
  • 网络Liver Qi Stagnation;liver qi depression
  1. PSD的发生同时受到中西医易患因素的影响,阴虚证、痰证、瘀证、肝气郁结证、NIHSS积分是主要的中西医易患因素组合。

    The occurrence of PSD was influenced by both TCM and Western medicine risk factors . Yin deficiency , phlegm , stasis , liver Qi stagnation and NIHSS points were the main risk factors in the combination with TCM and Western medicine .

  2. 目的:探讨肝气郁结证实验诊断参考指标。

    Objective : To investigate the laboratory diagnosis predictors of the Liver Qi Stagnation .

  3. 目的利用正电子发射成像(PET)脑功能成像技术探讨肝气郁结证在特定脑区功能的改变。

    Objective To explore the characteristics of patients with stagnation of liver-qi syndrome using brain functional imaging techniques .

  4. 结论:束缚盒慢性应激法可造成小鼠肝气郁结证ED,加强因素可增强ED的程度。

    Conclusion : The stressing box can induce and intensify ED associated with liver-qi stasis .

  5. 利用MMPI临床子量表对20例肝气郁结证患者测试结果分析

    Analysis Clinical Sub - scale of MMPI Results for 20 Liver-qi Stagnation Syndrome Persons

  6. 偏头痛肝气郁结证、肝火上炎证与健康人MMPI的对照研究

    A Control MMPI Study of Migraine On the Liver-Qi , the Liver-Fire and the Liver-Wind

  7. 肝气郁结证指甲炭化灰无机元素特征谱只有一个Ca呈正态分布趋势的高峰。

    There is only one peak of normal distribution tendency of calcium ( Ca ) in the inorganic elemental characteristic spectrum in charring ash of the fingernails of the patients with liver-qi depression .

  8. 肝气郁结证、肝火上炎证患者情绪测量及与5-HTT,TPH,ACE基因多态性相关研究

    Association Study for Serotonin Transporter and Tryptophan Hydroxylase Gene Polymorphisms and Hepatic Depression Syndrome and Hyperpyrexia of Liver Syndrome Disorder

  9. 目的:建立肝气郁结证小鼠勃起功能障碍(ED)模型,检测小鼠性器官的变化,揭示ED发生的可能机制。

    Objective : To establish a mouse model of erectile dysfunction ( ED ) induced by liver-qi stasis for observing the changes in the mouse 's sex organs and investigating the possible mechanism of ED.

  10. 目的:通过对脑卒中后抑郁(PSD)中西医文献的系统性分析,本课题从临床角度观察加味逍遥散对脑卒中后抑郁(肝气郁结型)患者的治疗作用。

    Objective : On post-stroke depression ( PSD ) in the systematic analysis of Western literature , the subject of observation from a clinical point of view Xiaoyao post-stroke depression ( qi stagnation ) the treatment of patients .

  11. 目的:探讨肝气郁结证、肝火上炎证与五羟色胺转运体(5HTT)、色氨酸羟化酶(TPH)基因三种多态性的相关性。

    Objective : To explore the relationship between the hepatic depression syndrome and hyperpyrexia of liver syndrome disorder and polymorphisms in the serotonin transporter ( 5 HTT ) and tryptophan hydroxylase ( TPH ) .

  12. 发现肝血瘀阻是肝硬化不同发展阶段的共同病理基础,在肝硬化代偿期,Pugh分级平均3.3分,以肝气郁结为主,以脾虚为辅;

    The results showed that Liver - Blood - Stasis was a common pathological basis for cirrhosis in any developing stage ; during compensated stage of cirrhosis , average Pugh Grading was 3.3 , depression of Liver - energy was dominant and Spleen - insufficiency was inferior in this stage ;

  13. 推拿治疗肝气郁结型乳腺增生病30例

    30 cases with hyperplasia of mammary glands patients treated by Tuina therapy

  14. 从临床流行病学调查探讨肝气郁结病机特点

    Study of Pathogenic Characteristics of Hepatic Depression Syndrome through Clinical Epidemiologic Survey

  15. 肝气郁结证辅助实验诊断指标的初步研究

    Rudiment study on the assist laboratory diagnosis predictors of liver qi stagnation syndrome

  16. 肝气郁结证患者血清胃泌素含量分析

    Analysis of serum content of gastrin in patients with syndrome of liver-qi stagnation

  17. 肝气郁结可导致胃粘膜炎症性病理改变的产生。

    Liver-Qi Stagnation can lead to the inflammatory pathological changes in gastric mucosa .

  18. 肝气郁结证患者正电子发射脑功能成像研究

    Findings in Positron Emission Tomography of Brain in Patients with Syndrome of Stagnation of Liver-Qi

  19. 结论:肝气郁结通过影响单胺神经递质水平、胃电以及胃肠平滑肌的张力,从而抑制胃肠运动。

    Conclusion : Liver-Qi depression restrain gastrointestinal motion by affecting neurotransmitter of monoamine , gastroelectromyograph and gastrointestinal muscle tensile .

  20. 从主要中医证型疗效分析结果看,肝气郁结型疗效较好,而肝肾阴虚型疗效较差。

    From different TCM syndrome type efficacy analysis results show that good curative effect of diseases stagnation , kidney deficiency type .

  21. 由于女性的这种特殊体质状态,决定了以肝气郁结表现为主的更年期综合征的易感性。

    This kind of special constitution of female leads to the susceptibility of menopausal syndrome , which mainly manifests liver-Qi stagnation syndrome .

  22. 肝气郁结证相关脑区的正电子发射断层成像正电子发射断层成像与微血管研究

    Positron Emission Tomography ( PET ) on Related Encephalic Regions of Syndrome of Stagnation of Liver Qi Positron emission tomography and microvascular research

  23. 研究方法本课题以乙肝相关性肝硬化和原发性肝癌患者为研究对象,在中医理论的指导下,筛选出两种疾病中肝气郁结和肝肾阴虚型病例。

    Guided by traditional Chinese medicine theory , the patients with depression of liver-QI and hepatic and renal yin deficiency are screened out .

  24. 方法采用重复悬空倒吊法复制肝气郁结大鼠模型,同时给予益坎胶囊混悬液灌胃。

    Methods Duplicated Stagnancy of liver-qi model by suspending rats upside down in midair over and over , and poured the rats stomach of Yikan capsule simultaneously .

  25. 方法:1.本课题所选70例女性患者均来源于武汉市第一医院皮肤科痤疮专病门诊,辨证分型均为肝气郁结型。

    The topic selected 70 cases from female patients were acne , Wuhan First Hospital Dermatology outpatient special disease , liver qi stagnation syndrome type are based .

  26. 顾师认为抑郁症多为情志刺激而致肝气郁结,心神不宁,久之化热灼津,耗伤阴血,血不养心而致心神失常,与心肝两脏关系密切;

    It was argued that depressive neurosis was pathologically due to the liver qi stagnation and blood deficiency , which has close relationship with heart and liver ;

  27. 肝气郁结证模型大鼠Th1/Th2细胞因子变化及柴胡疏肝散的干预作用

    The Expressive Features of Th1 / Th2 Cytokines in Rats with the Pattern of Liver Qi Stagnation and the Intervening Effect of Chaihu Shugan Powder on It

  28. 结论:清心安神颗粒合黛力新治疗肝气郁结,痰火扰心型抑郁症优于单纯黛力新治疗且无不良反应。

    Conclusion : All particles Qingxin sedative deanxit new treatment of liver stagnation fire , Fire disturbance heart-shaped depression better than deanxit new treatment and no adverse reactions .

  29. 目的:观察及评价清心安神颗粒治疗肝气郁结,痰火扰心型抑郁症安全性及有效性。

    Objective : To observe and evaluate the treatment of liver stagnation particles Qingxin soothe the nerves of fire , Fire disturbance heart-shaped depression , the safety and efficacy .

  30. 42肝与中医脑的关系研究探讨结论:肝与脑密切相关,是进行肝气郁结证脑功能成像的基础。

    1.4.2 The close relation between the Liver and the brain makes up the theoretic foundation of studying the stagnation of Liver-Qi syndrome by brain functional imaging using PET .