素质教育需要脑科学的支持

    Quality Education Needing to Be Supported by Brain Science

  24. 脑科学与青少年学习方法的新探索

    The New Searching for the Brain Science and the Learning Method to Teen-agers

  25. 脑科学基础;教育学基础。

    They are the basis of economics , cerebral science and pedagogy of education .

  26. 第二部分是脑科学发展的历史。

    The second part is about the history of the development of brain science .

  27. 单位:复旦大学电子工程系和复旦大学脑科学研究中心。

    SETTING : Electronic Engineering Department and Brain Scientific Research Center , Fudan University .

  28. 脑科学理论指导下的大学生英语高效学习研究

    A Study on High-efficiency English Learning of College Students Based on the Brain Science

  29. 请记住我这个7岁的孩子在这里谈论脑科学所说的话。

    Take it from me , the seven-year-old up here talking about brain science .

  30. 脑科学及癫痫杂志文献搜索方法

    The search engine for brain and epilepsy journals