
  • 网络military base
  1. 伯达尔正在德国的一处美国军事基地内接受康复治疗。

    Bergdahl 's recovering in an American military base in Germany .

  2. 他们和其它激进派一样,对政府准备同意位于北部意大利维琴察的一个美国军事基地的扩张感到不安。

    They and other radicals were equally exercised by the government 's readiness to agree to the expansion of an American military base at Vicenzain northern italy .

  3. 历时一周代号为MaxThunder的韩美军演包括大约80架美韩战斗机,其中有些战机是从美国军事基地飞来。

    The weeklong exercise called " Max Thunder " included approximately 80 U.S. and South Korean fighter jets , some of which flew from military bases in the United States .

  4. 李元硕说,在卡罗尔美国军事基地两公里以外的三个地点发现的二恶英(Dioxin)含量很低,不至于对人体构成危害。

    Lee says the levels of dioxin detected at three locations two kilometers from the U.S.facility are too minute to be hazardous to humans .

  5. 在美国军事基地所设立的免税福利社。

    A commissary on a United States Army post .

  6. 福特胡德基地是世界上最大的美国军事基地之一。

    Fort Hood is one of the largest U.S. Army bases in the world .

  7. 这将使数万名在美国军事基地从事洗衣或洗碗工作的员工受益。

    That could eventually cover hundreds of thousands of workers providing services such as laundry and dish washing on US military bases .

  8. 甚至在日本政府恢复了对该岛的控制之后,仍有五分之一的地区被划为美国军事基地,外人禁止入内。

    Even when Okinawa reverted to Japanese control , one-fifth of the land , given over to US military bases , remained off limits .

  9. 它的经济长期依赖美国军事基地所带来的收入以及目前中央政府帮助将它建立为呼叫中心的补助金。

    Its economy has long relied on income from America 's military bases , and on subsidies from central government , most recently to help make it a call-centre hub .

  10. 在炎热的夏季,他晚上从不在白宫歇息,而是住在城北约3英里处的一个充满朝气的处所美国军事基地“士兵之家”。

    He never sleeps at the White House during the hot season , but has quarters at a healthy location some three miles north of the city , the Soldiers ' home , a United States military establishment .

  11. 官方:美国德州军事基地枪击嫌疑人生还;死亡12人

    Officials : Fort Hood shootings suspect alive ; 12 dead

  12. 1976年冬季末,在美国一军事基地暴发的猪流感引起人们对一场毁灭性大流行病的恐惧。

    In1976 , a late winter outbreak of swine flu at a military base in the USA led to fears of a devastating pandemic .

  13. 第三,美国在菲律宾军事基地的价值。

    Third , the value of American military bases in Philippine .

  14. 第二,美国在菲律宾军事基地的设施及武器装备情况。

    Second , American military facilities and weapons in Philippine military bases .

  15. 整个战争年代他都在美国本土的军事基地工作。

    He spent the whole wartime working in an army base in US .

  16. 我知道他从来没去过海外;整个战争年代他都在美国本土的军事基地工作。

    I know he never got overseas ; he spent the whole wartime working in an army base in US .

  17. 其中一名士兵,一名伯达尔曾经为之效力的中士批评政府通过释放被关押在古巴美国关塔那摩湾军事基地5名塔利班囚犯交换伯达尔的决定。

    One soldier , a sergeant whom Bergdahl served with criticized the government 's decision to secure Bergdahl 's release by freeing five Taliban prisoners at the U.S. military base in Guantanamo bay , Cuba .

  18. Burns说出售武器与美国在当地的军事基地的使用没有直接关系。

    Burns says the arms sales are not directly tied to the U.S.use of military bases in the region .

  19. 美国驻扎在日本军事基地的航母也是灰溜溜的逃走了!

    U.S.aircraft carrier stationed in military bases in Japan also fled in disgrace !

  20. 美国在日本的军事基地中有很大一部分在冲绳。

    At the start of a meeting Thursday in Tokyo with Japan 's foreign minister , U.

  21. 民主党对关于美国在冲绳岛军事基地的协议产生质疑。

    And the D.P.J. has ed an agreement about an American Marine base on the island of Okinawa .

  22. 倡导加强组织内部合作,尽早实现美国从吉尔吉斯斯坦撤出军事基地,等。

    Third , the inner cooperation should be suggested so that USA can withdraw troops from kirghizia and so on .

  23. 南美领导人在一个地区峰会上表示对哥伦比亚计划让美国军队进入其军事基地的做法的担忧。

    South American leaders at a regional summit have expressed fresh concerns over Colombian plans to grant American troops access to its military bases .

  24. 他说,除了吉布提之外,美国在非洲没有军事基地,而且只有人数有限的人员为在埃塞俄比亚的项目工作。

    S.military bases in Africa , except in Djibouti , and that a " limited number of personnel " are working on the Ethiopian program .

  25. 美国在澳的军事基地很可能是为了中东地区国家间另一个潜在冲突做准备的平台,例如叙利亚和爱尔兰。

    US military basis in Australia may also be a platform in preparation for another potential conflict in the middle east with countries such as Syria and Iran .

  26. 茶叶党内部对于在多大程度上强调宗教保守主义存在分歧。此外一些人支持用武力解决问题的外交政策,而另一些人希望关闭美国在海外的军事基地。

    The Tea Party is also divided over how much to stress religious conservatism ; and between supporters of a muscular , militarist foreign policy and those who want to close American bases overseas .

  27. 这种观点(得到日本右翼和左翼的很多人认同)认为:日本本质上仍是一个被占领国,要遵守一部由美国制定的宪法,本土遍布美国军事基地。

    In this view , one shared by many on both the Japanese right and the left , Japan remains essentially an occupied nation , subject to a US-written constitution and honeycombed by US military bases .

  28. 9月22日,伊朗革命卫队的一位高级指挥官明确表示,如果以色列进攻伊朗,伊朗就会将其视为美国唆使,作为回应,他们将攻击美国的军事基地以及它在波斯湾的船运航线。

    On September 22nd a senior Revolutionary Guard commander made clear that Iran would treat an Israeli attack as american-abetted and would respond by attacking American military bases as well as shipping lanes in the Persian Gulf .

  29. 奥巴马将在本周的访问中强化美国与菲律宾的军事关系,尽管双方的协议将不会涉及美国在菲重开军事基地的内容。

    Mr Obama will strengthen military ties to the Philippines on his visit this week , although the agreement will stop short of reopening US military bases there .

  30. 哈迪克丝夫人将为美国国防部下属的陆军和空军交易服务处工作,该机构负责经营商店,向美国军事基地的军事人员出售日用品。

    Ms Haddix will be working for the Department of Defense 's Army and Air Force Exchange ( AAFE ) which operates shops selling goods to US military personnel on army bases .