
liú liǔ ɡǒnɡ
  • Thiomersal;merthiolate
  1. 用于外科防腐手术的带有稍微颜色的水晶状的粉末;硫柳汞是它的商标。

    A light-colored crystalline powder used as a surgical antiseptic ; Merthiolate is the trademark .

  2. 褐色的树鼯,光光的尾巴在末稍三分之一处的两边有硬的长毛;产于马来群岛。用于外科防腐手术的带有稍微颜色的水晶状的粉末;硫柳汞是它的商标。

    Brown tree shrew having a naked tail bilaterally fringed with long stiff hairs on the distal third ; of Malaysia . a light-colored crystalline powder used as a surgical antiseptic ; Merthiolate is the trademark .

  3. 目的建立测定氯霉素滴眼液中常用抑菌剂羟苯乙酯、硫柳汞的HPLC含量测定方法。

    Objective To establish a quantitative analysis of ethylparaben and thimerosal in Chloramphenical Eye Drops by HPLC .

  4. 含有硫柳汞的疫苗包括预防白喉、破伤风和百日咳(DTP)、乙型肝炎、B型流感嗜血杆菌、狂犬病、流感和脑膜炎球菌病的疫苗。

    Vaccines that contain thiomersal include those against diphtheria , tetanus and pertussis ( DTP ), hepatitis B , Haemophilus influenzae type b ( Hib ), rabies , influenza and meningococcal diseases .

  5. 根据以上情况,GACVS的结论是,现有证据不足以得出结论认为疫苗中的硫柳汞对受其暴露的婴儿、儿童或成人具有毒性。

    On this basis , the GACVS has concluded that on present evidence it cannot be concluded that thiomersal in vaccines is associated with mercury toxicity in infants , children , or adults .

  6. 答:硫柳汞是疫苗中最广泛使用的防腐剂。

    A : Thiomersal is the most widely-used preservative for vaccines .

  7. 疫苗中硫柳汞的含量是否会带来健康风险?

    Does the amount of thiomersal in vaccines pose a health risk ?

  8. 学术团体对硫柳汞的安全性进行了严格的审查。

    The safety of thiomersal has been rigorously reviewed by scientific groups .

  9. 目的:寻找操作简便、快速准确的测定硫柳汞醇溶液含量的定量方法。

    Objective : To determine the content of the thiomersal in alcoholic solution .

  10. 冷原子吸收法测定肌注免疫球蛋白中硫柳汞含量

    Determination of content of MERTHIOLATE IN INTRAMUSCULAR IMMUNOGLOBULIN by cold vapour atomic absorption

  11. 含有硫柳汞的疫苗在全世界得到广泛应用。

    Thiomersal-containing vaccines are used widely across the world .

  12. 替换疫苗中的硫柳汞还需要管制审批。

    Replacing thiomersal in vaccines would require regulatory approval .

  13. 除硫柳汞外,还有两种被批准使用的疫苗防腐剂。

    There are two vaccine preservatives approved for use in addition to thiomersal .

  14. 关于疫苗中硫柳汞的使用,世卫组织的立场是什么?

    What is WHO 's position on the use of thiomersal in vaccines ?

  15. 问:疫苗中硫柳汞的剂量是否会对健康构成风险?

    Q : Does the amount of thiomersal in vaccines pose a health risk ?

  16. 硫柳汞是一种作为防腐剂添加到某些疫苗中的有机含汞化合物。

    Thiomersal is an organic mercury-containing compound added to some vaccines as a preservative .

  17. 应用氢化物发生-原子吸收法检测浓缩狂犬病疫苗中硫柳汞的含量

    Detection of Thiomersalate Content in Concentrated Rabies Vaccine by Mercury / Hydride System-Atomic Absorption Method

  18. 世卫组织支持继续将硫柳汞作为疫苗灭活剂和防腐剂使用。

    WHO supports continued use of thiomersal as an inactivating agent and preservative for vaccines .

  19. 有没有正在进行的评估硫柳汞替代性防腐剂相对有效性的研究?

    Is there research ongoing to evaluate the relative effectiveness of alternative preservatives to thiomersal ?

  20. 还有些父母对含有少量汞的防腐物质硫柳汞心存忧虑。

    Other parents fret about thimerosal , a preservative that contains trace amounts of mercury .

  21. 大流行性流感疫苗是否将含有某些人认为构成健康风险的硫柳汞?

    Will pandemic vaccines contain thiomersal , which some believe is a risk to health ?

  22. 现在可明显看出,硫柳汞的短半衰期避免了毒性的积累并发生。

    Now it 's obvious that ethyl mercury 's short half-life prevents toxic build-up from occurring .

  23. 但是,硫柳汞在1999年就从疫苗中除去了,然,孤独症率仍在上升。

    But thimerosal was removed from most vaccines in1999 , and autism rates are still rising .

  24. 该研究只提出乙肝疫苗中所含的硫柳汞与白血病之间存在联系。

    The research suggested a link only between thiomersal in the hepatitis B vaccine and leukaemia .

  25. 该法适用于动物源性食品中硫柳汞残留量的测定。

    The method was suitable for the determination of thimerosal residues in foods of animal origin .

  26. 由于含有硫柳汞的疫苗与该条约有关,世卫组织的立场是什么?

    What is WHO 's position on thiomersal-containing vaccines , as they pertain to the treaty ?

  27. 硫柳汞是一种常用的疫苗防腐剂,用以防止在使用过程中疫苗被细菌污染。

    Thiomersal is a commonly used vaccine preservative to prevent vaccine contamination by bacteria during use .

  28. 自20世纪30年代以来,就已经开始在某些疫苗和其他医疗产品的生产过程中使用硫柳汞。

    Thiomersal has been used since the1930s in the manufacture of some vaccines and other medicinal products .

  29. 然而,在某些疫苗中用作防腐剂的硫柳汞含乙基汞,并非含甲基汞。

    However , thiomersal , the preservative in some vaccines , contains ethyl mercury not methyl mercury .

  30. 为什么世卫组织认为疫苗中的硫柳汞安全,而某些化妆品中的汞却被认为不安全?

    Why is thiomersal in vaccines considered safe by WHO whereas mercury in some cosmetics is considered unsafe ?