• peaceful;harmonious
  • 和好,亲近:和~。~邻。兄弟不~。

  • 姓。


(和睦) peaceful; harmonious:

  • 亲睦

    in friendly relations


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 睦杰

    Mu Jie

  1. 国家与国家间如能修睦和好,则无战争发生。

    If there were amity between nations , there would be no wars .

  2. 相距极远的两国有一种亲睦的邦交。

    A friendly intercourse is opened between the most remote parts of the world .

  3. 兄弟之间不睦是不近人情的。

    It is unnatural for brothers to be at variance .

  4. 对于灯具中所使用的满足ANSI-IEC标准数据的灯管,现在必须提供这睦些数据才能取得能源之星的认证。

    When an applicable ANSI-IEC lamp standard data sheet is available for the lamp being used in the fixture , it now must be used in order to qualify for ENERGY STAR .

  5. 许多国家的人移居到睦国和加拿大。

    People from many countries immigrated to United States and Canada .

  6. 殷为污染严重,秧多睦丽的鱼类正在面临绝种。

    Many beautiful fish are fast disappearing because of the pollution .

  7. 合伙人不睦的现象似乎在高科技产业尤其普遍。

    Dysfunctional partnerships seem to be particularly common in high-tech industries .

  8. 这个泼妇总是与邻人不睦。

    The shrew was always at enmity with her neighbors .

  9. 哇,似乎你的婚姻关系相当不睦呀。

    Wow , that sounds like you have a rather dysfunctional marriage .

  10. 一家和和睦睦,一年开开心心。

    A harmony and Harmony , a happy year .

  11. 美国与巴基斯坦关系不睦已有一段时间。

    US-Pakistani relations have been fraying for some time .

  12. 下面有些小秘诀亲睦主意可以帮你在自己家里起头节省。

    Feel free to share your own ideas and tips in the comments !

  13. 世界这个世界在亲如兄弟之前,不妨先睦如邻里。

    The world has narrowed to a neighborhood before it has broadened to brotherhood .

  14. 她与他不睦。

    She doesn 't fit in with him .

  15. 他们夫妇一向和和睦睦,相亲相爱。

    They were a quiet and fond couple .

  16. 如果给我一些工具的话,我立刻替你修睦。

    Give me some tools , and I 'll fix it for you right away .

  17. 以及你父亲的婚姻不睦

    and your father 's marital woes .

  18. 其主要内容有:尊祖睦族隆友爱;

    Its main contents are : respecting the ancestors and living in harmony to promote friendship ;

  19. 睦能计算出他们的一切。

    Chinook can calculate them all .

  20. 他们计划要么住在装修睦的公寓里,要么买些旧家具。

    They had planned either to live in a furnished apartment or to buy used furniture .

  21. 中国自古以来就有亲仁善邻,崇信修睦的优良传统。

    China boasts a good tradition of seeking friendship and living in amity with its neighbors .

  22. 我的猫与狗极不睦。

    My cat hates dogs .

  23. 老太太和儿媳妇儿的关系很好,一家人和和睦睦。

    The old lady gets along well with her daughter-in-law , and the whole family lives in perfect harmony .

  24. 由于与表兄弟不睦,皮耶希出走保时捷,一开始他去了奥迪,后来又去了大众。

    Tension with his cousins led to his exit and a career first at Audi , then at VW .

  25. 我们是至亲朋友,应该和和睦睦,想到我们能这样,我的心头就乐了。

    It 's a pleasure for me to think that now we 'll agree as such near friends should .

  26. 该国与乌兹别克斯坦长期不睦,今年以来该国与吉尔吉斯斯坦边境地区发生了一些小冲突,制造了紧张局势。

    It has a long-running feud with Uzbekistan , and skirmishes this year have also created tension on the Kyrgyz border .

  27. 但谁也没有忘记,感恩节是感谢上帝的日子,他赐予了我们许多东西,如美好的食品、睦的家庭等。

    Yet nobody forgets that Thanksgiving is a holiday to be thankful to God for blessings like good food and family .

  28. 尽管她没有说一句不真实的话,却充分暗示了她同自己丈夫的关系非常融睦,从来没有任何嫌隙。

    Strickland , without saying a word that was untrue , insinuated that her relations with her husband had always been perfect .

  29. 想要家庭吉祥、睦,就应该常常起欢喜心,天天为自己的家祝福。

    To have a warm and happy family , we should nurture a heart of joy and shower our family with blessings .

  30. 尽管联合地球帝国已经与睦神迪亚签署了和平协议,这两个国家之间的关系非常紧张。

    While The United Earth Empire has signed peace with Konkordia there was always tension in the relations between the two states .