
  • 网络e-commerce technology;e-business;E-Business Technologies;Electronic Commerce Technology
  1. 随着移动Agent技术的发展,一种以移动Agent为中介的电子商务技术悄然兴起。

    With the development of Mobile Agent Technology , Electronic Commerce Technology in which Agent takes the role of medium is becoming popular recently .

  2. 本文首先介绍了XML及其优点,接着将传统的电子商务技术EDI与XML相比较,阐述了XML对EDI的影响,最后阐述了三种电子商务模型。

    First , this article introduces XML and its advancements . Next , compares XML with EDI which is a traditional electronic commerce technology , and states the XML 's influence for EDI . Last , elaborates three electronic commerce models .

  3. 基于Agent和电子商务技术的工程项目招标投标模型研究

    Research on the distributed Bidding Model of Engineering Projects Based on Agent and Electronic Business

  4. 随着计算机网络的全面发展,基于Internet的电子商务技术即将进入一个全新的时代。

    With the comprehensive development of computer networks , Internet-based e-commerce technology will soon enter a new area .

  5. 论文首先讲述了Agent和多Agent技术、电子商务技术、以及涉及到的其他技术。

    The paper firstly introduces Agent and Multi-Agent technology , EC technology , and other technologies involved .

  6. 网络组织是现代信息通信技术,特别是Internet以及电子商务技术催生的产物。

    Network Organization ( NO ) is the result of modern information communication technology ( especially in Internet and E-commerce ) .

  7. 基于XML和JSP的移动电子商务技术及实现

    Technology of Mobile E-Business Base on XML and JSP

  8. 第二章,论述电子商务技术基础,主要介绍Internet技术、Web数据库技术和电子商务安全技术;

    The second chapter discusses E-Commerce basis and mainly introduces Internet technology , Web database technology and the safety technology of E-Commerce .

  9. 同时Internet网络的出现和电子商务技术的发展,又给化工过程设备制造业带来了前所未有的机遇。

    However , the emerging of the Internet and development of the E-Commerce technique also bring the process equipment manufacturers great opportunity .

  10. 电子商务技术中的智能自组织系统及CCM部件设计

    Intelligent Self-Organizing System in E-Commerce Technology and CCM Component Design

  11. 提出合同管理系统应充分应用电子商务技术,与Web相结合,采用Browser/Server结构来构建。

    Especially the viewpoint that E - business technique should be well used and the contract management system should be constructed based on Web technique using Browser / Server structure is put forward .

  12. 从微观和宏观两方面系统讨论了XML对B2B电子商务技术平台的影响。

    The impact of XML on the tomorrow B2B E-commerce is discussed systematically from the micro and macro viewpoints in this paper .

  13. 由于商业寻求与动态电子商务技术的结合,那么他们必须能够把商业与特定的SOA角色关联起来。

    As businesses seek to embrace the technologies of dynamic e-business , they must be able to associate their business with specific a SOA role .

  14. 在模型中引入Agent技术,并考虑到现代企业运用电子商务技术和采用电子供应链管理的新特点,提出一种基于Agent支持电子供应链和B2B电子商务的工作流模型。

    For widely usage E-commence technology and E-supply chain technology in modern enterprises , a workflow model supporting E-supply chain and B 2 B E-commence based on agent is given .

  15. 给出IP网络QoS管理的NGOSS构架,结合Internet技术、电子商务技术以及协调管理技术,给细粒度设计方法提供了一个很好的实现案例。

    The NGOSS architecture of IP QoS management presented can give a well implement example by integrating Internet , E-business , as well as collaboration management technology .

  16. EDI是一种主要应用在外贸领域的电子商务技术,是未来国际贸易的主导方式。

    EDI is one of the electronic business that mainly using for international trade , it is the major trading method in the future .

  17. NET,运用Web服务和J2ME移动电子商务技术设计和实现了基于高尔夫用品零售业的电子商务系统&E-GolfShop电子商务系统。

    Using object oriented languages C # combined with ASP . NET and adopting Web service and J2ME mobile e-commerce technologies , the paper designs and implements the online selling system - E-Golf Shop e-commerce system .

  18. 目前XX又在合适的时机采用了电子商务技术,准备成为新经济时代最有价值的“电子商务型网络营销企业”。

    At present , XX is embracing electronic commerce for the translation into E-commerce Marketing Business from current business , which is expected to be the most valuable one in new economic era .

  19. 互联网技术的迅速发展,对企业信息化建设提出了更高的要求,基于先进管理理念的ERP、CRM、SCM以及电子商务技术等成为企业应用的发展趋势。

    The rapid development of Internet technology has put forward higher request for the enterprise information construction . ERP , CRM , SCM and e-commerce on the basis of the advanced management idea have become the developmen trend of enterprise application .

  20. 为了加速我国IT服务方面的发展,提高IT服务水平,促进软件出口,我们将OCR技术与电子商务技术相结合,提出了欧美数据服务出口平台的设想。

    In order to accelerate our development in IT service , improve the IT service level , accelerate software export , we combined OCR technique with E-commerce technology and conceive the Occident Data Service Export Platform .

  21. 基于第三方认证的公平电子商务技术体系研究

    Impartial e - business technical system based on trusted third part

  22. 电子商务技术的应用极大地便利了国际贸易的开展,将国际贸易带入无纸化时代。

    The application of e-commerce technology has greatly facilitated international trade .

  23. 《电子商务技术》课程的教学初探

    Research on the Course of " Technology of Electronic Commerce "

  24. 电子商务技术标准概览

    A Brief Introduce of the Technical Standards of Electronic Commerce

  25. 以工作流系统和电子商务技术构建企业数码平台

    To Construct an Enterprise Digital Platform With E-commerce Technologies and Workflow Management

  26. 商务活动中应用电子商务技术的合理性评价

    An Evaluation of E - business from a Business Process

  27. 电子商务技术三位一体化教学系统的分析与实现

    The Analysis and Realization of Trinity Teaching System of Electronic Commerce Techniques

  28. 用电子商务技术实现优化库存管理的方法

    Implementation of Optimal Inventory Management by Electronic Business Technology

  29. 传统专业市场采纳电子商务技术的经济学分析

    The Adoption of Electronic Commerce by Traditional Specialized Markers : An Economic Analysis

  30. 供应链管理的电子商务技术支持

    Technical Support of Electronic Commerce for Supply Chain Management