
  • 网络thyroid storm;thyroid crisis;crisis of hyperthyroidism;Thyrotoxac Storm;Thyrotoxc Storm
  1. 我猜你怀疑是甲亢危象。

    I assume you 're thinking thyroid storm .

  2. 在疾病过程中,GD本身和应用抗甲状腺药物(ATD)均可引起白细胞减少,甚至粒细胞缺乏,易引起感染、败血症、休克,甚至甲亢危象,影响患者的预后。

    In the diease , the GD itself and Antithyroid drug ( ATD ) all can cause leukopenia , even agranulocytosis which can cause the infection , septicemia , shock , e-ven thyroid storm .

  3. 急腹症术后继发甲亢危象的抢救护理

    The Salvage and Nursing of Thyroid Crisis Following Emergent Abdominal Surgery

  4. 本文报告了6例急腹症术后继发甲亢危象的抢救及护理措施。

    The salvage and nursing of thyroid crisis following emergent surgery with 6 cases were reported .

  5. 并发症4例,无甲亢危象、颈部血肿、呼吸困难发生。

    There were 4 cases with slight complication , but no thyrotoxicosis , cervical haematoma and dyspnea occurred .

  6. 血甲状腺激素水平与甲亢危象相关性分析急性阑尾炎术后继发甲亢危象的急救护理

    ANALYSIS OF THE CORRELATION BETWEEN THYROID HORMONES SERUM LEVELS AND HYPERTHYROIDISM CRISIS Rescuing nursing care of postoperative acute appendicitis patients developed into hyperthyroidism crisis

  7. 结果手术组患者无甲亢危象及死亡病例,7例(6.1%)并发症于术后1个月内恢复;

    Results There was no thyroid crisis and death in the eases with operation and 7 cases ( 6.1 % ) of complications disappeared in one month .

  8. 结果29例甲亢危象和危象前期得到及时诊断和合理治疗,抢救成功,3例甲亢危象分别合并重度妊娠高血压综合征及甲状腺功能亢进性心脏病阿斯综合征和糖尿病酮症酸中毒死亡。

    Results 29 thyroid storms gets with the ex-period in evidence of the danger on time diagnose and reasonable treatment , rescue success , 3 thyroid storms merges respectively severe PIH and hyperthyroidism heart attack Aase and diabetes mellitus ketosis acidosis death .

  9. 麻醉镇痛预防甲亢术后甲状腺危象的效果观察假性甲状旁腺功能减退

    Observation on effect of narcotic analgesia to prevent postoperative hyperthyroidism patients from thyroid crisis

  10. 用本法准备,术后发生甲亢反应18例(38.3%),1例发生甲亢危象。

    Reactions of thyroidism occurred in 18 cases , while there was crisis of thyroidism in one case only .