
  • 网络iwaki;Iwaki City
  1. 灾难发生36个小时之后,我与磐城佛寺里的亲人们取得了联系。

    After 36 hours , I get through to my family at the temple in Iwaki .

  2. 就在磐城北部,人们发现了一列火车的一部分车身侧躺于路旁,车厢已被废弃。

    A section of one train was found on its side just north of Iwaki City , the cars abandoned .

  3. 2011年3月11日,地震和海啸重创了日本的东海岸,之后的36小时,我一直无法与亲人们取得任何联系。他们在震中附近最大的城市——仙台南部的磐城,住在我们家族的佛寺中,看护这座佛寺。

    For 36 hours after the earthquake and tsunami that eviscerated the east coast of Japan on March 11th , 2011 , I was unable to get any word from my relatives who oversee and live in our family 's Buddhist temple in Iwaki City , south of Sendai , the biggest city near the epicenter .