
jǐ gǔ
  • backbone;back;chine;keel
脊骨 [jǐ gǔ]
  • (1) [back]∶人体背部的脊椎骨

  • 折断你的脊骨

  • (2) [chine]

  • (3) 人或动物的后背或脊柱

  • (4) 动物的一片背骨,并带有邻近部分,切下来用于烹饪

脊骨[jǐ gǔ]
  1. (航海的)与船的脊骨平行的。

    ( nautical ) parallel with the keel of a ship .

  2. 以鳗鲡(AnguillaJaponica)加工烤鳗剩余的脊骨为原料制成鳗骨粉。

    The calcium powder of Anguilla japonica is prepared from the backbone of baked Anguilla japonica .

  3. 丁斯戴尔爷爷在矿井里工作时被压断了脊骨,结果,下半辈子都与轮椅为伴了。

    Grandfather Dingsdale had sustained a broken back while working in the mines . Consequently , he spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair

  4. 为什么蜂鸟和大猩猩都有脊骨?

    Why do hummingbirds and gorillas both have backbones ?

  5. 他们会在《龙争虎斗IV》中砍杀人头、断人脊骨;

    They are severing heads and snapping spines in Mortal Kombat IV.

  6. 运用ANSYS有限元分析软件,依据六关节柔性脊骨的优化设计尺寸,建立有限元模型,并分析其摆动姿态和力学性能。

    Using software ANSYS for finite element simulation analyzing , based on the optimization design size of six link flexible spine , build the finite element simulation model and analyze the moving pose and force capability of the flexible spine .

  7. 大悬臂钢-混凝土组合脊骨梁扭转效应分析

    Torsional effects of Steel-Concrete Composite Spine Girder with long cantilever flanges

  8. 大悬臂桥面板钢脊骨梁结构模型剪力滞效应有限元分析

    The Finite Element Analysis of Shear Lag Effect of Great Steel

  9. 身体需要健康的脊骨才能站立

    So a body can 't stand without a healthy backbone .

  10. 不,东尼,你看他的头盖脊骨。

    No Tony , look at the cranial ridge , OK .

  11. 我们希望只是脊骨受压迫所致。

    We 're hopeful that the spine is only compressed .

  12. 动物的腓骨动物后腿骨中处于相同位置的那根骨头它们是脊椎动物,即有脊骨的动物。

    They are vertebrates , that is , animals that have backbones .

  13. 预应力混凝土脊骨梁剪力滞效应研究

    Study on Shear Lag Effect of Prestressed Concrete Spine Beam

  14. 我坚信人们对于我们的脊骨,

    I firmly believe that people will judge our spines ,

  15. 星鱼,鲎,鲸鱼的脊骨;

    The starfish , the horseshoe crab , the whale 's backbone ;

  16. 脊骨不正常的下垂(特别是指马)。

    Having abnormal sagging of the spine ( especially in horses ) .

  17. 脊骨式柔性臂机构的机理、运动学与控制

    Principls , kinematics and control of the flexible arm with sping structure

  18. 钢脊骨梁扭转效应分析及试验研究

    Analysis and test study of torsional effect of box beam

  19. 只不过是一个小小的脊骨的变形。

    Nothing more than a small deformity of the spine .

  20. 碰撞和震荡会使脊骨变得衰弱。

    Knocks and jars can cause weaknesses in the spine .

  21. 她的脊骨管已经有三处被瘤侵入了。

    It 's infiltrated her spinal canal in three places .

  22. 受害者再脊骨处被刺伤。

    The victim was stabbed here at the base of the spine .

  23. 胡赛太太挂着的那条锃亮的项链,就是用鳘鱼脊骨做的;

    Mrs. Hussey wore a polished necklace of codfish vertebra ;

  24. 脊骨式机器人柔性臂机构的研究

    Research on Mechanism of Spine-like Flexible Arm of Robot

  25. 曲线脊骨箱梁受力性能研究

    Analysis of the loaded property in curved-spine box girder

  26. 书瘠破损了的书;脊骨断了的老马。

    A broken-backed book ; a broken-backed old horse .

  27. 当务之急是一家集科研与成果的脊骨和效率的研究。

    There is a preoccupation with outcome and efficiency studies in chiropractic research .

  28. 尾骨是脊骨底部的一块小骨。

    The coccyx is a small bone at the base of the spine .

  29. 我能感觉到脊骨就在下面。

    I can feel the spine just underneath it .

  30. 曲轴被看作是发动机的“脊骨”。

    The crankshaft is regarded as the " backbone " of the engine .