
  • 网络isothiocyanate;thiocyanates;PITC;GN-NCS
  1. 采用温度、时间、pH、超声频率4个考察因素设计正交试验,研究其对水溶液中烯丙基异硫氰酸酯稳定性的影响。

    In order to investigate the stability of allyl isothiocyanate in water , four important factors , temperature , time , pH and ultrasonic frequency were selected to design orthogonal experiments .

  2. 液-液相转移催化法合成苯甲酰基异硫氰酸酯

    Liquid-Liquid Phase Transfer Catalyzed Synthesis of Benzoyl Isothiocyanate

  3. 合成了两种具有氟取代的双苯环异硫氰酸酯(NCS)类液晶单体。

    Two kinds of isothiocyanate ( NCS ) fluorinated LC materials with two benzene rings were prepared .

  4. 西兰花和它的近亲富含一类叫做异硫氰酸酯的物质,也就是ITCs。

    Broccoli and its relatives are rich in compounds called , or ITCs .

  5. 流行病学研究结果表明经常食用十字花科蔬菜能够降低人们患肺癌、胃癌、前列腺癌、肠道癌的危险,并证实其所含的异硫氰酸酯化合物(isothiocyanates,ITCs)具有防癌、抑癌作用。

    Epidemiological studies show that regular consumption of cruciferous vegetables can obviously reduce the risk of lung cancer , stomach cancer , prostate cancer , bowel cancer . It is well known that ITCs have shown unique cancer preventive properties .

  6. 大孔树脂吸附异硫氰酸酯的动态相平衡研究

    Studies on dynamic phase equilibriums of Isothiocyanates adsorbed in macroporous resin

  7. 辣根油中异硫氰酸酯的水解稳定性研究

    Hydrolyzation Stability of Isothiocyanates Existed in Chinese Horseradish Volatile Oil

  8. 辣根中异硫氰酸酯的制备和生物活性研究

    Study on Preparation and Bioactivity of the Isothiocyanates from Horseradish

  9. 烯丙基异硫氰酸酯与胺反应的动力学及吸收光谱

    The UV - spectra and kinetics properties of allyl isothiocyanates reacted with amines

  10. 紫外分光光度法测定辣根及芥末制品中异硫氰酸酯含量的研究

    Ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination of isothiocyanates in horseradish , mustard and the related products

  11. 然后将双氯甲酸酯与硫氰酸钾在相转移催化剂的催化下反应生成二异硫氰酸酯;

    Secondly diisothiocyanates were synthesized by the phase transfer reaction of bischloroformate and potassium thiocyanate ;

  12. 以对苯二甲酰异硫氰酸酯和邻苯二胺为原料通过界面缩聚法合成了聚硫脲缓释微胶囊。

    Novel controlled releasing polythiourea microcapsules were prepared from terephthaloyl diisothiocyanate and o-phenylenediamine by interfacial polycondensation .

  13. 异硫氰酸酯的制备及应用

    Preparation and Applications of Isothiocyanates

  14. 山葵调味品原料中异硫氰酸酯的含量及影响因素研究

    Researches the content of Isothiocyanate in plant of Japanese horseradish and determines the effect by reactive time

  15. 气相色谱分析山葵地上部分及其愈伤组织中的异硫氰酸酯,地上部分中检测到了6种异硫氰酸酯,愈伤组织中检测到了4种异硫氰酸酯。

    By GC analyzing , there are 6 isothiocyanates in wasabi , and 4 isothiocyanates in callus .

  16. 这些食物富含异硫氰酸酯的化合物,这种化合物能够降低癌症风险。

    These foods are rich in compounds called isothiocyanates , which are known to lower cancer risk .

  17. 异硫氰酸酯广泛存在于十字花科植物中,是硫代葡萄糖苷的次级代谢产物。

    Isothiocyanates are found in cruciferous plants widely , which are glucosinolate subsequent enzymatic conversion to breakdown products , secondary metabolites .

  18. 其中异硫氰酸酯、二甲基二硫醚、二甲基三硫醚是不同皮色肉质色萝卜共同的特征风味成分。

    Among them isothiocyanates , dimethyl disulfide , dimethyl sulfide are common flavor compounds in different skin and flesh color radish .

  19. 在室温下,二茂铁甲酰基异硫氰酸酯与芳香胺反应生成新颖的二茂铁取代非对称硫脲。

    At room temperature , several novel unsymmetric ferrocenyl thiourea compounds were synthesized by reaction of substituted aniline with ferrocenyl formyl isothiocyanate .

  20. 异硫氰酸酯和它的衍生物是一类非常重要的有机合成中间体,其被广泛用于医药和农药的合成,特别是用于合成一些具有生物活性的杂环化合物。

    They are widely used in medicine and pesticide synthesis , particularly used in the synthesis of some heterocyclic compounds with biological activities .

  21. 在249nm处测定样品正己烷提取液的吸光度,根据标准工作曲线,计算出样品的异硫氰酸酯含量。

    Absorbance of the extractions of samples is determined at 249 nm and the amount of the isothiocyanates is calculated according to the standard curve .

  22. 十字花科蔬菜的保护作用,至少部分与异硫氰酸酯有关,异硫氰酸酯是一组在这些这些蔬菜中发现的能转化致癌物质植物组分。

    The protective action of cruciferous vegetables is derived at least in part from isothiocyanates , a group of carcinogen-modulating phytochemicals found in these vegetables .

  23. 以硫氰酸钾与氯甲酸酯的反应产物烷氧酰基异硫氰酸酯同各种芳胺反应合成了12个硫脲类衍生物4-芳基-3-硫代脲酸酯类化合物,其中10个化合物未见文献报道。

    Twelve thiourea derivatives , the alkyl 4 aryl 3 thio allophanates (ⅰ~ⅹⅱ) have been synthesized by the reactions of different arylamine with alkoxycarbonyl isothiocyanates .

  24. 糖基异硫氰酸酯之所以作为一类特殊的糖类化合物,是因为不仅具有良好的生理功能,而且还是有机合成的重要中间体之一。

    Glycosyl isothiocyanates as a kind of special carbohydrates , not only has good physiological function , but also is an important intermediate of organic synthesis .

  25. 综述了山葵研究现状和应用前景及其风味物质异硫氰酸酯的特性、测定、提取、功能特性。

    This paper reviewed application and study of Wasbi and its development in recent years . Especially , the properties of isothiocyanate was discussed in detail .

  26. 异硫氰酸酯是辣根、芥末及其制品的有效成分,其含量的多少是该类调味品主要的质量指标。

    Isothiocyanates ( ITCs ) are the essential component of horseradish , mustard and the related condiments , and the content of which is the criterion of control quality .

  27. 本论文系统研究了十字花科蔬菜提取物6320(主要为异硫氰酸酯)的体内外抗肿瘤活性及其抗肿瘤机理。

    In this paper , antitumor effects of Extract 6320 from cruciferous vegetables ( isothiocyanate , mainly ) in vitro and in vivo , and the mechanism of antitumor were studied systematically .

  28. 针对不同活性的取代硫脲,采用脂肪胺或取代苯胺与二硫化碳或不同种类的异硫氰酸酯反应,合成了4种对称的和12种非对称的硫脲衍生物。

    According to the properties of substituted thiourea derivatives , 4 symmetric and 12 unsymmetric thiourea compounds were synthesized by reaction of alkyl amine or substituted aniline with carbon bisulfide or some isothiocyanates .

  29. 以S-烃基异硫脲盐、硫氰酸酯、硫醚为底物,在盐酸介质中,温和条件下,通过氧化法高产率地合成了烃基磺酰氯;

    Hydrocarbyl sulfuryl chloride was prepared by the oxidation of S - hydrocarbyl isothiouronium salts , thiocyanic esters and sulfuric ether in the medium of hydrochloric acid under mild conditions with high yields .

  30. 有机卤化锌试剂对酰基异硫氰酸酯的加成反应,可实现多种官能团的共存,提供了一种合成双烯丙基醇和双炔丙基醇的新方法。

    In this reaction , acyl isothiocyanates is employed as raw materials in order to achieve coexistence of many functional groups and provide a new synthesis method of diallyl alcohol or dipropargyl alcohol .