
  • 网络Bokuju
  1. 方干,字雄飞(809年~886年),睦州桐庐(今浙江桐庐)人,是晚唐著名的隐逸诗人。

    Fang Gan , whose courtesy name Xiong Fei ( 809 ~ 886 AD ): born in Tonglu Muzhou ( Tonglu in modern-day Zhejiang Province ): is a famous recluse poet in Late Tang Dynasty .

  2. 睦州诗派之称谓首见于谢翱《唏发集》,包括唐代十位睦州籍诗人,然并非一严格意义上的文学流派。

    The name of the Muzhou Poem School first appeared in Xieho 's Xifa Collections , including ten poets born in Muzhou in Tang Dynasty , but strictly speaking it is not a school of literature .
