
tū pò
  • break through;make a breakthrough;surmount;break;effect a breakthrough;top;overshoot;pierce
突破 [tū pò]
  • (1) [break through;effect a breakthrough]∶打开缺口

  • 突破一点

  • (2) [surmount;break;top]∶超过;打破

  • 突破定额

  • 突破难关

突破[tū pò]
  1. 科学家认为他们在对抗癌症的研究中开始有所突破。

    Scientists think they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer .

  2. 为了抢占市场份额,X公司希望能从目前表现不佳但有良好政策支持的西部市场进行突破。

    In order to seize the market share , X Co. , Ltd. wants to break through from current poor performance in west region .

  3. 韦尔福德突破防守射进了制胜的一球。

    Welford cut through the defence to score the winning goal .

  4. 科学家们宣称攻克癌症已有重大的突破。

    Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer .

  5. 这个部门今年可能要突破现金限额。

    The department may overshoot its cash limit this year .

  6. 失业人口现已突破三百万大关。

    Unemployment has now passed the three million mark .

  7. 这一发现被视为一项重大突破。

    This discovery was perceived as a major breakthrough .

  8. 他是一个在电视喜剧表演中不断寻求突破的演员。

    He is a performer who consistently pushes the envelope of TV comedy .

  9. 这家公司看来很有把握在中国取得重大突破。

    The company looks poised to make a significant breakthrough in China

  10. 我们在寻求持续的、渐进的改善,而不是重大的突破。

    We are seeking continuous , incremental improvements , not great breakthroughs .

  11. 在联合国的最后期限到来前数小时取得了重大突破。

    The breakthrough came hours before a UN deadline .

  12. 如果一切顺利,将会取得突破性的进展。

    God willing , there will be a breakthrough .

  13. 一列拖拉机突破了警戒线,隆隆响着驶上了高速公路。

    A line of tractors rumbled onto the motorway through a cordon of police

  14. 他在突破警戒线后被一名警察拦截了。

    He was rugby tackled by a policeman after breaking through police lines .

  15. 他们担心失业人数很快将突破300万大关。

    They are fearful that unemployment will soon break the barrier of three million

  16. 他的两张专辑的磁带销量突破了1,000万。

    His two albums released on cassette have sold more than 10 million copies .

  17. 德国装甲师突破了俄国的防线。

    German armoured divisions pierced the Russian lines .

  18. 这算得上是一个改进吧,但说是“突破”就言过其实了。

    This may have been an improvement , but ' breakthrough ' was an overstatement

  19. 在一通大吹大擂中,他们宣布自己取得了突破。

    They announced , amid much ballyhoo , that they had made a breakthrough .

  20. 这种疫苗的问世是医疗保健领域的重大突破。

    The vaccine represents a quantum leap in healthcare

  21. 绘画、雕塑和建筑领域最近出现了激动人心的艺术突破。

    Exciting artistic breakthroughs have recently occurred in the fields of painting , sculpture and architecture

  22. 这张专辑使他们重温了昔日的辉煌,但实际上没有任何新的突破。

    The album sees them reliving past glories but not really breaking any new ground .

  23. 在原有尺度上有所突破的时尚和设计受到人们的重视。

    There 's a valuable place for fashion and design that pushes the envelope a bit

  24. 不出所料,人民阵线没能突破5%大关。

    The Popular Front failed , as expected , to pass the 5 per cent barrier .

  25. 最后一天,队里的指示就是不惜一切代价实现零的突破。

    Team orders on the final day were to avoid the dreaded blank at all costs .

  26. 对乳腺癌等很多常见疾病来说,目前还看不到有明显的突破。

    With breast cancer , as with many common diseases , there is no obvious breakthrough on the horizon

  27. 如果这些材料能够普遍用于光学产业,那么这一突破带来的收益将非常巨大。

    If such materials became generally available to the optics industry the payoffs from such a breakthrough would be enormous

  28. 许多成人在精神分析中都突破了长期克服不了的情感障碍。

    Many adults broke through their emotional hang-ups in analysis .

  29. 科学家在治疗那种疾病方面已有突破。

    Scientists have made a breakthrough in their treatment of that disease .

  30. 敌人开始突破我们已被削弱的防线。

    The enemies are already bursting through our weakened defences .