
  • 网络mannose receptor;mannose receptor,MR;MMR
  1. 甘露糖受体(MR)为甘露糖受体家族中的一员,属于C-型凝集素受体。

    Mannose receptor is one of the mannose receptor family and belongs to C-type lectin receptor .

  2. 研究人精子甘露糖受体(MR)在精卵融合中的作用。

    To study the effect of mannose receptor ( MR ) from human spermatozoa on sperm-egg fusion .

  3. 前言:目的:研究人精子甘露糖受体(MR)的表达与精卵融合的关系。

    Objective : To study the relationship of expression of mannose receptor ( MR ) on human spermatozoa and sperm-egg fusion .

  4. 本文首次报道人精子甘露糖受体(MR)的电镜标记技术和初步观察。

    At present , we first report the localization of mannose receptors ( MR ) of human sperm on the electron microscopic level .

  5. 目的探讨人精子甘露糖受体(MR)的表达与精子所处生理状态的关系。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between the expression of mannose ligand receptor ( MR ) and the physiological state of human spermatozoa in fertilization .

  6. 甘露糖受体为相对分子量为175kDa的一种I型跨膜受体,由五部分组成:N-末端富含半胱氨酸结构域(CR);

    Mannose receptor is a 175 kDa I type transmembrane receptor consisting of five domains : a cysteine rich amino terminus ;

  7. 目的研究人精子的甘露糖受体(MR)表达与顶体反应的关系,以探讨体外获能培养精子的MR表达是否为人精子获能的标志。

    Objective To study the correlation between expression of mannose-ligand receptor ( MR ) on capacitated human sperm in vitro and acrosome reaction induced by zona pellucida ( ZP ) .

  8. 在许多抗原提呈细胞(Antigenpresentingcells,APCs)上已发现大量的甘露糖受体,这提示甘露糖可能参与抗原的提呈。

    Many antigen presenting cells contained mannose receptor , so , the mannose might participate in the process of antigen presenting .

  9. 目的:探讨来源于不同组织肺泡、腹腔巨噬细胞甘露糖受体(macrophagemannosereceptor,MMR)与配体的亲和力差异。

    AIM : To evaluate the affinity of the mannose receptor of peritoneal macrophage and pulmonary macrophage and their ligands .

  10. 有学者认为NAGA与巨噬细胞表面的特异性受体的结合是激活巨噬细胞的先决条件,甘露糖受体则可能参与此识别过程。

    Previous studies indicated that binding of NAGA to the specific receptors was a prerequisite for enhancing macrophages activation and mannose receptor ( MR ) might be involved in this interaction .

  11. 宫颈粘液对人精子甘露糖受体表达的影响

    Effect of cervical mucus on expression of mannose receptor of human spermatozoa

  12. 牛眼虹膜色素上皮细胞的甘露糖受体表达

    Expression of mannose-receptor in cultured bovine iris pigment epithelial cells in vitro

  13. 人精子甘露糖受体纯化及其对受精能力的影响

    Effect of Human Sperm Purified Mannose-ligand Receptor on Fertilization Ability

  14. 甘露糖受体介导的树突状细胞靶向载体的构建与评价

    The Preparation and Evaluation of the Mannose Receptor Mediated Dendritic Cell Targeting Delivery System

  15. 巨噬细胞甘露糖受体的结构与功能

    Structure and function of macrophage mannose receptor

  16. 人精子甘露糖受体的部分特性研究

    Characterization of human sperm purified mannose receptor

  17. 人精子甘露糖受体表达的细胞生理状态

    Cyto - physiological Status of the Expression of Mannose - ligand Receptor of Human Spermatozoa

  18. 甘露糖受体在脂多糖诱导的急性肺损伤中的表达

    Mannose Receptor in Lipopolysaccharide-induced Acute Lung Injury

  19. 糖类识别受体:甘露糖受体

    Carbohydrate recognition receptor : mannose receptor

  20. 巨噬细胞甘露糖受体模型的初步建立及其在中药复方筛选中的应用

    Macrophage mannose receiver model and its application on screening of compound prescription of traditional Chinese herbs

  21. 大鼠肺泡、腹腔巨噬细胞甘露糖受体与配体的亲和力比较

    Comparison of affinity of mannose receptor of peritoneal macrophage and alveolar macrophage and its ligands in rats

  22. 方法用亲和层析法分离纯化人精子甘露糖受体,十二烷基磺酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法测定其分子量,等电聚焦电泳法测定其等电点。

    And their receptors . Methods Human sperm mannose receptors were purified by mannose - agarose gel affinity chromatography coloumn .

  23. 甘露糖受体在调节内环境的稳定,介导先天性免疫及获得性免疫应答中都有其明确的作用。

    A number of functions have been ascribed to mannose receptor including modulating tissue homeostasis , regulating innate immunity and adaptive immunity .

  24. 目的:研究人宫颈粘液是否影响人精子甘露糖受体的表达。

    Objective : To study the role of human cervical mucus on expression of mannose receptor ( MR ) of human spermatozoa .

  25. 结论:宫颈粘液促进精子获能,但不诱导顶体反应,且不影响其甘露糖受体的表达。

    Conclusion : Human cervical mucus can enhance capacitation of human sperm , but it neither induce acrosome reaction nor improve expression of MR.

  26. 常用的受体有去唾液酸糖蛋白受体、胰岛素受体、血管内皮细胞生长因子受体、转铁蛋白受体、甘露糖受体、表皮生长因子受体、叶酸受体等。

    Asialoglycoprotein receptor , transferrin receptor and receptors for lactoferrin , insulin , epidermal growth factor , folic acid and mannose have been used in receptor-mediated gene delivery .

  27. 巨噬细胞能通过细胞表面受体来识别入侵机体的病原体,在众多的表面受体中,甘露糖受体是重要的病原体模式识别受体之一。

    Receptors of Macrophage can recognize invading bacteria , in a large number of surface receptors , the mannose receptor is an important pathogen pattern recognition receptor of macrophage .

  28. 此外,肝的窦状隙细胞,人的表皮朗罕氏细胞,肾小球系膜细胞,内皮细胞亚群,气管平滑肌细胞,视网膜上皮细胞等都发现了甘露糖受体的表达。

    In addition , it is now clear that it is also expressed in hepatic sinusoidal cells , human epidermal Langerhans cells , kidney mesangial cells , subsets of endothelial cells , smooth muscles cells from the trachea and retinal pigment epithelium .

  29. 胰岛素样生长因子-2受体(insulin-likeGrowthFactor-2receptor,IGF-2r)和非阳离子依赖型甘露糖-6-磷酸受体(cation-independentmannose-6-phosphatereceptor,CI-MPR)为同一分子,属多结构域跨膜糖蛋白。

    The insulin-like growth factor - ⅱ receptor is a multifunctional single transmembrane glycoprotein with multi-domain , which is identical to the cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate ( M6P ) receptor .

  30. MBP通过结合病原生物表面的甘露糖等糖基受体发挥调理吞噬作用和(或)通过MBP途径激活补体,在机体的固有免疫应答过程中发挥重要作用。

    It plays an important role in the innate immune system by binding to the saccharide receptor of mannose on the surfaces of pathogens .