
shèng kuàng
  • pomp;grand occasion;spectacular event
盛况 [shèng kuàng]
  • [grand occasion]规模大、场面热烈的情况

  • 盛况空前

  • 年月久,传说多,登封台让你想象帝王拜山的盛况。--《雨中登泰山》

盛况[shèng kuàng]
  1. 本文从贸易角度描述了第四届北京国际博览会的盛况。

    This article describes the grand occasion of the 4th Beijing International Fair from the View of trade .

  2. 该文概述南宋时期绍兴私人藏书家藏书盛况,并分析了该时期藏书繁荣的原因。

    The article outlines the grand occasion of book collecting by private book collectors in Shaoxing in Southern Song Dynasty , and explains why book collections were prosperous during that period .

  3. 这一行业的现状与昔日的盛况相比微不足道。

    The industry today is nothing to what it once was .

  4. 埃及人见证了一场载入史册的盛况,目睹了古埃及统治者们在首都开罗的游行。

    Egyptians have been witnessing a historic procession of their country 's ancient rulers through the capital , Cairo .

  5. 不过无论appleTV有多好,都很难再现这种盛况,让有线电视公司补贴成本。

    No matter how awesome an Apple TV might be , it 's difficult to envision a similar scenario where cable companies subsidized the cost .

  6. 然后,他们坐下来,告诉我有关三星(samsung)专门为此次表演制作的特殊显示屏,那是目前为止清晰度最高的显示屏,可以让所有人都看到演出的盛况。

    Then they sat down and told me about the special screens Samsung made just for the show , the most high-definition screens ever , so everyone would be able to see .

  7. 根据波斯和欧洲游客描述,我们画了一幅毗奢耶那伽罗民生图,和当地节日(MahaNavamifestival)盛况图。

    Eyewitness accounts , provided to us by Persian and European visitors , paint a picture of life in Vijayanagara as well as the magnificence of the local Maha Navami festival .

  8. 这与去年iOS7发布时的盛况形成了鲜明对比——根据数据分析服务商Mixpanel的统计,同样是在发布后两周半的时间里内,iOS7的用户下载率达到了70%。

    That 's compared with iOS 7 , which was downloaded by 70 % of user during the same two and a half week period last year according to the data analytics service Mixpanel .

  9. 但最令人印象深刻的是人们使用这一服务的盛况:每晚都有5万人住在通过Airbnb网站预订的房间里。

    Most impressive , though , is the fact that people are using the service : on any given night , 50,000 people stay in a space they booked on airbnb .

  10. 2015年那件连衣裙诡异的颜色使得不少人都恨不得把自己眼珠子抠出来,而本周Instagram上一位博主自拍的一张双腿的照片又再现了那时的盛况,很快就在网上造成了轰动。

    What started innocuously at the beginning of the week as nothing more than a quirky point-of-view snap of an Instagram user 's legs has quickly escalated into an internet sensation on a scale not seen since the hotly contested colour of ' that dress ' in 2015 made the world want to tear its eyes out .

  11. 我们很久都没见过这种盛况。

    And we haven 't seen this in a long time .

  12. 有线电视将实况转播开幕式的盛况。

    The Opening Ceremony will be televised on Cable TV .

  13. 现在,就让我们去看看泡沫红茶的盛况吧。

    Now , let us look at the event bubble tea bar .

  14. 首先概述晚明闺秀词盛况。

    First outlines latter Ming dynasty demure word grand occasion .

  15. 论梁陈边塞诗的盛况及其汉代情结

    Pomp of Liang-Chen Frontier Poetry and Its Han Dynasty Complex

  16. 今年,安思远的拍卖上也可能会出现类似盛况。

    This year 's Ellsworth auction could have a similar inflationary effect .

  17. 如此盛况已引起海外投资者的浓厚兴趣。

    Such success has attracted plenty of outside interest .

  18. A世界各地都将通过电视转播奥运会比赛盛况。

    A The Olympics will be on television everywhere .

  19. 看看今年8月的艺术节盛况如何将是非常有意思的事情。

    It will be interesting to see how strong trade is this August .

  20. 真是太疯狂了,说真的,那就像一个世界级的“盛况”。

    It was crazy . Seriously , it was like a WORLDSTAR situation .

  21. 用八匹白马拉着的华丽马车进入的盛况。

    Entered with much eclat in a coach drawn by eight white horses .

  22. 哥伦比亚广播公司将在9月直播艾美奖盛况。

    The Emmy airs live on CBS at September .

  23. 我记得读过你成年时举行庆典的盛况呢。

    I remember reading of the festivities which occurred when you came of age .

  24. 这是蜂拥而至欣赏少林盛况的游客的乐事。

    A delight for tourists to flock to the spectacle and color of shaolin .

  25. 出口加工区一期封关验收盛况,国务院有关部委领导、江苏省及苏州市主要领导出席。

    SND-EPZ successfully passed the acceptance examination by the relative state ministries and leaders .

  26. 和往昔罗马的盛况。

    And the grandeur that was Rome .

  27. 我要对他们说,感谢你们观看民主的盛况。

    And to them I say , thank you for watching democracy 's big day .

  28. 影片在公映时,空前盛况,卖座非常成功。

    When the film released to the general public it was an unprecedentedly successful blockbuster .

  29. 毫无疑问,开业带来的兴奋与盛况更容易让人产生这种感觉。

    Without question , the excitement and pomp around the opening contributed to that feeling .

  30. 她到达机场,没有通常伴随着重要政治家的盛况和礼仪。

    She arrived at the airport without the pomp and ceremony that usually accompanies important politicians .